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SINCE 22NOV1963!!
The AZC's Internal "Information and Public
Relations Department" Reports.


Between 1962-1963 the Senate Foreign Relations Committee subpoenaed internal reports of the American Zionist
Council during its investigation into the activities of registered agents of foreign principals.  They discovered that
more than $5 million in tax exempt (and possibly overseas donations) had been laundered through the Jewish
Agency's American Section into the American Zionist Council.  The Jewish Agency functioned as a quasi-branch of
the Israeli government, received Israeli government funding, and was able to review legislation before it went to the
Knesset under its Covenant Agreement.  

This violated IRS regulations on the use of tax exempt charitable funds and the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration

The following reports detail how the American Zionist Council used the funding in a sophisticated campaign to
cajole and intimidate news media, subvert open debate about Israel and undermine reporting about key issues of the
day such as Israel's Dimona nuclear weapons facility, operation Susannah terror attacks on the United States, and the
return of Arab refugees to their homes.  The AZC tracked and targeted professors and engaged in covert operations
obliquely referred to in the following internal reports.

After the Justice Department ordered the American Zionist Council to register as a foreign agent in late 1962, it
transferred responsibilities to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which refuses to register as a foreign
agent of the Israeli government.

Document/File Date Contents

11-12/1960 Bi-Monthly Report

"During this two-month period, there was considerable editorial and news comment dealing
with many issues affecting Israel and the Middle East.  While the preponderance of this
material concerned itself with Israel's new nuclear reactor, the following items were dealt
with in more than passing fashion: (1) Arab refugees (the issue was again before the U.N.
General Assembly; (2) The Eichmann case (some of the opposition forces are still at it); (3)
Israel's aid to the African nations (almost everybody in America should be aware of this aid
by now; and (4) seating of the UAR in the Security Council (a number of papers attacked it).

"The nuclear reactor story inspired comment from many sources; editorial writers,
columnists, science writers and cartoonists.  Most of the press seemed finally to accept the
thesis that the reactor was being built for peaceful purposes and not for bombs. Some
columnists felt that the U.S. should have awaited more information before 'ventilating its
suspicions'.  Drew Pearson's syndicated column justified Israel's secrecy; William Laurence
in the New York Times stressed Israel's peaceful intent, in contrast to Arthur Krock who
wanted the reactor placed under international safeguards. Arab protagonists in this country
—including those in the State Department who raised all the fuss initially—used the
occasion to try to cast doubt on Israel's friendship toward the U.S."

"The nuclear reactor story inspired comment from many sources; editorial writers,
columnists, science writers and cartoonists.  Most of the press seemed finally to accept the
thesis that the reactor was being built for peaceful purposes and not for bombs. Some
columnists felt that the U.S. should have awaited more information before 'ventilating its
suspicions'.  Drew Pearson's syndicated column justified Israel's secrecy; William Laurence
in the New York Times stressed Israel's peaceful intent, in contrast to Arthur Krock who
wanted the reactor placed under international safeguards. Arab protagonists in this country
—including those in the State Department who raised all the fuss initially—used the
occasion to try to cast doubt on Israel's friendship toward the U.S."

"It can be said that the press of the nation, during 1960 has by and large shown sympathy
and understanding of Israel's position.  There are, of course, exceptions, notably the Scripps-
Howard chain where we still need to achieve a "break-through", the Pulliam chain (where
some progress has been made) and some locally-owned papers."

The Magazine Committee...continues to meet regularly.  Writers with whom we are in

contact have readied articles for Reader's Digest and are discussing another article with the
Saturday Evening Post.  (The Reader's Digest 'pulled' a story on Eichmann after type was set
and the author was paid, on the flimsy excuse that Israel's agreement to pay Servatius now
casts some doubts on the article without going into any further explanations.  It was Mrs.
Eichmann's refusal, incidentally, to contribute to her husbands defense out of the monies she
received from Life Magazine that prompted Servatius to approach the Israel
Government)...We stimulated seven letters to Time because of their treatment of the review
of Exodus."

"We circulated widely our run-down on Harry Ellis' book Challenge in the Middle East. 
(The extent of the distribution of this material, together with discussions by our New
England representative with editors of the Christian Science Monitor, in our opinion,
resulted in the Monitor's recent failure to publish a number of Ellis' dispatches from the
Middle East.  Apparently the editors did not want to associate Ellis too prominently with the
Monitor during a period of strong adverse reaction in some quarters to his book.)  We
continue to urge upon community leaders presentations of a suitable Israel or Middle East
Bookshelf to local and college libraries...Our office provided books, bibliographies and
pamphlets to academicians, graduate students and community leaders in response to requests
for information."

