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step 1:

create a new project/solution

step 2:
add new project to soluction and select new class library
step 3:
repeate step 2 total 3 times and create 3 class libraries and name each of the a
s following
1) DataLayer
2) BusinessObjectLayer
3) BussinessLogicLayer
step 4:
In bussinessObjectLayer add new Item Class file and name it as ABCObject.cs
step 5:
declear the get and set properties in this file
step 6:
now in DataLayer add reference of BussinessObjectLayer
step 7:
Add new Class file to it and name it as ABCData.cs
step 8:
Code all the data related things in this data file
step 9:
Add reference of bussinessObjectLayer as well as of DataLayer to BusinessLogicLa
step 10:
Add new class file to it and name it as ABCBal.cs
step 11:
Code all the business logical code in this file import all the data fetching for
mulas as well as all the tasks to be performed.
step 12:
Add new web application to the project
step 13:
Design the web appearence of the .aspx file.
step 14:
Declare the connection string in web.config file
step 15:
add refference of DataLayer, BussinessObjectLayer & BussinessLogicLayer to the A
ddrefference folder
step 16:
Import all the namespace of the 3 different layers
step 17:
Pass all the data to perform various actions like fetching data to the frm ect u
sing stored prcedures by passing parameters.
step 18:
Use the various functions mentioned in BussinessLogicLayer to perform various bu
ssiness logic.

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