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Belize Human Trafficking complaints lodged with UN and OAS

UN told Belize profits from human trafficking

Organization for Responsible Tourism has filed formal complaints with internatio
nal human rights bodies, registering petitions on behalf of the Campaign to Stop
Human Trafficking in Belize.
We filed our complaints to the human rights arms of the United Nations and the O
rganization of American States. Why? These organizations have an assigned duty
and obligation to address human trafficking -- and to help block those who woul
d profit from trafficking of women in Belize.
ORTâ s complaint petitions tell a story about the thousands of girls and women who
are trapped each year in the Belize human trafficking industry. We have also con
veyed our recommendations for simple and inexpensive ways to block those who pro
fit from human trafficking in Belize.
The Campaign to Stop Human Trafficking in Belize has a worldwide following via I
nternet and other social media. You know that; thatâ s why youâ re reading this.
The Campaign never asks for money, only for action. Strengthening and growing d
aily, the Campaign urges Belize to demolish its human trafficking superhighway,
the main conduit for human trafficking victims in Central America.
The Campaign asks the Belize government to: enforce its own human trafficking l
aws; tighten border protocols to stop traffickers bringing victims into Belize;
and strengthen and enforce liquor licensing laws so that bar owners cannot profi
t from forced prostitution of human trafficking victims.
Offering partnership with Belize Prime Minister Dean Barrow, the Campaign urges
Belize to avoid Tier 3 status, and its potential economic sanctions, by negotiat
ing with the U.S. the ORT-recommended actions to address human trafficking
ORT has filed complaints with: the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, O
rganization of American States; and the United Nationâ s Special Rapporteur on Viol
ence Against Women, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

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