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Outcome 3 for Richelle Greek Outcome 4 for Richelle Greek

Date 2010 Internship Date 2010 Internship

Modified Outcome Modified Outcome

Work with schools, students, parents, and the general To become a certified School Psychologist in the province of
community in the aftermath of crises such as suicide, death, British Columbia (BC). To become a psychological associate
natural disasters, murder, bombs or bomb threats. member of the College of Psychologists of BC.
Indicators of Success/Criteria Indicators of Success/Criteria
1. During the aftermath of crises, I will be working with staff, students, Successful completion of all course requirements as set out by the
and parents 75% of the time. University of Calgary.

2. During the aftermath of crises, I will work with district counsellors to Successful completion of the final 1200 hour supervised internship.
develop strategies to work with staff, students, and parents, 100% of the
3. Positive reflections from parents and staff regarding their perceptions Pass the The Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology
and experiences of working with me in the aftermath of crises. (EPPP), The Written Jurisprudence Examination (WJE) and The Oral
Examination as set out by the College of Psychologists of BC

Completion of 1600 hours of supervision. (400 additional hours of


1. Be involved with the district counsellors in their counselling sessions 1. Keep a reflective journal about all of my internship experiences in
following crises. order to identify areas of strength and weakness.
2. Observe counsellors and my supervisor during sessions of crises 2. Set aside a fixed study time in order to be fully ready for all exams.
aftermath counselling/intervening.
3. Research different methods for working with staff, students, and 3. Internship log
parents in the aftermath of crises (journals, textbooks, etc.).
4. Ask parents and staff to reflect on their experiences and perceptions
of working with me in the aftermath of crises. (develop a questionnaire)

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