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Poetry-Hunter POETRY :HUNTER Page 1-2 Contents 21 Matthew Simon 3 Zachary Baker 22 John Webb 4 Meghan Douglas 23 Philip Wellner 5 Mark Feinsand 24 Tamara Williams 6 Emmaia Gelman 25 Carter Yang 7 Erica Goldman 26 Tembani Xaba 8 Russell Grey 27 Jessica Ambats 9 Brandon Hood 28 Ali Campbell 10 Jon Jager 29 Raymond Cleaton 11 Elita S Kang 30 Deborah Davidson 12 Anna Kovner 31 Chekesha Fambro 13 Susan McDonough 32 Jessica Forsyth 14 Kim Maxfield 33 Caroline Fox 15 Jill Oestreicher 34 Anika Gibbons 16 Alisa Regelin 35 Jyotin Hamid 17 David Richter 36 Jason Brian Hood 18 Alana Schofield 37 Margaret Horlick 19 Sascha Segan 38 K K Karanja 20 Kakuya Shakur 39 Alexander Lee Ten Penny Players. 1981 NYC | 1SBN 0-934830-21-5 ! ? 40 Leslie Lewis 41 Joshua Madison 42 Juan Martinez 43 Alexandre McGinley 44 Devjani Mishra 45 Noah Mittman 46 Amanda Pustilnik 47 Paul Richards 48 Regina Robbins 49 Kristin Sheehan 50 Suzanne Towns 51 Felix Velazquez 52 Boyd Wilson 53 Jessica Allyson & Allison Sylvers 34 Chris Chong 55 Shataye Cummings 56 Michele Freeman 57 Jonny Goldman 58 Alicia Goldstein 59 Maya Gottfried 60 Adam Handler 61 Jake Hendrickson ¢ Alex Shub 62 Jocelyn Jansons 63 Xanthe Jory & Mirande Fl 64 Mark Kondracki 65 Peter Kozodoy 66 Stephen Nachamie 67 Joyce Matseoane § Abigail Silver 68 (poem continued) 69 Jacob Pine § Isaac Bess 70 Rajesh Punwaney 71 Leigh Raiford 72 Linda Schonberg 73 Christina Soto 74 Coley Beder 75 Jeffrey Green 76 (poem continued) 77 Tatyana Gutierrez & Stella Wutherspoon 78 Anthony Johnson 79 Wenona Kitson 80 Gaby Kirsch ¢ Lizi Zimmerman (Continued on Page 92) ZACHARY BAKER I think it was a turtle A turtle eats fish and it walks and it swims MEGHAN DOUGLAS Look! Look! I havea fossil. It's a heart shape | am taking it home and I am going to put it in clay. MARK FEINSAND I felt a fish. | could of ate it. Or |} could put it in water. BUNNIES, BUNNIES, BUNNIES! Emmaia Gelman I saw a little bunny. He was mighty mighty brown. Just because he wanted to, he started hopping to town. ~ When he started hopping, said he, | ‘Where shall | go?' Said he, ; ‘Where | shall go the answer shall be, around to the ship's port to the deep deep sea! ERICA GOLDMAN The deer looked cold camouflaged in the snow The white deer can't always get enough food in the winter The gray sky will clear in springtime Wl02¢¢e a GIN0 74 RUSSELL GREY A car rides over the bridge to the other side to work. The bridge stays there. BRANDON HOOD The elephant knocks down the tree and also knocks down the man in the soil. JON JAGER It is an ice skating rink, | think ice skating would be nice. ELITA S KANG The small white soft deer is in the snow. He is cute. Relaxing upon his bed of snowflakes. The Tree and the Elephant ANNA KOVNER Tree, tree, Watch out! You hear me? The elephant will knock you down! SUSAN McDONOUGH People ice skating on a rink. It's big. It's fun. But hard. - KIM MAXFIELD An ice skating rink. Its shape is like a sink. ELEPHANTS Jill Oestreicher 'Hi!' said the elephant ‘How are you,' said the other elephant. ‘I'm fine,' said the elephant. ‘That's good,' said the other elephant ALISA REGELIN Look | found a sea shell. It feels prickly. It is white and brown. | could make a castle with it. | could cut a door and cut some windows. DAVID RICHTER A circle stretches into an oval and never breaks, ©0 ALANA SCHOFIELD The elephant is pulling the tree down! 'Help,' said the tree. The end, Sascha Segan MAPS 3 oO aD c og S u v > is] £ Wn a. « = Subway a lot.. .since my mother was a tot. A FLOWER Kakuya Shakur It was prickly and tickly and it was a rose MATTHEW SIMON Animals, Animals looking around see them looking on the ground. the end. JOHN WEBB | saw a white snow bunny The white snow funny bunny was nice and soft and small PHILIP WELLNER The sleepy, smali, white, black sheep, has horns; but sometimes it warns. protecting its family from danger. 