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Education in New Zealand

1. What age can students leave school in

New Zealand? 16
2. What costs do parents have when they
send their child to a state school? FREE
but some extra expenses
3. Which state schools are not co-
educational? Some high-schools
4. Who votes for the trustees for school
boards? By children’s parents
5. Do children under the age of 6 have to
attend pre-school? NO
6. What preschool alternatives are
available to New Zealand parents?
kindergartens, playcentres or childcare
7. What are the characteristics of
integrated schools?
8. What characteristic is common to most
private schools? Have a religious
9. What three examples of tertiary
institutions are given? Polytechnics,
university, colleges of ed
10. How is open access maintained to
tertiary institutions? Students loan
11. When do most New Zealand children
start school? 5
12. What proportion of the population holds
a university degree? 1 - 8
13. Why were kohanga-reo set up? Help
Maori language survive
14. Why have some country schools
recently closed down? The result of
falling rolls (as the rural population

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