"During the months of November and December, there were 260 appearances in 83 cities
and 24 states.  This brought the total number of engagements for this year to 2,124....The the
total number of speaking engagements—the overwhelming number of which were set up
before Christian and general audiences—under the auspices of the Department came to the
sum of 2,661."

"It is not surprising to note that Dr. Allyn Robinson of the National Conference of Christians
and Jews has gotten some negative responses to his first-rate article on anti-Semitism which
appeared in Social Action.  In that article he stated that 'it is sometimes a very short step
from anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism and many an Arab and his American friends have taken
it.' We helped assemble the material to make it possible for Robinson to substantiate his
"AZC turned down a request from the Christian Advocate to debate the Eichmann case
editorially with the Council for Judaism."  "The AZC Commission on Inter-Religious
Affairs decided against our formally replying to Rabbi Philip Sigal's attack in the fall issue
of The Torch, organ of the National Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs."

"Arab speakers have been active on many campuses, but in almost all instances they have
been counteracted..."

"Dr. Joseph Schechtman's article "Contra the Middle East Institute" was published in the
Reconstructionist.  We ordered reprints which were sent primarily to academicians around
the country."

"The U.S. contingent of 60 Mayors returned from Israel where they attended the Conference
this year.  While in Israel, a number of them were interviewed by our representative who
sent stories back to their hometown papers; they were also recorded in interviews for local
radio stations.  We notified community leaders of those mayors who attended the conference
in Israel' in many cases, local Zionist leaders have already met with mayors and are
developing plans to place them before Jewish and Christian audiences, etc.

"We continue to encourage visits to Israel by public opinion molders and, where possible,
assist with financial arrangements...Recent visitors in whom we had more than a rooting
interest returned from Israel quite enthusiastic and it is, therefore, hoped that they will be
helpful to us in the future.  These include: Harold Flanders, TV and movie writer, who has
joined our Radio-TV Committee; James Flanagan, Associate editor of the Christian, (church
publication) St. Louis; the Donald Harringtons of the Community Church in New
York....Agnes Mayer, co-owner of the Washington Post, who has done some excellent
writing since her return; the Ethridges of the Louisville Courier Journal....Our representative
in Israel continues to meet with visiting Christians and arranges briefings, hospitality, etc..."

"ACJ continues its attempts to get on TV and Radio, with small success.  Our policy
continues to be not to enter into public debates with them; this stand has caused many
producers to drop program ideas initiated by ACJ...Their speakers on campus have been
counteracted effectively...In Los Angeles, the International Round Table, which had
scheduled both Berger and Sayegh, dropped them after inquiries in the Jewish community.

ACJ remains, however, a potent anti-Zionist and anti-Israel force.  The AZC is now
discussing a project which, if implemented, should go a long way in diminishing the
acceptance of ACJ in many quarters."
01/19/1961 Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, Chairman of the AZC Department of Information and Public
Relations issues material for Israel's thirteenth anniversary PR, including draft proclamations
for governors and mayors to declare the week of April 20 "Israel Independence Week".
01-02/1961 Bi-Monthly Report - "The opposition groups took the initiative, as in the past, via letters to
the editor on such subjects as BG's (David Ben-Gurion) speech on Aliyah, the Eichmann
case, Israel's reactor, the Lavon affair and Israel's 'discrimination' against its minorities. 
Among the more prominent letter writers were Hans Kohn, Edna Ferber, and Hamilton

"We also took the initiative in sending the letters to papers throughout the country attacking
Nasser on issues wholly unrelated to the Arab-Israel controversy."

LIFE Magazine (February 17) carried a hostile editorial titled: 'The Crisis in Zionism'.  The
AZC stimulated several hundred letters to the publication in disagreement with the editorial;
a meeting with one of the editors has also been held and under consideration is a piece on
Zionism to be prepared by us which they may print..."

"Some communities (Philadelphia, Miami Beach, San Francisco, and Los Angeles) are
planning to augment our speakers program by establishing local speakers bureaus.  This
involves recruitment, training, and placement of speakers on local platforms."

"Currently, work is proceeding on preparation of a Unit on Israel (about 100 pages) for use
by Jr. and Sr. High School teachers.  The Committee plans to find and recruit nuclei of
friendly academicians in areas outside of the Greater New York Area."

"A partial scholarship is being offered to an Israel student to transfer to the Monterey
Peninsula College where propaganda carried on by three Arab professors has been most
hurtful...Mrs. Lasdon of Schenectady has been instrumental in obtaining the cooperation of
Union College in creating a scholarship for an Israel student there."

