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- Nickname List Colors 1.0

- Designs & Codes by xtry
- Copyright © 2001 All rights reserved
- Reproduction/distribution/alteration of this material in part or in full witho
ut prior consent is forbidden
- Send (if) any bugs,comments,questions,ideas to or f
ind me in #FFA @ DALnet
- Email:

1) Description:
- Nickname List Colors 1.0 is a system (addon for mIRC) which can automatically
give colors to nicknames in the nicknames list box.
- It gives colors to 7 types of nicknames :
1. Me (Your nickname)
2. Notify
3. Ignore
4. Op
5. Help
6. Voice
7. Regular
- It works in 9 events:
1. You join
2. User Join
3. Op
4. Deop
5. Help
6. Dehelp
7. Voice
8. Devoice
9. ServerOp

2) Installation:
1. mIRC 5.71 or higher required.
2. Extract & put the nc folder (Addon) into your mIRC's main directory.
3. Run the mIRC.
4. Type /load -rs nc/nc.mrc
5. You can run it with typing /nlc
Note: If you put the nc folder (Addon) in your mIRC's sub-directory, you must t
ype /load -rs sub-directory/nc/nc.mrc

- The author will under no circumstances be held responsible for any damage resu
lting from the use of this script, whether emotional, physical, loss of data, he
alth, wealth, religious beliefs, or whatever other type of damage. By using this
script and reading this document you agree not to hold DALnet Nickname List Col
ors 1.0 or the author of this script responsible for (including but not limited
to) above mentioned damages. If you do not agree with the above disclaimer, you
should remove this script from your computer immediately.
- Thanks for using Nickname List Colors 1.0

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