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For Immediate Release Contact: Harry Gural

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 Phone: (202) 225-9400

Cell: (202) 281-0670

Frank Announces Hearing on SEC FOIA Provision

of Wall Street Reform Law
Newton, MA – Congressman Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Services
Committee, announced that the Committee will hold a hearing in September in order to explore
concerns raised about the provision of the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,
which provides some exemption to the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The provision of the new law which addresses this issue was originally requested by SEC
Chairwoman Mary Schapiro and by former SEC Chairman Christopher Cox. In the Senate,
Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) included the provision in a
manager’s amendment which was not adopted in the Senate, but which became part of the base
text of the bill before it went to the conference committee.

“Given the serious questions that have been raised about the impact this provision could have on
access to important information about financial transactions, I will hold a hearing of the
Financial Services Committee when Congress returns in September,” said Congressman Frank.
“I will convene the hearing on September 23rd. This should provide ample time to take
corrective legislation action if it is needed.”

September 23rd is the first practical day for a hearing of the full committee due to the short
legislative week beginning on September 13th, and because of Yom Kippur on September 18th.


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