"We continue to cultivate faculty people in many areas and are making progress
here...Efforts are being made by our friends in the San Francisco area to persuade Stanford
to drop Fayez Sayeh from the faculty on the grounds that he is a paid propagandist rather
than an objective academician...Dr. Zucker at the University of Utah is at work attempting to
obtain endowment of a chair to be held by a Jew who should be a distinguished Semiticist,
and the prospects seem favorable.  This campus is especially significant as it is staffed with
Arab professors and its 50 Arab students are highly active."

"Prof. Arnold Toynbee was invited to spend about five months in this country...When
Toynbee accusations first broke in the press, we call together the major non-Zionist groups
and evolved a common policy' (1) Discourage all Jewish Groups for issuing invitations to
Toynbee; (2) Monitor all public appearances and refrain from bringing up the subject of
Israel or the Jews unless Toynbee raises the subject in his presentation.  The two
recommendations were carried out."  "We have provided our community contacts with
material they could use should the situation warrant it; this material has been used
effectively in several situations..."

"We continue to try to make contact with those who have gone to Israel under other auspices
following their return in order to advance our p.r. program."

"The ACJ [American Council for Judaism] is today the most effective anti-Zionist and anti-
Israel force on the American scene.  It continues its aggressive campaign and is
concentrating on the mass media and in church circles.  Its success is due primarily to the
fact that being a Jewish organization (they operate under the term 'Judaism') it becomes
acceptable to those in the communications field who thrive on controversy and who can now
present 'another Jewish point of view'.  Its position also finds an echo among those
Christians—who, either because of some degree of latent anti-Semitism or because of
obligations to the Arabs—can now join the fray without fear of being called anti-Semitic; ('I
am in good Jewish company')."

"Whatever the reasons, the ACJ will require much more attention on our part now than in
the past.  In this campaign we will need the assistance of the non-Zionists and especially that
of the organized Jewish religious leadership.  It is the task of the AZC to stimulate, mobilize
and direct this effort, and will require the services of a full-time staff person."
04/03/1961 AZC Department of Information and Public Relations memo addressed to Executive
Directors of Zionist Groups and Select New York Area List

"On Wednesday evening, April 5, at 7:3- PM, WCBS-TV will telecast a one-hour
documentary on 'Eichmann and Israel'.  Dr. Nahum Goldmann, Dr. Joachim Prinz and Dr.
John Slawson are among the interviewees on the American scene.  It should be noted that
these men were taped for the program without the knowledge that Rabbi Elmer Berger of the
American Council for Judaism would also be on the program."

"The American Council for Judaism has taken steps to see to it that WCBS receives
hundreds of letters and phone calls praising Berger's remarks and thanking the station for
inviting him to appear. (The ACJ has been conducting a campaign for months now to
achieve such recognition in the mass media)."

It would be most helpful if you could stimulate your membership and friends to send notes
to WCBS or to make hone calls following the telecast indicating displeasure at their having
invited Berger and challenging his right to appear as a Jewish spokesman in view of the fact
that his organization has been denounced by all three Rabbinic organizations in Judaism.

Individuals should be encouraged to write their own letters."

04/11/1961 AZC organizes tours of Israel through the American Christian Palestine Committee Study
Tour.  "We, therefore, turn to you once again to help in the selection of a suitable man or
woman of some stature in your community who can upon his return help interpret Israel to
the general community.  An educator, religious leader, editor, or civic leader who is
generally sympathetic to the aims of Israel, but one in need of greater knowledge of Middle
East problems, would make the ideal tour participant."
5/1961 Budgetary Digest of the American Zionist Council

"The AZC was formerly financed by the Jewish Agency for Israel, but this financial support
was to cease at March 31, 1961.  The source of this Jewish Agency support of the AZC was
the UJA which is finance by Welfare Funds.  The AZC is seeking direct support from
Welfare Funds since the reorganization of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc. in 1960 resulted
in the separation of AZC activities from the basic program of immigrant aid which will
continue to be financed by the Jewish Agency for Israel.  This separation was in line with
the principal that decisions and support of domestic activities should be made by the
American Jewish community rather than by an international agency."
05/19/1961 Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, Chairman of the AZC Department of Information and Public
Relations issues guidance on the Adolf Eichmann trial.  "It became necessary almost from
the start, therefore, to conduct an educational campaign on the Eichmann issue to reach
molders of public opinion throughout the country, stressing the moral issues involved..." 
"Please continue to monitor the press in your area, including the church press, for comments
on the Eichmann trial.  ."
09-10/1961 Bi-monthly Report --Department of Information and Public Relations.  "Very little comment
appeared editorially on the Israeli Arabs who were shot in crossing the border into
Egypt...There was a slight lessening of hostile letters to the editor."  "Israel fared extremely
well during this period, with five or six major articles in the top publications: Atlantic
Monthly, Reader's Digest, Look, Holiday, Saturday Review...Our Magazine Committee
continues to be active in the planning and placement of articles..." 

