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disadvantages of facebook

Affecting Relationships
Talk about long distance relationships, Facebook would be the one answer friends, family and
lovers can count on. Though conducted on a distance, the system can still connect relationships
right that very moment. But because relationships are built and strengthened just because of an
Internet site, it tends to become weaker and it supports less emotional and most especially
physical contact. Some relationships tumble down due to facts like these.

Affecting Emotions
Because Facebook adapts a free-flowing information environment, some uses it to target on
other's emotional depression. Others send out procrastination just to bring down a specific person
or even bully a student in the lower years. Targeting the emotions may cause a negative attitude
towards a person's social relationship, physical activity, and academic issues.

Affecting Industry
Even if the system overflows with so much advantages that one can be joyful of, there are still
numbers of flaws that one can pinpoint. Internet industry is greatly affected by sites popping out
to render a technical community. This is where the rivalry starts. The crowding is also becoming
an issue. The program is considered as a negative diversion especially to the schooling industry,
affecting students to divert their attention.

Affecting Privacy
Cyber stalking is one thing. Barging into someone's privacy is another. Come to think about it,
cyber stalking and invading one's privacy goes hand in hand. A person who is engaged in cyber
stalking tends to know everything about a person and uses it first hand. A lot of a user's personal
information is so accessible that almost everyone, even those who know you but you don't know
of, can view it.

There are those who would want to be recognized as someone even in the Internet society. But
thanks to sites like Facebook, some are already being characterized superficially because of the
user's identification of their personal favorites. It's like being one with the world and being one
with the trend without forming any kind of identity that one can point out to be unique.

The important thing about having Facebook is that a person be discreet in the information that is
given out. Privacy and other things stated above can be prevented if the user won't give out any
kind of information that he considers private.

There are many disadvantages of using facebook. Many people believe that facebook has a lot of
advantages and is convenient to use. But they ignore all the disadvantages that come with it.
Excess of everything is bad and the statement is true for facebook.

These are some of the disadvantages of using facebook:

Weak eyesight- Staring at a computer screen can weaken your eyesight. Facebook can only be
accessed through the Internet, and if you use it too much, then your eyesight will get worse.
Facebook also provides many games and applications that require you to focus on the screen for
a long time. Your eyesight can get worse if you use facebook for too long.

Less time outdoors- If you get addicted to facebook, then you may miss out on all the fun that
you can have outdoors. In summers, there is a lot to do outside in the sun. But, if you get
addicted to facebook, then you will be sitting indoors and wasting a lot of your precious time on
facebook. There is so much more to do outdoors, and you will miss out on it if you use facebook
too much

Less time physically spent with a person- you might be talking to the person everyday on
facebook, but you may reduce the time that you spend face to face. You may not want to talk on
phone anymore, and this also has disadvantages. You will become anti-social and develop social
anxiety disorder if you never talk to people face to face. This is a terrible disorder, which can
also put into depression. This is one of biggest disadvantages of facebook. You will become anti-
social and spend less time with people.

Antoher disdvantage of facebook is that it has too many useless applications. You may waste a
lot of time rejecting invitations, and waste time. There is also the feature of wall posting, which
means others can see your conversation. This can be really embarrassing for people. This feature
makes it impossible to hold private conversations. Even the photos can be viewed by all your
friends, and strangers can see them once they get on your friend's list.

These are the disadvantages of using facebook for too long. But there are ways that you can use
facebook, and get only the advantages. Use facebook for planning events, creating more
awareness about issues, and just chatting. Don't use it for personal conversations that can be done
face to face. You may run out of conversations when you actually meet with the person in real
life. This is why it is important to create a balance between facebook and your social life.

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