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Peru is located in the west central part of South America. It encompasses an area of
498,222 square miles (1’285, 215 km2) and can be compared in size to Spain, France
and former West Germany combined. In South America, only Brazil and Argentina are
larger. Peru is the 19th largest country in the world. Peru Travel
It is bordered to the north by Ecuador, to the south by Chile and Bolivia, to the east by
Colombia and Brazil and to the west by the Pacific Ocean.
Peru Travel
Peru is a varied and diverse country due to the climatic, natural and cultural diversity of
its regions. It is 1,554 miles (2,500 km) long, and has 3 natural regions: coast, sierra and
Peru Travel
The climate of Peru varies widely, ranging from tropical in the montaña to arctic in the
highest mountains of the Andes. Average temperatures decrease about 1.7 Celsius
degrees (about 3 Fahrenheit degrees) with every 450-m (1,500-ft) increase in elevation.
Permanent snow and ice fields cover peaks more than 5,000 m (16,500 ft) above sea
level and the highest elevation at which the land is suitable for agriculture is about
4,400 m (14,500 ft).

Peru Travel -Coast

The coastal region accounts for 10.6% of Peru's territory 52,639 square miles (136,334
km2). It is a narrow strip 1,554 miles long (2,500 km), but only 12 to 62 miles wide (19
to 100 km). The altitude along this strip varies from zero to 3,281 feet above sea level
(1,000 m). Although the coastal strip is mainly arid, seasonal rains occur in the north,
especially during periods of El Niño climatic phenomena.
Along the coast, less than 1 million hectares of the total 15 million are irrigated, Some
of the 52 valleys are arable and they are farmed using a combination of ancient Peruvian
methods and modern technologies The Peruvian coastal region has been home to
several important cultures. Visitors can find many well-known archaeological sites here,
including Chan-Chan, Nasca and Sipan. In the coastal plain the temperature is normally
equable, averaging about 20° C (about 68° F) throughout the year. The coastal climate
is moderated by winds blowing from the cool offshore current known as the Peru, or
Humboldt, Current.

Peru Travel
The coast receives less than 50 mm (less than 2 in) of precipitation each year, largely
because the cordilleras receive most of the rain carried by the trade winds from the east.
Mist-laden clouds known as ‘garúa’ shroud many of the slopes of the sierra from June
to October, providing enough moisture to support grasslands.

Peru Travel - Sierra

Sierra is the name given to the Andean highland region, where the Andes mount range
runs through the country north to south like a backbone, dividing the coastal region
from the jungle. The sierra offers a wide diversity of landscapes which vary according
to the altitude. The Sierra makes up 30.5% of the nation's territory 151,304 square miles
(391,876 km2) and is between 52 and 155 miles wide (83 to 250 km). The average
altitude is 14,108 feet above sea level (4,275 m aprox.). The Peruvian Andes have more
than 174 snow-capped peaks over 16,000 feet (4,877 m) in height and 39 peaks over
19,600 feet (5,974 m) in height. The highest and most formidable of them all is
Mt.Huascaran at 22,205 feet (6,768 m). High plateaus, at altitudes ranging from 12,500
to 14,100 feet (3,810 to 4,298 m) above sea level, contrast sharply with deep canyons
such as those formed by the Apurimac, Cotahuasi and Colca Rivers. The sierra region
has both arid areas and fertile valleys. Vivid blue skies form a stunning backdrop to the
soaring peaks and are reflected in many glittering lakes. The world's largest navigable
lake, Titicaca, is an incredible tourist resource for Peru thanks to its scenery, history,
archaeological sites and beautiful colonial towns. In the sierra the temperature ranges
seasonally from about -7° to 21° C (about 20° to 70° F). Rainfall is usually scanty, but
in some localities heavy rains fall from October to April. In Cusco, in the southeastern
sierra, annual rainfall averages some 815 mm (some 32 in). The exposed eastern slopes
of the Andes receive more than 2,500 mm (100 in) of rain annually, but sheltered
locations receive much less. Rainfall amounts diminish rapidly southward, causing
many changes in the vegetation.

Peru Travel - Jungle

The jungle is the country's largest region, covering 58.8% of Peru's national territory
292,150 square miles (756,665 km2). Tropical rain forests extend from the eastern
Andean foothills to Peru's borders with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and Bolivia.
There are two separate and distinct types of jungle, the highland and the lowland. This
region is extremely hot and humid, although at higher altitudes it is less so. The
prevailing easterly winds blowing across that region gather moisture that is later
deposited on the eastern Andean slopes. Annual rainfall in some districts averages as
much as 3,810 mm (as much as 150 in). Most of this rain, which principally falls from
November through April

[url= ]PERU TRAVEL[/url]

