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Zimbabwean Rugby has a rich history.

Most people trace the history of rugby in Zimbabwe to the

1987 Rugby World Cup.
Richard Tsimba was in the World Cup XV for the tournament and many expected Zimbabwe to
produce more successful rugby teams and players. There have been many great rugby players
with Zimbabwean roots that have made it on the international level playing for different countries
mainly South Africa but also in some cases for Australia, Scotland and even the U.S.
My hope is to trace the history of Zimbabwean rugby. Through interviews with players and
administrators from the past I hope to shed more light on the state of the game of rugby with an
emphasis on youth rugby and their qualification for the Under 19 World Cup.

Describe your first rugby memory ?

When did you realize that you were had a future in rugby ?

Bobby Skinstad- South Africa born in Bulawayo - 1976

Gary Teichmann- Gwelo 1967
Adrian Garvey-
Scott Gray
Tendai Mtawarira

Zimbabwe has produced a number of quality rugby players , however many other players have
left Zimbabwe and gone on to represent other countries.
The most notable and most recent is Tendai Mtawarira a former Peterhouse student currently
playing for South Africa and for the Natal Sharks.

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