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Dzie 6 (niedziela)

Po niadaniu udalimy si na niedzieln msz do kocioa. Po

mszy zjedlimy obiad i prawie cay dzie spdzilimy w domu
grajc na konsoli by pniej wyj na dwr na nasz ostatni
przechadzk po Saattut. Byo super. Wszyscy nie chcielimy aby
ten dzie si koczy bo zdawalimy sobie spraw z tego e
wraz z nastpnym dniem nadejdzie moment poegnania.

Day 6 (Sunday)

After breakfast we went to Sunday mass in the church. After

mass we ate dinner and almost all day spent at home playing
videogames, then go outside for our last walk around the
Saattut. It was cool! We all did not want to make this day ended
because we realized that with the next day comes the moment
of saying goodbye.

Julia i Szymon

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