"The Atlantic Monthly in its October issue carried the outstanding Martha Gellhorn piece on
the Arab refugees, which made quite an impact around the country.  We arranged for the
distribution of 10,000 reprints to public opinion molders in all categories.  Acting on
information that anti-Israel groups were bombarding the Atlantic with critical letters, we
stimulated a letter campaign designed to counteract their impact...Interested friends are
making arrangements with the Atlantic for another reprint of the Gellhorn article to be sent
to all 53,000 persons whose names appear in Who's Who in America...The November issue
of the Atlantic carried a special 64-page Supplement on Israel, with articles by some of
Israel's top names. Our Boston office edited the Yadin article..." "Jack Anderson, following
his return from Israel, is now doing a piece for Parade Publications...We wrote the piece on
Zionism for the Spencer Press Encyclopedia...Our Committee is now planning articles for
the women's magazines for the trade and business publications...Meyer Levin's piece on
Buber will appear in the New York Times Magazine any day now..."

"Two network shows were arranged...We counteracted Don Peretz' interviews on several
programs with our own people who either appeared simultaneously or at a subsequent date."

"AZC continues to counteract all hostile speeches on campuses by placing appropriate

speakers on the same platforms."  "Representations by the Boston office resulted in the
cancellation of an inflammatory Arab film which dealt with the refugees."

"Kenneth Wilson did a splendid piece for the Christian Herald upon his return [from
Israel]..The same applies to William Henry Chamberlin who two articles have already
appeared in the Wall Street Journal and one in the New Leader..Earl Ubell continues to write
and plan articles on Israel (he is now writing one for the Saturday Evening Post).

"We continue to counteract the Arab speakers wherever they appear, by placing our own
speakers on the same platforms..."

"Mailings have gone out to public opinion molders dealing with current issues.."
09/27/1961 AZC Department of Information and Public Relations memo addressed to Local Zionist
Council Chairmen.  "The current issue of The Atlantic, now on the newsstands, features a
20-page article on 'The Arabs of Palestine" which is one of the best articles on the subject
yet to be written.  This piece, coming from the pen of Martha Gellhorn, celebrated journalist,
novelist and war correspondent, assumes added significance in view of the discussion of this
issue which will take place at this session of the U.S. General Assembly."

We urge you to get a copy for your own reading and also that you bring it to the attention of
key individuals in your community.  We have arranged for reprints which will not be
available until late October (the publishers frown on their appearance while the current issue
is on the stands) which you can then send on to a larger list of public opinion molders in
your area. (The charge for the reprint will be ten cents per copy.)

Meanwhile, would you also drop a note to the editors (8 Arlington Street, Boston,
Massachusetts) indicating, among other comments you may care to make, your gratification
at their having printed such an illuminating article.  Undoubtedly, the 'opposition' is
stimulating a heavy letter campaign and it would be helpful if the editors also received a
substantial number of letters of commendation."
11-12/1961 Bi-Monthly Report - 'Hundreds of editorials appeared in the press commenting on the
Eichmann verdict; about 6% of those were highly critical of Israel (in such major papers as
the Cincinnati Enquirer, Tulsa Tribune, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Salt Lake City Tribune, and
Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch)...40% of the press...opposed the death sentence, 20% suggested
the trial should have been held by an international tribunal.  Almost all papers, however,
agreed that Eichmann received a fair trial..."

"There was considerably less comment on the Arab refugee debate in the U.N.  Papers
which did comment were generally critical of the Arab determination to use the issue for
political purposes; editorials generally favored resettlement in the Arab countries..."

"Perhaps the most effective letter was written by a former refugee, now resident in the
United States, whose letter appeared in the Christian Science Monitor of November 26.  In it
he states that the Arabs were threatened y the Arab Higher Committee and the Mufti should
they refuse to leave the country and that 'we were driven from our home, not by our Jewish
neighbors who offered us peace, but by the short-sighted fanatics of our own people.'  This
letter has been widely circulated and another offset is planned for even wider distribution."

