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Susan Bird - by Jack the nerd

Can any of you find a word

that I could rhyme with “Susan Bird”?
Just any word you may have heard
(excluding “curd” – that’s too absurd)

Well I can only think of “Ferd-

inand” and yet only yesterd-
ay my brain wasn’t half as blurred
my sentences were not so slurred
I wrote fine lines that really stirred.

D’you think that it can be inferred

that somehow I could have incurred
the wrath of muses who’s demurred
to give just one single word
that I could rhyme with “Susan Bird”?

(You’ll notice that word “word” ’s recurred

and so’s the line that ends with “Bird”)
Perhaps this poem should be deferred.
But I’m not easily deterred
Why even if it’s just “cusTURD”
I’m bound to find one birdy word

– like “gird” or “herd” or even “gird-

le” (quite a hurdle), or “interred”,
“referred”, conferred” or just plain “furred”
(or maybe “firred”). And then there’s “surd”
(That’s French for “third” unless I’ve erred.)

Yet no word so far has occurred

so probably you have concurred
with my suspicion that no word
exists to rhyme with “Susan Bird”

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