23 TAMARA WILLIAMS I felt a flower It was a rose And it smelled nice. tnrtielein ae CARTER YANG When I went ice skating with my friends, people are ice skating in a rink. TEMBANI XABA I felt triangles It was like this fn, They were still. ICE SKATING Jessica Ambats Ice skating, ice skating, | want to go now we'll get in the car and go to the rink when we're all sleepy we'll get a drink or two, And then we'll start heading home. BRIDGE Ali Campbell | walk on the bridge It is very fun. | look down on the cars. | walk off the bridge and | go home again. BLUE LAND Raymond Cleaton 94th Street and 5 Ave. 1 took a blue car. Then | took a plane. | got there very soon. ata A DEBORAH DAVIDSON There once was a bear who had no hair that funny old bear of flare, PARTY Chekesha Fambro 1 am going to a party. | am going tonight. And it's going to be a good one. What a delight. They dance at parties very good too and they play good music that's good too. When it's time to leave, come on | say I'm having a party the next day. BUILDING Jessica Forsyth Buildings buildings everywhere buildings can be everywhere | look up and | look down looking all around. Buildings high and buildings low. Tall and small one and two. In the city not really in the country, but buildings buildings every where. MISTAKES Caroline Fox Mistakes mistakes everywhere. Over here and, over there! | make them all the time. And this is the end of my rhyme. 33 ALL ABOUT ME! Anika Gibbons My mother Endearing on the run A nice dad Mean Dad I love you! JYOTIN HAMID There was an old man from Guadalupe who wanted some very hot soup. So he put himself in a poop. Until some- body gave him soup. That crazy old man from Guadolupe! JASON BRIAN HOOD 1 like to go ice skating because when I fall down 1 get up and keep skating. NORTH CAROLINA and FLORIDA Margaret Horlick North Carolina is a nice place. 1 went there on my way to Florida when | went to Florida | went to Disney World and to Sea World. 37 K. K. KARANJA | had my mind on a car. It was red as a berry. When I sat on my seat. I felt blue as a blue berry eV ALEXANDER LEE There once was a basketball who was left all alone. One day he decided he would go to the net so they would play with him. 39 THE MOUNTAIN SHEEP Leslie Lewis The mountain sheep, in snow that's deep. Is always very warm. It's very fat and very cute but can't live on a farm! JOSHUA MADISON There once was a ghost from host who ate only post and when there was no more He went to the store. That little old ghost from host. mn JUAN MARTINEZ Batter Action Score Excitement Broken bat Arrive Long time zee Lost 9 to 5 ack tages J” PORTUGAL Alexandre McGinley | went to Portugal by airplane and | was very very comfortable then | got over to Portugal. It was a very fun ride and | had lots of fun and then | bought an amethyst DEVJANI MISHRA There was a young man from Texas, Whose name was Mr. Alexis. He went to New York, and he bought all the port, | that could possibly fit | in his bexas. | PENCILS Noah Mittman Pencils are kept in pencil cases like they are in jail. Pencils are eaten by pencil sharpeners 45 HORSEY LAND Amanda Pustilnik t In Horsey Land there are only q Horses...they are the only things allowed, If you try you won't get by Horses PAUL RICHARDS Well there are fancy y's and there are plain y's and there are capital y's and there are lower case y's 47 REGINA ROBBINS There was an old cyclops from Fu, who knew how to make Irish stew. _He grew a new eye, and cut it off with a sigh. My, my, isn't that new! KRISTIN SHEEHAN Well | think it was a triangle because it felt small and hard. But I'm not so sure because it was hard But I'm not sure. 49 ' | i ! KITTEN LAND Suzanne Towns Aw they're cute! I'm a little girl and I'm in Kitten land. And I have a brother there too. | have a pet kitten here. By the way, I am very sick. My brother is outside and is very helpful to me. FELIX VELAZQUEZ There was a pencil and an eraser and they got along and they played with the paper and the Paper became a paper airplane. Then a bad kid came and burned him up. The end. a fES 51 ANIMAL LAND Boyd Wilson What | heard in Animal Land. Oh boy oh boy. What a bear. 1 will go somewhere. I heard a noise. JENNY AND KITTY Jessica Allyson, Allison Sylvers, Pimentel & Bryant Jenny is a kitten, She always plays with string. Every time you wiggle string She jumps up and then she flings. When she's curled up cute and tight She goes to sleep all through the night. Kitty is a large cat. She is very, very fat. Kitty always sleeps on a pillow. When you tip-toe by her side, She opens her eyes very wide. 53 THE NEW SHOE/ THE OLD SNEAKER fae Chris Chong ao There was a new