"US News and World Report took a searching look at Nasser's future and found it rather
bleak.  The Atlantic said the UAR breakup was a most serious setback for Nasser.  It also
carried seven letters commenting on the (excellent) Gellhorn piece on the Arab refugees;
four of these in praise (which we stimulated) and three critical...Atlantic will carry another
Gellhorn piece...We continue to give distribution to the Gelhorn reprint and some local
Zionist Councils are doing the same...A study by Dr. Joseph Schechtman, 'Minorities in the
Muslim World' has been accepted for publication by India Quarterly, organ of the Indian
Council for Foreign Affairs, in New Delhi.  It is scheduled to appear in the forthcoming
issue.  We ordered a number of reprints for distribution."

"Perfidy, the Ben Hecht [book] indictment of Israel's leaders, has been damaging; Hecht
himself worked hard in the promotional effort and made a number of radio and TV
appearances.  Some reviewers tried hard not to offend either Israel or Hecht, and thus left the
reader somewhat confused.  Several attempts to do a Fact Sheet on the book were
inconclusive due to the nature of the charges and lack of available factual material with
which to positively refute those charges...The publishers claim a sale of 35,000 copies of the

"Don Kellerman, producer of the CBS ACCENT Program, will be leaving for Israel to look
into some program possibilities.  Two NBC people will also be making the trip early in 1962
for similar purposes."

"Fayez Sayegh, noted Arab propagandist, is leaving Stanford to take up a one-year residence
professorship in September at Macalester College in St. Paul.  He was appointed to fill a
Chair of International Studies endowed by DeWitt Wallace of the Readers Digest, (who will
be giving Macalester $3 million during the next few years.)...We have alerted our friends in
the area to Sayegh's propaganda activities while at Stanford.  There is much concern in the
Jewish community and approaches are being made to President Rice of Macalester.  Rice is
being acquainted not only with Sayegh's record; the public relations implications of Sayegh's
off-campus activities will also be brought to his attention..."

"The Department now monitors the publications containing information and comment on
international affairs which go into the elementary, junior and senior high schools..."  "Our
representative in Israel continues to arrange meetings, receptions and interview for visiting
VIP Americans..."

"Hadawi's allegations that newspapers in the East are under Zionist pressure, carried in the
Lubbock Avalanche, elicited a rejoinder from its editor...We continue to counteract Arab
speakers on all platforms with pro-Israel speakers; thus, Hadawi was followed up by
Matityahu Dagan and Shlomo Efrat, Hassan by Hedzini, etc...The Birmingham Zionist
leadership has been effectively counteracting the Arabs in that area..."

"Its [American Friends of the Middle East] new publication...carried a stinging

condemnation of the Gellhorn article on the refugees, adding; 'We cannot repeat often
enough that Zionist-inspired controls, propaganda and pressures, of which the article in
question is merely one of a long series, seriously prejudice the American position in the
Middle East and greatly increase the probabilities of renewed warfare...'"
02-05/1962 American Zionist Council Calendar of Speaking Engagements.
06/01/1962 AZC Area Southern Office reports activities between September 1, 1961 through May 31,
1962.  "The Southern Area Office of AZC has also cooperated with Consulates of Israel in
Atlanta, Georgia and Dallas, Texas in setting up speaking engagements for the Consuls and
Vice-Consuls before non-Jewish groups in a number of communities.  These are: Asheville,
Mobile, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Little Rock, Lubbock, Montgomery."

Under the heading "Anti-Israel Propaganda" the report states "For obvious reasons our
activities in this area cannot be minutely described, nor can we give names, dates, or places. 
We are, however, fighting hostile propagandists as one of our major activities throughout the
year by: a. a careful check of newspapers, bulletins and confidential sources of our own,
who can give us reliable information on the movements or itineraries of these propagandists.
b. alerting our community contacts...c. requesting that all known meetings be
monitored....furnishing speakers and arranging for them to address the forums..."

"For the observance of Israel's 14th anniversary, we offered to our local councils and key
community leaders the following....A play "A Message from Dimona", written by Marc
Siegel especially for the American Zionist Council for presentation by dramatic groups,
community centers and others celebrating the anniversary." (Described as a "story of a new
city in the Israeli desert" in the New York Times radio broadcast schedule)
10/30/1962 AZC Department of Information report to the AZC Executive Committee.  "part of the work
of the original Council had now been taken over by the Kenen Committee which was
charged with political action ..greater emphasis is now put on a more subtle approach,
which, through positive presentation of Israel's accomplishments, aims and purpose—and by
counter-attack of the many enemies of Israel and the Zionist movement—helps create a
favorable image of Israel and the Zionist movement."

