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Web site: www.cancertutor.


by now you should have had a chance to read over the website. the first step is to have your dad read it
and get on board with the concept of the diet. i will be happy to speak with him if he has any questions.
he needs to believe as well. the second step is to get the equipment necessary for the diet.
1) immersion style hand mixer
2) juicer, extractor type is best
3) bread maker, if he likes bread this will be very useful
4) rice cooker, optional but much easier to use.
5) coffee grinder, small kitchen type

this web site will give you a good complete list of alkaline and acidic foods. you will see that some of the
acidic foods ie grain, legumes are on the acidic side. they are a part of the diet and the idea is to
consume more of the alkaline than the acidic. oranges and pineapple are acidic but have an alkaline
effect on the body. grapefruit juice is  a no no. very acidic. you will need litmus paper to check the ph
balance in the morning with either saliva or urine. the more alkaline the better.

you will need cellect powder. you can purchase this on line. all can be shipped to you within a day or
get the budwig book on line. cookbook and diet

the juice is made as follows. 20 oz carrot juice, then juice two beets (stems and all) and add equal parts
of celery, asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower until you have 20 more ozs. mix the two together.
it is important to wash the veggies well, especially the beet tops. not necessary to peel them. our first
juice attempts were awful, tasted like a bale of hay until we got the washing part down. you will drink
20oz twice a day but it can all be made in the morning.

the muesli is as follows 4Tbsp of organic low fat cottage with 2tbsp of flax oil mixed in with the
immersion blender until creamy. on top you can put two tbsps of fresh ground flax seed and your choice
of red fruit. berries, plums etc and a tbsp of organic honey. the flax seed oil must be fresh, cold pressed
and stored cold at all times. find a good health food store where you can purchase all the necessary
ingredients and be sure to check the dates. when you grind the flax seeds yourself you have to eat them
within 20 mins. they lose their value if you leave them around longer. dont grind up a lot in advance only
as you need.

ok the day goes as follows

am after waking up  20 oz of the juice with 1oz of wheat grass juice. you can drink the wheat grass
separately or mix with the juice. if their is a juice bar nearby where he can get it fresh that would be
best. you can also get a juicer and buy the wheat grass and use it as you need. build this up to 3 oz
twice a day with the juice. the wheat grass should not be taken with food.

1-2 hours later, muesli with the fruit, i forgot to mention above that you can also add a little of the non
fat organic milk if you want to thin it out a bit.
mid morning, cellect powder with fruit juice. orange, apple, pineapple etc. (no grapefruit)

lunch  raw vegetable salads (lots of broccoli and cabbage), cheese, nuts, avocados etc, you can get real
creative here. we started with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar and spread out from there with
dressings made with the cottage cheese and other ingredients.

after lunch barley and cod liver oil in pill and capsule form. 3 of each

mid afternoon, the other 20 oz of juice and wheatgrass

dinner, grains and legumes to get a complete protein, stir fried veggies, home made organic bread,
cheeses, soups (veggies, natural), potages of grains and/or legumes.

i dont want to overwhelm you so start with this. send it along to your friend. i can send along recipes

read the web site!! i am sure there will be some differences in treatment of one cancer as opposed to
colon/liver cancer. with a positive attitude and  support group you can beat this disease.  i will get the
recipes to you as well

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