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Week 8 – Butterflies and Moths

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Core Reading 570-573
DK Animal
Supplemental World of Wonder: From Caterpillar See for Yourself:
Reading Mimicry and to Butterfly (Let’s Insects by Karen
Camouflage by Read and Find Bryant-Mole
Mary Hoff Out) by Deborag p. 14 and 16
See for Yourself:
Insects by Karen
p. 20-22

Activity View pictures or Watch short video Look for pictures Look through a At night, turn on
specimens of segment A of butterflies kaleidoscope. an outside light
several different Monarch’s Life sipping nectar Look at a picture and look for
moth and Cycle. of a compound moths
butterfly species eye
(eg. Luna moth,
Atlas moth,
butterfly, Blue
Morph butterfly).

Complete Lesson
4 Activity Sheet 2

Watch short video

Caterpillars Build

Concepts to emphasize:

Undergo complete metamorphosis.

Although both larval stages are caterpillars, the moth caterpillar generally spins its cocoon while a butterfly caterpillar
sheds its last laval skin to reveal the chrysalis.

Moths generally are active at night while butterflies fly during the day (there are exceptions to both).

Moth antennae appear feathery while the butterfly antennae are club shaped.

Butterflies are generally more colorful than moths.

Butterfly abdomens are generally thin while moth abdomens are fatter.



Talk about what the child already knows about butterflies/moths. Can they name any differences between the two? Do
they know that butterflies are insects? Since they are insects, what do we already know about them (ie. number of legs,
number of body parts)?

Talk about how butterflies/moths eat and smell.

Emphasize difference between host and nectar plants.

Talk about the role of butterflies and moths in pollination (second only to bees!).

Find out what the common local butterflies are and their plant preferences.

Talking point: Compound eyes are much better at detecting movement than our eyes are – why is this beneficial for

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