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My Opinions about

Casual Friday
What is casual Friday ?
The goal of casual friday
 Open communication between
managers and employees
 Opportunity to express your

personality through your clothes

 Makes employee happier
Positive Effects
 Improved relations among employees
 Better attitudes about work
 Improved work quality
 Many employees . . . also believe

casual dress makes them more

This is what happen in
 Continually relaxed dress leads to
relaxed manners, relaxed morals and
relaxed productivity . . .
 Casual dress makes employees too

comfortable and not professional

 The professional image of workers may

be weakened if clients feel employees

are too casual to be entrusted with
their business.

Forgot about manner ?
Forgot about being
professional ?
Don’t too much expressing
your personality.
Observe the others. Play
save ^_^
Don’t be a fool just for the freedom
of jeans and hawaian shirt.
Check your employee
handbook for guidance..
 The rising stars are the young people
who go above and beyond – The new
generation who make a difference. Or I
would like to call it.

Open discussion
 Why Friday?
 Why not Monday, the bloody day of the

week :D
Thank you for your kind

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