Peru is located in the west central part of South America. It encompasses an area of
498,222 square miles (1’285, 215 km2) and can be compared in size to Spain, France
and former West Germany combined. In South America, only Brazil and Argentina are
larger. Peru is the 19th largest country in the world.
[url= ]Peru Travel[/url]
It is bordered to the north by Ecuador, to the south by Chile and Bolivia, to the east by
Colombia and Brazil and to the west by the Pacific Ocean.
[url= ]Peru Travel[/url]
Peru is a varied and diverse country due to the climatic, natural and cultural diversity of
its regions. It is 1,554 miles (2,500 km) long, and has 3 natural regions: coast, sierra and
[url= ]Peru Travel[/url]
The climate of Peru varies widely, ranging from tropical in the montaña to arctic in the
highest mountains of the Andes. Average temperatures decrease about 1.7 Celsius
degrees (about 3 Fahrenheit degrees) with every 450-m (1,500-ft) increase in elevation.
Permanent snow and ice fields cover peaks more than 5,000 m (16,500 ft) above sea
level and the highest elevation at which the land is suitable for agriculture is about
4,400 m (14,500 ft).

[url= ]Peru Travel[/url] -Coast

The coastal region accounts for 10.6% of Peru's territory 52,639 square miles (136,334
km2). It is a narrow strip 1,554 miles long (2,500 km), but only 12 to 62 miles wide (19
to 100 km). The altitude along this strip varies from zero to 3,281 feet above sea level
(1,000 m). Although the coastal strip is mainly arid, seasonal rains occur in the north,
especially during periods of El Niño climatic phenomena.
Along the coast, less than 1 million hectares of the total 15 million are irrigated, Some
of the 52 valleys are arable and they are farmed using a combination of ancient Peruvian
methods and modern technologies The Peruvian coastal region has been home to
several important cultures. Visitors can find many well-known archaeological sites here,
including Chan-Chan, Nasca and Sipan. In the coastal plain the temperature is normally
equable, averaging about 20° C (about 68° F) throughout the year. The coastal climate
is moderated by winds blowing from the cool offshore current known as the Peru, or
Humboldt, Current.

[url= ]Peru Travel[/url]

The coast receives less than 50 mm (less than 2 in) of precipitation each year, largely
because the cordilleras receive most of the rain carried by the trade winds from the east.
Mist-laden clouds known as ‘garúa’ shroud many of the slopes of the sierra from June
to October, providing enough moisture to support grasslands.

[url= ]Peru Travel[/url] - Sierra

Sierra is the name given to the Andean highland region, where the Andes mount range
runs through the country north to south like a backbone, dividing the coastal region
from the jungle. The sierra offers a wide diversity of landscapes which vary according
to the altitude. The Sierra makes up 30.5% of the nation's territory 151,304 square miles
(391,876 km2) and is between 52 and 155 miles wide (83 to 250 km). The average
altitude is 14,108 feet above sea level (4,275 m aprox.). The Peruvian Andes have more
than 174 snow-capped peaks over 16,000 feet (4,877 m) in height and 39 peaks over
19,600 feet (5,974 m) in height. The highest and most formidable of them all is
Mt.Huascaran at 22,205 feet (6,768 m). High plateaus, at altitudes ranging from 12,500
to 14,100 feet (3,810 to 4,298 m) above sea level, contrast sharply with deep canyons
such as those formed by the Apurimac, Cotahuasi and Colca Rivers. The sierra region
has both arid areas and fertile valleys. Vivid blue skies form a stunning backdrop to the
soaring peaks and are reflected in many glittering lakes. The world's largest navigable
lake, Titicaca, is an incredible tourist resource for Peru thanks to its scenery, history,
archaeological sites and beautiful colonial towns. In the sierra the temperature ranges
seasonally from about -7° to 21° C (about 20° to 70° F). Rainfall is usually scanty, but
in some localities heavy rains fall from October to April. In Cusco, in the southeastern
sierra, annual rainfall averages some 815 mm (some 32 in). The exposed eastern slopes
of the Andes receive more than 2,500 mm (100 in) of rain annually, but sheltered
locations receive much less. Rainfall amounts diminish rapidly southward, causing
many changes in the vegetation.

