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Self-employment test 5

Use the ladder technique for selection of a self employment

Be honest & frank, if not negative results take you in wrong direction.
Read each statement carefully.
Consider & compare each statement with your business options.
Then grade each business using the range according to your options that you are going to use.
If you are using 3 options range is 1 to 3, if it is 5 options it 1 to 5.
3/5 for most agreeable, 1is least agreeable
Put your mark range in relevant cage of the business & in front of relevant statement.

Statements Name of Name of Name of Name of Name of

the the the the the
business business business business business
……... …….. ……... ……... ……...
1. Do you think it appropriates with your personal goals?
2. Does it compromise your business goals?
3. Is it goes with your past experience?
4. Do you feel it satisfies your sense of interest?
5. Do you feel comfortable to run the business?
6. Do you think the risk is acceptable?
7. Do you thoroughly aware of the market demand?
8. Could you achieve personal goals from the business?
9. Is it encountering your business goals?
10. Can you use your skills within the business scope?
11. Do you feel that it satisfies your social status?
12. Do you think the location of the business will be ok?
13. Does your compensation for the risk is enough?
14. Do you have planned how to compete with others?
15. Does you your personal commitment worthwhile?
16. Is it easy to achieve business goals by this business?
17. Could you apply your management skills within the business?
18. Do you feel that you will achieve growth in business?
19. Do you think that you have enough ability to run the business?
20. Will it makes sufficient surplus to run & expand the business?
21. Can the market share expand in future growth of you business?

See which business is having the higher score; select it as your business that can
commence in future.

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