shoe, that alway said, 'moo.' But the old sneaker, grew weaker and weaker. The shoe didn't care. He just said ‘Wow! Suddenly he tripped and then he said, 'Ow!! He went to the doctor to get his tongue sewed, And when he wal walking, it snowed. So he really got wet, and really ot cold, then suddenly, he too got old. When meanwhile at home, the snea fixed his lung, | Suddenly he was young! | So now they're opposites, though { like to be carried. And two weeks later, the sneaker got married! cy _ ee ALL THINGS HAVE HOMES Shataye Cummings ‘The birds are in a nest and bees are in their hives and the fish are in the sea and | am in my home ‘and all the world has a home. 2 1 BA ™ | Ag) 55 WITH MY HORSE Michele Freeman The horse gallops fast, fast. It licks my hand for some sugar. When we get back to the stable, 1 will go to the table to get a carrot or two. | take off the reins, and put them away, and go sit by the bay a nice day. A BASEBALL GAME WITH GALAXIES _ Jonny Goldman t was the ninth inning and Galaxy X was ahead. 3 to nothing!" the empire said. Then Earth came to bat, there was | whack and a crack, \nd there goes the ball. It won't come back. ‘luto came in, Venus and Saturn, too (nd then Earth very proud. , ‘he Milky Way had won. 57 THE RACES Alicia Goldstein | heard the gun they started to run come number seven seven seven number five was the lead I was grieved red white & brown whizzed past my frown the race was done five had won : 1 hundred dollars, gone! THE RACE TRACK Maya Gottfried I have seen a mare named Clare, and | have seen a stallion named Maddalion but of all the horses | have seen, | have never ever seen as much of a sight as at the Race Track! — ee A TRAIN TO SPAIN TO FRANCE. Adam Handler Here comes the train. Hoorah! Hoorah! | get to go on a train to Spain. We're not going to Spain. We're going to France, to get ants in our pants. We buy them at the dance and we stick them in our pants and go hippity hoppity home THE ANTS Jake Hendrickson and Alex Shub Ants, ants they crawl up your * pants The ants in France dance in your pants Oh look! The ants have got some pants And their favorite place is France 61 = a] | MY HORSE AND | Jocelyn Jansons | climb on its back with its soft shaggy coat. | run my cold hands from its head to its throat. We wizzed past the beautiful plains. Finally | pulled on the reins. | We were on our way back to the far | thought it couldn't do any harm. | stopped by the lake... a My horse and I. Xanthe Jory & Mirande Flory 1 once had a bird who was very absurd. He once danced a jig and put on a wig. He danced until noon by the light of the moon and then he fell dead. POOR BIRD. 63 MOONLIGHT), Cat Mark Kondracki Come to me Moonlight come to me | now I miss you so much | cry when | think about you | with your eyes as blue as the sky and hair as silver as the moon come to me. Moonlight come to me now. ANT ARMY Peter Kozodoy | have a little ant army. It comes everywhere with me. And when they get all restless | simply set them free. You may think that an ant army isn't very much, But if you had an ant army you would never think such. For ant armies are perfect for scaring big sisters! 65 ICE SKATING Stephen Nachamie went to skate on the ice. thought it was very nice. was skating so fast, a week had passed. zoomed through the wall. made a little kid fall. It cost a great price, when I broke through the ice. went home with lice. Joyce Matseoane & ‘ Abigail Silver ° Two nutty kids just moved in Hellen was the girl Eddie, the boy Those are the names of the two nutty kids next door. Would you believe they are so nutty and so dumb Once Hellen's younger brother pestered her so much Nutty Hellen moved in the Ice Cream Factory next door Ugh! | wonder what Hellen will do to “the Ice Cream Terrible, terrible, terrible The Ice Cream tastes terrible Yucky, yucky, yucky 67 SS) ! | Kind of queer, a bit nutty and terribly horrible! ! hope our parents don't buy from the Ice Cream Factory Darn! those kids who live next door Super, they moved! That's the end of Ice Cream for us. BUMBLIES | Jacob Pine & Isaac Bess he bumblies have eyes blue as gold. lheir noses are purple and very old. hey dance with ants in France | jn pants. lhey like ice cream like me and you ut they don't like pizza lhey like scrambled eggs, but hey