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Steps to use tiobench tool:

1. Untar tiobench
2. cd tiobench folder
3. make
4. make install
5. Protect a disk of size 2GB
6. Mount protected disk onto mount point - mount point should be in this format:
7. run 'tiotest -f 200 -t 8 -c' on the mount point and wait for the result

Steps to use dbench tool

1. Untar dbench
2. cd dbench folder
3. ./configure
4. make install
5. Protect a disk of size 2GB
6. Mount protected disk onto mount point - /mntsdg
7. run 'dbench 4' on the mount point
dbench -D /mnt/sdb1 4
Output: ls /mnt/sdb1 ---client files will be formed

Steps to use bonnie++ tool

1. Untar bonnie
2. cd bonnie folder
3. ./configure
4. Protect a disk
5. Mount -- /mnt/1/test
6. run 'bonnie++ -d /mnt/1/test -u root:root' on the mount point i.e at test

Steps to use vdbench tool

1. Copy cdpwkld folder from \QA\QA Knowledge Base\Performance Tools on to root
2. Install jre rpm from cdpwkld folder
3. Change permissions for all the files in the folder (cd cdpwkld*: chmod -R 744
4. Reboot if installed first time
5. Run crontab
[root@rh53testshawn ~]# crontab -l
*/3 * * * * (cd /root/cdpwkld; vdbench/vdbench -f example7)
6. To check if the files are being created by vdbench - go to the folder pointed
in example7 script
for ex: /opt/workload or /mnt-sdg/workload/ etc

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