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Serves 4-6

1/4 C dark soy sauce

3 TBSP granulated sugar
1 TBSP vegetable oil, plus more for grilling
1 tsp sesame seed oil
1 tsp toasted sesame seeds
3 medium garlic cloves, crushed,peeled and grated
2 scallions, minced
2 lb. beef, sliced paper thin

1. Mix soy sauce and sugar until sugar is dissolved. Stir in vegetable and sesame oils,
sesame seeds, garlic and scallions. Add beef and stir to coat evenly. Cover bowl and
refrigerate for 30 minutes. Drain beef, shake off excess liquid and scrape off garlic and

2. Grill beef. If using a grill pan, brush on generous amounts of oil and heat over med-
high heat until just done.

1. cook beef under broiler in oven
2. Heat 1 Tbsp oil (or shortening?) in pan over high heat. Sear beef until done.

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