don't like scrambled hamburgers. CHIT HIT BANG GANG* Rajesh Punwaney Chitty chitty bang bang Chitty chitty bang | love you. Chit chit chitty chitty bang banc | love you You can soar like a bird, You can swim like a boat You can track down criminals like a member of the Scotland Yard Hit chit chitty chitty bang bang. I love you. bang bang qang oh it's all the same with you chit chit chitty chitty bang bang chit chit hit hit bang bang gang gang oh chitty chitty bang bang | love you! *(Suggested by a story from lan Fleming), THE FLOWER PATCH Leigh Raiford There is a flower patch on Claymore Street. It is fixed up so nice and neat. The lady who owns it keeps it so well, for any price she would not sell. One day | went down there, the flower patch wasn't there. ! went one house down, then | realized | was in the wrong town. { rode my bike back to- town, there it was, One-House-Down. A FAIR Linda Schonberg There was a young girl from | | the fair, li| Who got very, very sick | from the air When the air got hot she burned her pot | And that is the girl from the fair. THE TRAIN RIDE Christina Soto Whee whee whee, here we go over the hills. Boy we have fun on the very nice train. We will play, when we get to Grandma's house. But now we have fun on the fun good train. Whee whee whee, here we go over the hills. _ Le - 7 » ) rida tedla ie 73 COLEY BEDER Yellow is like the sun, as it makes our day bright Blue is like the sky, as it moves into night Green is like the sea, as it shines all through the day Pink is like the shine, we give away. THE OOBLEK Jeffrey Green There is an ooblek upstairs which is a serious matter. He makes such a clatter. During the night he makes booms, And in the day he is such a one eyed loon. Instead of playing a simple tune, All he does is boom! Boom! Boom! This is getting to be a serious matter. | went upstairs to see what was the matter. The clatter is getting badder and * badder. | open the door and what a clatter, The ooblek is on the floor with + the pots and pans, 75 With his blobby skin and short stubby hands he is Making such a clatter, So if you ever hear a boom! Boom! ; Boom! Instead of a simple tune, You better move soon. ; Or the ooblek will make you turn into a loon, : Tatyana Gutierrez and Stella Wutherspoon There was a girl named Fay who fell asleep on the hay. She was sleeping on the shore. She always thought she was a bore. She had a cat named Mat. The cat chased Pat's fat rat. She liked a boy named Sam. She thought he was a ham. Mat was a big red stray. Sam drowned him in the bay. 77 ANTHONY JOHNSON Football is fun, Football is mean, I'd never mess around with Mean Joe Green! Food is green. Food is yellow. I'd like to have a big bowl of jello! r \ FRIENDS Wenona Kitson All different kinds Someone friendly Someone nice Someone filled with sugar and spice They can be short They can be tall So many sorts It doesn't matter at all Sometimes they are angry Sometimes they are mad | hate it when they are v very, very sad. 79 | THE BASEMENT WALRUS Wh) | Gaby Kirsch & Lizi Zimmerman 4 ! | The basement walrus sits in his poc Listening to records by Jerry the | | fool. ! | Jerry the fool thinks he's really cor | But not as cool as the walrus’ pool! | In the pool there is a tack, | which is about to attack our walrus back. The tack misses our walruses back, Landing right on the railroad track The walrus asks for bleem packs, | Which he eats during terrible tasks | Bleem packs are for special occasio To be eaten with graham crackers and raisins The walrus is wearing a purple | shirt, Which he uses when he plays in th dirt 80 ‘he walrus is cute as he blows on his flute, lop-be-dot Bop-be-dot Bot-be-dot- dute! ‘he walruses favorite number is three sause that's the time he drinks his tea. ‘he walrus eats mint chocolate ice cream, ‘ecause he says it reigns over all supreme. he walrus has a cold in his nose, o he blows and he blows and he blows and he blows. he walrus prances, and prances, || the time while he dances. he walrus has a brother named Leigh, ho comes to visit every day. e walrus has had enough bleems, now he wants to go to his dreams! 