"The office staff monitors daily press...When hostile attacks on Israel or the Zionist
movement appear anywhere, material is prepared and sent, either directly to the editor or
from the office as draft material to our friends and groups throughout the country who might
have better access to a particular publication involved..."  "In one recent week, for example,
we were forced to research and prepare communications in reply to three extremely inimical
articles appearing in the Columbia University (Quarterly) Forum, Cosmopolitan Magazine,
and Editor and Publisher..."

"The Research Bureau also analyzes books and articles which deal with Israel or the Middle
East.  When a book is favorable, it is recommended.  When it is unfavorable, it is analyzed
and distortions are pointed up by providing the factual data required, so that our local
Councils will be prepared to react....We also stimulate book presentations to libraries, both
community and university libraries..."

"Magazine Committee.....We cannot pinpoint all that has already been accomplished by this
Committee except to say that it has been responsible for the writing and placement of
articles on Israel in some of America's leading magazines...."

"TV-Radio Committee....The Committee arranges for talks and interviews on radio and TV;
submits ideas for possible programs to stations and networks so as to give a better and more
sympathetic understanding of Israel to the viewing American public..."

"Public Relations Advisory Council....last week 15 of the outstanding public relations men
of this city sat around this table to consider how they could be of help in presenting a
positive picture of Israel in the U.S."

The Role of Communities....One word about our effort to transplant this work at the grass
roots level, without which its final impact is lost...we are only at the beginning of
development in this field...we have learned we can attract into our fold men and women who
have no present Zionist affiliation, no definite understanding of what Zionism is—but who
have an excited interest in Israel and a willingness to help....If we know how to exploit this
willingness to become a more integral part of the Jewish people, we can begin to meet our
Zionist responsibility..."
Archive On November 21, 1962 The Department of Justice.orders the American Zionist Council to
register as an Israeli foreign agent.
11/29/1962 AZC president Jerome Unger memo centralizes all public relations activities.  "Beginning
immediately and extending through April 30, 1963 we have engaged Mr. Ernest Barbarash
to conduct the 'internal public relations' activities of the AZC...You may submit your
material and requests directly to Mr. Barbarash or channel them through my office, as you is rare that we are concerned with this kind of need suddenly..."
12/10/1962 "We know that community leaders, as well as Christian public opinion molders, who are
actively engaged in the creation of a better understanding of Israel and the Middle East have
found the Near East Report an important and vital source of information....Unfortunately, we
must now inform you that the Council is no longer in a position to continue this service..."

DOJ orders the AZC to Register as a Foreign


In the early 1960's Israel funneled $5 million (more than $35 million in today's dollars) into US propaganda and
lobbying operations.  The funds were channeled via the quasi governmental Jewish Agency's New York office into
an Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council.  Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigations
and hearings documented funding flows, propaganda, and public relations efforts and put them into the record.  But
the true fate of the American Zionist Council was never known, except that its major functions were visibly shut
down and shifted over to a former AZC unit known as the "Kenen Committee," called the American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) in the late 1960's.  The following chronology provides links to images of original
Department of Justice case files released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing.  

