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Radius Global

Accelerating Your Business http://www'

Online Marketing

Cor porate Profile

Since its 'inception in early 2008, R.adius Global has developed 'into a brand in the narne of business itse lf, Being one of the laadlng husin es s process outsourcing firms, wre strongly brenreve

i n del i 'V re r i n g the best po S S ~ b I re s e rv il c e s to 0 u r most valuable cnents.

Wre have devre~oped online marketing and

a dye rti sin g 58 rvice s to faci litate yo u r b usi 1m ess profits with maximum ROI po ssible.

Our core strength lies in our remployees" broad te ch nicall expertise, ext e ns ive exp arien ce , and commitment to provide custom.izad and timely s olutioris.

'. YOU can reach a wide audience for a srnal l fraction of t r aditioria I advertisln g budgets

'.' YOU R COrTISU mer s ca n res ea rch a rid pu rchas e va U R prod ucts ,a nd s e rvice s at tb ei r own


conve n I errce

• I n te!l igent Onl ine Marketing prom ot es YOU R brand and i ncre ase sa le s with maximize ROil to give ya u a feel ing of power an d i rnp cr ta nce iI n the rna rket p I a c e

• Th e re su It of ca m p aigns ca PI be measu red and tracked i mm e diate lv because on iii ne 1m a r keting initiatives usually require users to click on an adver tisernent, visit a website, participate in social media campaigns and perform a targeted a ction

I ts . ..,_,;' m" £lI to" '!:II d a p' t B.... ec ~ u C'"£io C'" III CC£io it:' sfu] c' 'n m nani e it'

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do. not abandon thei r rnar keting str ategie s in ,il recession; they adapt t h em. Enhance your Rf.H with Helia bile a nd Trusted Onl ine Ma rke ting Agency

A,n [II nte rnet rna rketing str at egv is nece ssa ry' to effe ctivelv com pete win tcdav's business enviro n m ent

Socia I Meld i a Ma rkeri ng _, It"s a sort of 'tf'Word-o,f-moll!Jt~

ma rketi n tr~\I'. It ca n pro m ot e yo u r bus i ness ,13 m 0 ng custo It1Ii1l e r s J'

ve Iil d 0 r s, a n d pot e n ti a II bus i In e s S J:N3 rt bl e r s 1t h r 0 ugh sod a I m e d '~ a :

Twitter, Facebook, YOlI!Jtu be .. Linked IlflIj, Yell Pi etc, It ~ ncr e ases th e cr edjbil itV' a Iild cl ientele of your busi ness over the i nter net

PPC & [PIPI PL3H1dl'i1rnlg & Ma nagernent ,_ Pay' per click and Pay per ~ rnpres sicn are the on li ne marketing tech niques that allow to buy b.a n ner ads. lit is very' irn por tant tIC) plan a nd manage all 1t ~ e ad ve r ti se m e n t ove r th e i nte rn et to ,g e t 1t ~ e effective res u I t and targete d au die nee.

Online V'~deol IMlarketing _ It effe ctivlev delivers 'lour video message to you r ta rge t a udierice at much che a per cost than the traditional TV ads. M or eover you can add banners. ~ n oth er vide os aswell

A w'e b site w'~ith,out effective rnarketi ng is ~ ~Ike bu i 1 ding a gas station in the middle of a forest!

'We,b Sol utio ns ,- Web has become an importa nt ,a nd integra II pe rt of a Illy S La ccessfu ~ bus in es s to day'.

Cnnsid er i ng th is, Radius Global concentrates criticallv on the busi ness needs ,a nd r equi rernents of its clie nt s whi I!e providjng web development services

Search E ngi ne Opti m i lana n ,_ It is the process of im pr ovi ng the volume or q II!J all ity' of traffic to a 'website from search engin e s. T Y' pic a III V.j' the ear H e If I[ 0 r h i g h elf) a sit e a p pea r s in the search results list, the more visitors it wiH receive from the search engj nes like Google Yahoo" and Bing etc.

If rna i ~ Ma rketing _ It is a form of direct rna rketing wh ich uses

II t '··1 f' • h . I

e~eCIIfOIilIIC mau as a mea ns 0 com murucan ng cornmer cre or

fu ndr aising m essages to an audience. In its broadest s e nse, every' e-mai I se lilt to a potentia I IOIf cu rr errt custurner cou Idl be cons idere d e- ma ~ I rna r keti ng ,

We a re co m m itted to p rovid e match less resu Its. and in cred i bl e perfo r ma nee' bey,on d expectations and exce ll e nce , We know how to handle 'your most

ch a i ~e ngi ng wo r k w,]th attenno n to delta H a nd q ua ~ity" Our core str e ngt h ~ ies in 0 U rem pl ovee s' broad tech n lea I

. . . ....!II .

exper nse, exte nsrve expe rre nee, a no com m rtrne nt to

p rovidi ng: custo m i zed and ti me ~y so lution s.

Our a bi nty' to keep pa ce w.'~th the expo nen ria I growth of tech no logy has bee n a kiev fa ctor in 0 U r s ucce ss.

Kno'w~edgeJ.-based fa resight a n d aggrassjve a d a pta tion of ernerg] ng tech no logies have e na ble d UIS to deliver the most co st-effe ctive , cutti ng-edge so lutions

" ~ '" ,

to our c ~~e'nts.

Our p hilosophv ls to develop long-l asting str ategic rel ana nsh i ps 'with our cl i e nts, IllJlndie rst a n d i n,g the i r business ne'edis., and worki ng i rI harmony with them to, ach i eve' the i r ob jectives

Ass ats and Investment Management LLC1 USA, Cash How B,Qx} USA

Center of Advanced Endoscopy]! USA Hote~ Amore


Ka m ra n Sh e i kh Ii nte rie rs Siz.z lie E nte r p rtses

H ave n Co nti ne nta I R_lesta UI ra nt [Pvt], ltd Cafe Needs

Grace Shopping Mall Allied Schools Rashid Steel

Sharl q's frae rnlnd blog

170 customize

Onl ine Ma r1lketin~~r campali'gJlfiIl

for ylOU111R Business ple-ase contact

Mlr. Faseeh u [~ Ad raak

lBus~n ess Developrn ent M anager . . b' IiiIi 3' "l! "li A191ii1i lie: 'JI9'

MOo ·n u •· .• LL.-~ ".,'lUJ, ..• L..,

E-mai~: fcaseeh@

Fo r f re eOn I i Iiii e Mar kef n g a dvi,ce pl ease co ntact Mlr" Faheern u~ Afaq

~ nte rn et 1m a rketing G UI ru Mobi 03.21-55.5626.2

E-mai~: afaq@ radi usgloba

IH e ad Offi ce

A,d d r e ss : F~ oor, G race Shop ping M a III'

1[-11 Com m e rcia I, W,a pd a Tow n, La hore - Pa kist a n Ph: +92-Alt2-3518-9106

E-Ma'i'l: i nifo@ radi usgjoba I. o rg Website U Rl: http :/./radillLJsgl oba Lorg/

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