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What I learned was that natural approach focuses on providing comprehensible input and a
classroom environment that uses comprehension of input , minimizes learner anxiety, and
maximizes learner self-confidence. Natural approach focuses on communicative skills. Enabling
learners comprehensible input is important. Beside this, using visual aids in the classrooms is
beneficial. One of the most important aspect of the natural approach is that extensive reading and
listening activities are provided to learners and speaking emerges later. Moreover, reducing the
high affective filter is significant for learning process by focusing of meaningful communication rather
than form and providing interesting comprehensible input. Learners start to talk when they are
ready. Also silent period does not lasts less than six months. Natural approach consists of Krashen’s
five hypotheses :

 Natural order hypothesis: grammar rules of any language are acquired in a predetermined
order. Besides, natural order focuses on acquisition not learning.
 Acquisition –Learning Distinction Hypothesis: first thing about this hypothesis is LAD never
shuts off . Human brind can not consciously focus on two thing at the same time. Also when
speaking fluently one can only use his subconscious acquired competence.
 Monitor Hypothesis: conscious learned competence act as a monitor editor.the main aim in
developing learned competence should be the facilitatiton of comprehension.
 Input Hypothesis: acquisition is inevitable when one is exposed to comprehensible input and
comprehension precedes production. Then speaking emerges on its own after a silent period
of active listening so does writing after extensive reading.
 Affective Filter Hypothesis: only errors causing meaning problems should be corrected. Also
correcting form errors strengthen AF which in turn ,block acquisition.

what I had difficulty in learning : the distinction between acquisition and learning is a bit fuzzy. And
also the monitor hypothesis sometimes can be discouraging in the classrooms.

I think I should use: reading and listening activities extensively at the silent period of the learners.
Also in order to enable learners to move one step further I use I+1 technique for the activities .
moreover, helping students to lower their anxiety in the classrooms lead to learning.

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