John F. Kennedy President, Robert F. Kennedy Attorney General

Document/File Date Contents

08/27/1962 AZC internal memo - Lenore Karp to Rabbi Jerome Unger about AZC Department of Public
Information literature distribution.
Undated 1962-1963 AZC Public Relations Plan summary
10/31/1962 Assistant Attorney General and Director of the Internal Security Division J. Walter Yeagley
notifies Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy "...we are soliciting next week the registration
of the American Zionist Council under the Foreign Agents Registration Act...You may be
aware that the American Zionist Council is composed of representatives of the various
Zionist organizations in the United States including the Zionist Organization of America."
11/06/1962 Nathan B. Lenvin, head of the FARA section, memo to central files, about a meeting with
Jewish Agency representative Maurice M. Boukstein who asks about FARA applicability to
AZC.  " his view it was doubtful that any great protest would be made since in the
discussions he has had with various officials connected both with the Zionist Council and
the Jewish Agency he had made it clear in his view an agency relationship would result
which may require registration.'"
11/14/1962 Edwin Guthman letter to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and Deputy Attorney General
Nicholas Katzenbach about future AZC FARA registration order.  "I doubt very much there
will be any fuss.  I don't think the American Zionist Council is in any position to do so...the
Council has compromised its position."  OK'd by Robert F. Kennedy.
11/21/1962 DOJ orders AZC to register under FARA "...receipt of such funds from the American
Section of the Jewish Agency for Israel constitutes the Council an agent of a foreign
principal...the Council's registration is requested."
12/06/1962 AZC President Rabbi Irving Miller response to DOJ "The request for registration contained
in your letter raises many questions of fact and of relationships which first must be resolved
by us before compliance can be made.  Therefore, it is requested that you be good enough to
grant us a delay of 120 days..."
01/02/1963 Isaiah L. Kenen incorporates the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington,
Archive DC
01/24/1963 DOJ draft file memo about 01/23/1963 DOJ meeting with AZC head legal counsel Simon H.
Rifkind "...he had advised his client to discontinue completely the agency relationship and
cut off the receipt of any additional funds...Mr. Lenvin pointed out specifically that the
termination of the 'activities' on the part of AZC did not absolve it of its obligation to
01/25/1963 Article in the National Jewish Post, filed in FARA Section - "AZC Gives Up $ to Avoid
Foreign Agent Registration"
02/01/1963 DOJ Executive Assistant Thomas Hall memo to Nathan Lenvin updating meeting notes "Mr.
Hall emphasized that a contrary conclusion would not of course be reached during the
course of this meeting and suggested that the subject submit a detailed argument as to why it
was of the opinion it should not be required to register...."
02/08/1963 DOJ AZC January 23, 1963 meeting notes by Nathan Lenvin filed "discontinuance of
receipt of such funds thus terminating the agency relationship did not absolve the Council of
its obligation to register."
02/19/1963 American Council for Judaism (AJC) newsletter.  "The American Zionist Council
(coordinating political action arm of all U.S. Zionist organizations) was asked last month by
the Justice Department to register as a 'foreign agent' of the State of Israel."
03/07/1963 New York Times reporter Tony Lewis calls FARA section to verify AZC foreign agent
order state AJC press release.
3/23/1963 AZC Counsel "Memorandum of Law in support of our position that the American Zionist
Council is not required to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938."
04/01/1963 Nathan Lenvin file memo of DOJ AZC meeting on  April 1, 1963- AZC Memorandum of
Law rejected.  "...if necessary I would be willing to recommend, if the representatives of the
Council insisted upon these points, that the matter be litigated."
04/05/1963 Thomas Hall memo with J. Walter Yeagley notes "Okay, but let's get it concluded.  Have we
sent them J.A. reg[istration] statement?"
05/02/1963 Nathan Lenvin file memo of DOJ AZC meeting on  May 2, 1963 "Finally, Judge Rifkind
raised the point...that the vast number of Jews who adhered to the principles of Zionism
could not understand how 'our administration' could do such harm to the Zionist movement
and impair the effectiveness of the Council by insistence on registration.  He appealed to the
discretionary power of the Department...Mr. Katzenbach then noted that if the Council made
a full disclosure of the receipt and expenditure of the funds it had received from the Jewish
Agency so that such information would then be available for public inspection the purposes
and objectives of the Registration Act might well be accomplished and very likely there
would be nothing further for the Government to do..." 
 05/23/1963 First Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings on Israeli Foreign Agents (Senate
06/28/1963 Wall Street Journal article "Federal lawyers near decision on whether to require the
American Zionist Council to register as an agent of the Israeli government.  High Justice
Department officials weigh the risk of offending Jewish opinion in the U.S.   Senate Foreign
Relations Chairman Fulbright also eyes the council's activities."
06/28/1963- Citizen telegrams and letters urging FARA decision based on legal merits rather than
07/26/1963 political considerations.
07/02/1963 Irene Bowman FARA section file memo on a June 28, 1963 DOJ AZC meeting, "Mr.
Adrian W. DeWind and a Mr. Kahn (ph) of the law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton &
Garrison ...for the purpose of submitting for the Department's examination a stack of
publications and several books prepared by the American Zionist Council....Prior to Mr.
DeWind's departure he said he was disturbed by what he described as the speed with which
the American Council on Judaism learned that the Department had solicited the registration
of the American Zionist Council.  He wondered whether there was a leak in the
07/15/1963 Congressman Donald Rumsfeld letter to Robert F. Kennedy about status of AZC FARA
07/19/1963 Thomas K. Hall Memo to Deputy AG Katzenbach and J. Walter Yeagley on Wall Street
Journal Article.  Yeagley notes "I called Judge Rifkind Thursday July 18.  He said he
thought the material had been submitted and was 'embarrassed.'  Fri[day] someone else from
the firm called asking for still another 2 or 3 weeks as their controller or someone is in
07/19/1963 J. Walter Yeagley responds to Rumsfeld "ultimate determination will be based on the law as
applied to the facts...not on any consideration of its effect on the public opinion of the
Jewish community..."
07/26/1963 American Council for Judaism Letter to RFK about AZC FARA registration "I am enclosing
latest issue of our newsletter, Brief, featuring our comments on the Department of Justice
investigation of the American Zionist Council..."
07/26/1963 Theresa Green FARA memo about AZC phone call request for two week filing deadline
7/30/1963 Routing memo from Deputy AG Nicholas Katzenbach to J. Walter Yeagley "I guess this is
the correct response.  Rifkind should be needled, but much depends on Fulbright, too."
8/1/1963 Second Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings on Israeli Foreign Agents (Senate
08/14/1963 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover offers J. Walter Yeagley FBI assistance to investigate the
AZC "In view of recent public is requested that you advise whether any
investigation is desired...."
8/14/1963 J. Walter Yeagley response to 7/30/1963 Katzenbach routing memo (copy from above) "Mr.
Hall - is it time to write Rifkind—or send memo to A.G. or send in FBI?"  
08/15/1963 Thomas K. Hall internal FARA memo about AZC legal counsel "stalling hoping that time
will resolve the difficulties faced by the AZC...We should go on record with the AG (copy
to deputy) outlining the posture of this matter and indicate the need for more drastic
8/16/1963 Irene Bowman, FARA section analysis on alleged AZC FARA violations derived from
Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings.  "...the Department should insist on the
immediate registration of the American Zionist Council under the Foreign Agents
Registration Act, and if such registration is not forthcoming, appropriate action should be
taken to enforce such a request."
08/17/1963 AZC Executive Director Rabbi Jerome Unger letter and filing to FARA Section "Enclosed
wherewith are the two reports of Income and Expenditures of the American Zionist
08/20/1963 Nathan Lenvin query asking if Irene Bowman would accept as FARA registration, Bowman:
"Absolutely not!"
08/22/1963 J. Walter Yeagley memo to Nicholas Katzenbach: "There is also attached a proposed letter
from me to Judge Rifkind requesting a registration to be filed within ten days."
08/23/1963 J. Walter Yeagley to FBI Director "..registration was originally solicited by letter dated
November 21, 1962...Pending a determination as to whether further letter should be written
insisting on registration no investigation will be required.  You will be kept advised of
developments in this matter."
10/11/1963 DOJ Demand for AZC Registration "the Department expects a response from you within 72
hours with regard to this matter."
10/17/1963 J. Walter Yeagley notes of DOJ AZC meeting attended by Nicholas Katzenbach.  "Judge
Rifkind then made a plea for no registration, stating it was the opinion of most of the persons
affiliated with the Council that such registration would be so publicized by the American
Council on Judaism that it would eventually destroy the Zionist movement...he did not
believe his clients would file any papers or sign any papers indicating that the organization
was an agent of a foreign principal.  I told him that any such information or material that is
supplied on that basis would be made part of the Department's public files available for
inspection by the public..."

