MUET (Jungle Trekking)

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 Assalamualaikum and very good morning to examiners and all candidates.

My situation is my
friends and I plan to go jungle-trekking for a week.

 The preparation that must I do is :

 Go for regular training to keep fit

 Pack sufficient food and drink for the week

 Pack a complete first-aid kit

 Take proper equipment for the trip

 Go for regular training to keep fit

 Before go to jungle trekking, I must do exercise regular to keep fit.

 Prevent injury

 Energetic

My first point that will be highlight is, I would/ should go for regular training to keep fit.
Regular training that can I do is exercise such as jogging. Therefore, when I do this activity, it
also can make my body to energetic. Besides, my body also will be prevent from muscle
injuries when do the jungle trekking with my friends.

 Pack sufficient food and drink for the week

 Convenience

 Dry food

 Easy-packed or canned

 Easy to use

 Long expired date

 Prevent from food poisoning

 Suitable

 Provide energy

 Fat
 carbohydrate

 Protein

 Vitamin

 Mineral

 Pack a complete first-aid kit

 For emergency case

 Complete

 Suitable

 Check expired date

 Take proper equipment for the trip

 Necessary

 Torch light

 Use at the night

 Tent

 Bring simple tent

 Compass

 Use as indication direction

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