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Private Wealth Management

Four Questions to Plan Your Wealth Management

Strategies for Best Results

By Thomas Quinlin
Do you consider yourself
Or would you like to be wealthy?
“Whether or not you have a
high net worth…
…there are a number of private wealth
management strategies you can use to
achieve your dream lifestyle sooner
rather than later

…and keep it too”


…who are still
on their way
wealth & would
like to grow it


Why exactly would you like to be wealthy
What exactly would make you feel wealthy?
Comfortable Lifestyle & Financial Security

Huge differences in
terms of what that
may actually mean to
each particular person
Answering that question can…
…make the difference
between arriving where
you'd like to be & enjoying
the journey – or not…
Key Private Wealth
Management Planning Strategy

What exactly a "comfortable

lifestyle" means to you
• Does it mean living in a villa in Beverly
• Does it mean living comfortably any
place you want to live, such as in Costa
Rica, for example?
• The latter may require much less money
than the former
What you would
really like to do in
your ideal life…
Do you see yourself traveling, playing
golf, or pursuing other passions?
Do you want to make the world
a better place?
Do you mostly want to get the
kids through college without
going broke?
The net worth required for any of
these can be vastly different

• It won't necessarily take millions to feel

like you're living a millionaire's lifestyle
• Not that there's anything wrong with
being "really" wealthy
But you can achieve a wealthy lifestyle

• …while still being wise with your money

• …before you have amassed a huge net worth,
if you have the proper
wealth management guidance
So before you start focusing on the
financial aspects of being wealthy…

…why not start focusing

on the lifestyle you
want to achieve?
Take some time out & think through the
following questions
• Where would you like to live?
• What would you like spend your time doing?
• If there were any one thing you would like to
achieve, what would it be?
• Who would you like to spend time with?
• Write down the answers. And add as much
detail as you want.
Work on finding out where you
are right now…
• How you can get from where you are to
where you would like to be…
• How far along on that journey you'd like
to be 6 or 12 months from now…

What will it take?

If you do have a high net worth…
…you'll probably have more flexibility
Still, there are important aspects
to keep in mind

…to ensure that your wealth will be

protected & allowed to grow
If you're still working on building up your
…you'll have to work harder when it comes to
figuring out how to get to your goals
Things you can do to increase your net
worth significantly…

• Saving on your child's college education

• Saving on taxes, as well as increasing
your income
• An experienced private wealth
management advisor will be able to
help with any of these
If you're ready to escape the daily grind and
achieve real wealth for all the right reasons…

to get Thomas Quinlin's free guide
that coaches you to discover (and
achieve) your ideal lifestyle design
Thomas is an international private
wealth management advisor who
only works with clients
…who are willing to explore what
they really want out of life &
design a plan to get there
Contact him at his blog at

if you're ready to live your dreams

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