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Chudley, A.E., Conry, J., Cook, J.L., LeBLanc, N., Loock, C., & Rosales, T.

(2005). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Canadian guidelines for diagnosis.

Canadian Medical Association Journal, 172 (5 suppl), S1-S21.

Purpose of Study:
• To review and clarify the use of current diagnostic systems and make recommendations on their
application for diagnosis of FASD-related disabilities in people of all ages.
Methods Employed:
o Evaluation of the literature
Rather than labeling, a diagnosis provides a blueprint for early intervention. Treatment planning
and implementation, specifically targeted toward the unique needs of the individual and the family,
forma large part of the diagnosis.

Research is ongoing to determine whether tools, such as novel brain imaging techniques,
biomarkers and DNA micro-array techniques, might enhance accurate and reliable alcohol-related
diagnoses and treatment.


• Well written and easy to read
• Canadian
• Provided guidelines for diagnoses: screening and referral; the physical examination and
differential diagnosis; the neurobehavioural assessment; and treatment and follow-up; maternal
alcohol history in pregnancy; diagnostic criteria for fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), partial FAS
and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder; and harmonization of Institute of Medicine
and 4-Digit Diagnostic Code approaches.
• Provided possible focuses for future research in the areas of brain imaging, biomarkers and
DNA micro-array techniques.

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