81 THE COOTIES Susan Kleinman | have the cooties, the measles, the mumps I'm covered with little, polka-dot £ | ! can't go to school Cause my doctor's a food He gave me the wrong shot | Now my eyebrow is hot And my fingernail's about 10 degre I think it will freeze I've had water splashed on me | from the Osaw sea- I've eaten plants, chocolate covered ants, but I'm sure I'll be better by Saturday. r WHAT CAN IT BE Matthew Levie What is it? What could it be? Why was it given to me? It's not tasty, It tastes bland. Except for the purple part, which tastes like sand. It smells. nice like flowery gardens. I'd better figure this out, before it hardens. Ooh! It's slimy. I'd prefer not to stay, _ But if | don't keep it up, it may rot away. What is it? . What could it be? I'll get rid of it, before Dad sees. 83 ABUSE Kathy E Meningall | abhor inconsistent drug quandries. And nonsensical assassinating animals for humans, Some animals are very humane and they would like to experience what it would be like to grow up like me and you would. So let them have a life. You wouldn't like to be slaughtered for furs would you? 84 MY WATCH Damian R. Miller | was in my gym class It was a horrible fate We didn't start early and we didn't start late lt was to my knowledge that it was a good day Intil when I fell it all washed away. ly watch was busted for I was feeling down jumped on the bus on my day downtown 'hen | got home | bench forgot all about it until it was late hen | thought of the horrible fate put it on my 85 SPACE David Parichy Space is lonely, space is boring My partner is almost constantly s ing, There's nothing to do in space, It's a very tough case, Always twirling, always whirling, It is not fun in space as some pe may think, In fact it is so boring, that anya could go to sleep in as little as a wink. r F IMAGINARY PARENTS Hilary Rosenfield & Theresa Dougherty umpkins look like my father's head aghetti looks like my father's hair ‘grrots look like my father's nose ‘wo grapes look like my father's eyes ‘wo potatoes look like my father's ears ‘orn on the cob looks like my father's neck . french bread looks like my father's arms | Sack of flour looks like my father's body \ Sugar cane looks like my father's ‘legs Jananas look like my father's feet Yeanuts look like my father's toes 87 Hot dogs look like my father's fingers Fried chicken will look like us when our dads read this poem. Purple looks like my mother's eyes Yellow looks like my mother's teeth Green looks like my mother's com- plexion Grey looks like my mother's hair Black looks like my mother's nail pol Blue looks like my mother's lipstick Brown looks like my mother's blush Red looks like my mother's eyeshado Orange looks like my mother's eyebr White looks like my mother's face when she reads this poem r DISASTER ON FLIGHT 484 Anthony Schiff & Blake Eskin his is the story of Flight 484 s two people tell. all started one day hen something started to smell. he pilot lost control of 484 s the engines all started to fail he people inside started to panic nd outside it started to hail. ll of a sudden started to fall. crashed and landed 1 City Hall. nat was the story of Flight 484 5 two people tell. su have to remember it started one day yen something started to smell. 89 CAN YOU HEAR IT? Deirdre Stevens Can you hear it? } can hear it Are you sure you can not hear 1 can hear a curdle _ And a loud wurdle What did you say 1 could not hear it Because in both ears ’ There's a lot of beer. HUNTER David Strait Hunter. Soon | shall be leaving you, And I shall walk up the dark stairs to the high school. There, I shall continue to further | my education and build my future. And yet, even through all which has happened, Like gym and kickball games, And boring classes and exciting trips, I shall always remember you, Hunter. 91 81 Kirsch/Zimmerman Poem 87 Hilary Rosenfield Continued Theresa Dougher| 82 Susan Kleinman 88 (Poem continued) 83 Matthew Levie 89 Anthony Schiff & 84 Kathy E Meningall Blake Eskin 05 Damian R Miller 90 Deirdre Stevens 86 David Parichy 91 David Stralt The Waterways Project of Ten Penny Players has been able to present a poetry program at Hunter College Elementary School through funding support from B Dalton Bookseller and the Hunter College Parents Assoclation. This book belongs to = February, 1981 © 1981, Ten Penny Players 799 Greenwich Street Mew York NY 10014 ISBN 0-934830-21-5

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