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August board meeting- Woodland Park Homeowners Association

The meeting was held on Monday, August 9th, at Houston and Martha Hills, 4137 Woodview Drive-
The following people were present: Jim Thorpe, Dorothy Thomas, Jay Wolfinger, Jeremy Gibbs, Ryan
Jaso, Don Albertson, Houston and Martha Hill. Absent were Nick Sardelis and Mary Lou Keller.
Jim Thorpe sent out an analysis of our current financial situation, including who still owes for our
yearly association fees. At least 3 homes are in foreclosure and two of those have not paid dues for 2010: 1. Sung H
Cho, 4266 Woodview Dr., with unpaid dues for 3 years, has been in foreclosure since 2008 and the law firm representing
the bank stated they will soon seek summary judgement, making them move out of the neighborhood soon and 2.
.Robinson, 827 Hammockwood Ct., unpaid for 2010, is also in.foreclosure.

Other unpaid dues for 2010 are: Wonn, 4367 Woodview Dr., Edelson, 814 Faulkwood Ct., Szafranski or Bischoff, 4046
Woodview Dr., Sennott, 810 Forestview Dr.

Jim stated that he would like to get a group together to visit the Cho household and see if we can recover any of our dues.
Dorothy and Jay volunteered to go with him.

There has been concern in the neighborhood over some other houses that are not being maintained, and
the CCC (consisting of Dorothy, Jay, Don and Martha) has been actively writing letters and following
up on them. Brad Sennott had his lawn mowed, but the property needs trimming and weeding as well,
and still looks awful. We do have the phone number and address of his realtor, who is trying to
cooperate, but does not appear to be able to convince Brad of the advantage of having his property look
better. Melissa Szafranski and Kathleen Bischoff, the owners of the brick house, moved to Nevada.
Martha found an address for them, but has not yet heard anything from them, and is going to follow up
by sending a certified copy of the letter already sent, as well as a bill for the yearly fees. Jay went over
his amended copy of the form letter being sent to homeowners whose mailboxes are in terrible shape,
and wanted to talk about fines. The minutes from the annual meeting specify that the fine be $50.00, so
that is going in the letter, along with the costs from Tony Fara for having a mailbox repaired. Anyone
who contracts with Tony to have the work done will have met their obligation at that point. Various
numbers are on order, and mailboxes will be fixed as soon as they are available.
The CCC also put flyers in everyone's mailbox informing them that we intend to begin to enforce the
parking laws.
Jay has asked Tony to make a new Woodview Drive sign. Jim feels the cost of it should be shared with
the Oaks, since it is useful to them as well. The Marmion house, which has received a letter about the
lawn has a terrible mailbox, so a letter will go to the owners of the house about that.
The tentative plan for the next meeting is to wait until October, unless urgent matters make a
September meeting necessary. The date would be October 5, 2010, and Jay offered to host.

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