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To register your Ralphs club

card go to and
click on the logo like the one
If you already have an Al- above. Click on the Partici-
bertsons card, all you have to do pant Sign Up button. You
is go to will need your Ralphs Club
You’ll need to log in with number (under the UPC code on
your Albertsons card num- the back) and you will be asked to
ber (under the UPC code update the information on your
on the back) and the tele- Ralphs club registration. The NPO
phone number you used number for OCF is 80313.
when you signed up.
If you don’t already have a
If you don’t already
Ralphs club card you can sign up
have an Albertsons card, you’ll online at
have to get one at your local Al- ralphscard signup.htm.
You can sign up to support
Click “My Account” on the
more than one group, but Ralphs
signpost and enter OCF’s ID #
encourages support of a single
49001012289 in the “Add a Part-
ner” box. You can support up to
four organizations, so if you’re al-
ready signed up to support an-
other organization, you can still
add OCF to your account.

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