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Assessment for Storytelling

Studentsâ Names_______________________________________________________
Stand tall and proud
_____ Students spoke clearly.
_____ Students told story with confidence.
_____ Students stood with a relaxed posture and didnâ t fidget too much.
_____ At the end of the story students handled correction without getting upset.

Make the story your own

_____ Students sounded natural (not memorized).
_____ Students changed voice to suit the character(s) or mood.
_____ Students added simple gestures that enhanced the story.
Interact with the audience
_____Students greeted audience with a smile.
____ Students made eye contact with audience.
_____Students used facial expressions when telling the story.
_____ Students took time to tell the story.
Love your story
_____Students practiced story.
_____Students told story with appropriate energy and enthusiasm.
_____Students finished story with a clear ending line.
_____Students thanked audience with a nod.
Bonus Points
_____Creativity; students added props and drawings for story

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