[url= ]Peru Travel[/url] - Jungle

The jungle is the country's largest region, covering 58.8% of Peru's national territory
292,150 square miles (756,665 km2). Tropical rain forests extend from the eastern
Andean foothills to Peru's borders with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and Bolivia.
There are two separate and distinct types of jungle, the highland and the lowland. This
region is extremely hot and humid, although at higher altitudes it is less so. The
prevailing easterly winds blowing across that region gather moisture that is later
deposited on the eastern Andean slopes. Annual rainfall in some districts averages as
much as 3,810 mm (as much as 150 in). Most of this rain, which principally falls from
November through April

<a href=""> Peru Travel</a>

Peru is located in the west central part of South America. It encompasses an area of
498,222 square miles (1’285, 215 km2) and can be compared in size to Spain, France
and former West Germany combined. In South America, only Brazil and Argentina are
larger. Peru is the 19th largest country in the world. <a
href=""> Peru Travel</a>

It is bordered to the north by Ecuador, to the south by Chile and Bolivia, to the east by
Colombia and Brazil and to the west by the Pacific Ocean.
<a href=""> Peru Travel</a>

Peru is a varied and diverse country due to the climatic, natural and cultural diversity of
its regions. It is 1,554 miles (2,500 km) long, and has 3 natural regions: coast, sierra and
<a href=""> Peru Travel</a>

The climate of Peru varies widely, ranging from tropical in the montaña to arctic in the
highest mountains of the Andes. Average temperatures decrease about 1.7 Celsius
degrees (about 3 Fahrenheit degrees) with every 450-m (1,500-ft) increase in elevation.
Permanent snow and ice fields cover peaks more than 5,000 m (16,500 ft) above sea
level and the highest elevation at which the land is suitable for agriculture is about
4,400 m (14,500 ft).

<a href=""> Peru Travel</a> -Coast

The coastal region accounts for 10.6% of Peru's territory 52,639 square miles (136,334
km2). It is a narrow strip 1,554 miles long (2,500 km), but only 12 to 62 miles wide (19
to 100 km). The altitude along this strip varies from zero to 3,281 feet above sea level
(1,000 m). Although the coastal strip is mainly arid, seasonal rains occur in the north,
especially during periods of El Niño climatic phenomena.
Along the coast, less than 1 million hectares of the total 15 million are irrigated, Some
of the 52 valleys are arable and they are farmed using a combination of ancient Peruvian
methods and modern technologies The Peruvian coastal region has been home to
several important cultures. Visitors can find many well-known archaeological sites here,
including Chan-Chan, Nasca and Sipan. In the coastal plain the temperature is normally
equable, averaging about 20° C (about 68° F) throughout the year. The coastal climate
is moderated by winds blowing from the cool offshore current known as the Peru, or
Humboldt, Current.

<a href=""> Peru Travel</a>

The coast receives less than 50 mm (less than 2 in) of precipitation each year, largely
because the cordilleras receive most of the rain carried by the trade winds from the east.
Mist-laden clouds known as ‘garúa’ shroud many of the slopes of the sierra from June
to October, providing enough moisture to support grasslands.

<a href=""> Peru Travel</a> - Sierra

Sierra is the name given to the Andean highland region, where the Andes mount range
runs through the country north to south like a backbone, dividing the coastal region
from the jungle. The sierra offers a wide diversity of landscapes which vary according
to the altitude. The Sierra makes up 30.5% of the nation's territory 151,304 square miles
(391,876 km2) and is between 52 and 155 miles wide (83 to 250 km). The average
altitude is 14,108 feet above sea level (4,275 m aprox.). The Peruvian Andes have more
than 174 snow-capped peaks over 16,000 feet (4,877 m) in height and 39 peaks over
19,600 feet (5,974 m) in height. The highest and most formidable of them all is
Mt.Huascaran at 22,205 feet (6,768 m). High plateaus, at altitudes ranging from 12,500
to 14,100 feet (3,810 to 4,298 m) above sea level, contrast sharply with deep canyons
such as those formed by the Apurimac, Cotahuasi and Colca Rivers. The sierra region
has both arid areas and fertile valleys. Vivid blue skies form a stunning backdrop to the
soaring peaks and are reflected in many glittering lakes. The world's largest navigable
lake, Titicaca, is an incredible tourist resource for Peru thanks to its scenery, history,
archaeological sites and beautiful colonial towns. In the sierra the temperature ranges
seasonally from about -7° to 21° C (about 20° to 70° F). Rainfall is usually scanty, but
in some localities heavy rains fall from October to April. In Cusco, in the southeastern
sierra, annual rainfall averages some 815 mm (some 32 in). The exposed eastern slopes
of the Andes receive more than 2,500 mm (100 in) of rain annually, but sheltered
locations receive much less. Rainfall amounts diminish rapidly southward, causing
many changes in the vegetation.

<a href=""> Peru Travel</a> - Jungle

The jungle is the country's largest region, covering 58.8% of Peru's national territory
292,150 square miles (756,665 km2). Tropical rain forests extend from the eastern
Andean foothills to Peru's borders with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and Bolivia.
There are two separate and distinct types of jungle, the highland and the lowland. This
region is extremely hot and humid, although at higher altitudes it is less so. The
prevailing easterly winds blowing across that region gather moisture that is later
deposited on the eastern Andean slopes. Annual rainfall in some districts averages as
much as 3,810 mm (as much as 150 in). Most of this rain, which principally falls from
November through April

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