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Neeranuch Pudpong

F509: Buyer Behavior

Professor: Mike Huszar

Date: July 19, 2010

Discussion Question: Chapter 6

Q.33: Describe four types of activities or situation in which direct instrumental training is likely

to occur

“Instrumental training occurs when a parent or sibling specifically and directly attempts

to bring about certain responses through reasoning or reinforcement” (F509 Book). There are

four example related to direct instrumental training concept.

1. Parents teach their children to buy some product or food by concerning about the

nutrition. They encourage kid to eat fruit and vegetable because these foods are good for


2. Parent mention to their kids not to buy an expensive product or name brand product

because their prices of these products are not worth as they should be. Also, they teach

their kids to concern about the quality more than price or brand.

3. Parent attempts to set up the rule for their kids on what to eat or what to buy. Some

family parents do not allow their children to buy some candy. They teach their children

on how candy might harm them such not good for teeth.

4. Parent might reward some kids with the food for desirable behavior. This way helps

parent to reinforce them to behave in a good way. Also, this way teaches children to have

a good eating habit such as to eat when they are hungry.

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