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Lips with no restraint, we kiss like its our first time.

Fingertips running across your cheek, your chest,

never settling for second best. You get my all each and every time, moments captured in every rhyme. Hair
a mess, tangled and caressed, you touch me unknowing hands and the softest fingers. No experience exists
here, no fear, exploring, imploring fate a first for us both, what should have been long before, love that
lingers. Long after youre gone, I shudder at the thought of your touch, ever last, the stories of our past,
exceeding, believing that were fate. Your breath in my ear, I hear so clear a voice. I love this rush. That
voice that makes me melt, my legs shaking in your presence. Uncontrollably fluttering beneath me, you
reach me, siege me, I fall to you, love you, believe you, know your essence.

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