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Cheating Policy

This class requires that all work done by a student must be the work of that student
ONLY. Working together is allowed only when group work is assigned by me.

What is cheating?
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following:
A. Copying from another student in an examination.
B. Having unauthorized material or aids while taking a test.
C. Copying, in whole or in part, the work of another student and turning it in as your
D. Saying that you did an assignment when the assignment was really completed by
another person.
E. Copying the works or ideas, in whole or in part, of another person without making
appropriate cites.
F. Allowing another person to take a test or examination in your place.
G. Altering or falsifying academic records, including extra credit awards, in any way.
H. Getting (by asking others or through theft, bribery, collusion, or in any other way)
any test prior to the date and time for taking the test.
I. Helping anyone else cheat.

What is the penalty for cheating?

A student guilty of cheating will be subject to penalties, as follows:
1. A written letter of reprimand sent to the student, his/her
advisor, AND the department head
2. Requirement that the student repeats and re-submits the
same or an alternate assignment. In such cases, the grade awarded will be reduced
by at least 10 points, and possibly more, depending on the how serious the
cheating is.
3. A grade of "0" on the assignment with no opportunity to
4. A failing grade (<60%) for the course
5. Recommendation to school administration that the student
be removed from the Overseas Cooperation Program
6. Recommendation to school administration that the student
be suspended from Putian University

Cheating Offence Penalty

In a test, copying from others or A 3 to 5
having unauthorized material or aids B
Submitting the work of another as C 1 to 4
your own D
Allowing another person to take a test F 6
for you
Altering or falsifying academic G 4 to 6
Improperly obtaining a test H 4 to 6
Helping others cheat I The same penalty that would be applied for
the actual cheating offence
Any second offence under this policy 6

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