Lyndon B. Johnson President, Robert F. Kennedy Attorney General

12/11/1963 AZC Counsel to DOJ "...our client is not prepared to register as an agent of a foreign
government.  It has, however, no reluctance to make this information available
01/02/1964 Deputy AG Katzenbach asks DOJ FARA section to prepare a "reply for his signature in a
friendly rather than a hostile the effect that the material he submitted is not
01/10/1964 Deputy AG Katzenbach letter to AZC counsel "The material you submitted is much less
useful than what I had expected you were going to submit and of course there is no
disclosure unless the data is available for public inspection."
01/16/1964 AZC counsel Rifkind to Katzenbach "I shall try to accommodate my trip to Washington to
some occasion when I am there on other business.."
02/03/1964 Nathan Lenvin meetings with AZC counsel Rifkind "Judge Rifkind opened the meeting by
showing me a pamphlet distributed by the American Council for Judaism which contained
charges that Zionists were acting as propaganda agents for the State of Israel...he was
concerned that any disclosure which were being made should not be such as to substantiate
these charges made by the American Council [for Judaism]... Mr. Rothenberg made one
caviat, that they would have to be sure anything they submitted would not ultimately
prejudice the organization in the eyes of the public."
02/10/1964 Ed Guthman Letter to J. Walter Yeagley "I don't see how we can accept a caveat that an
organization won't submit information that might prejudice it publicly."
02/10/1964 J. Walter Yeagley letter to AZC counsel Rothenberg "the Department is not concerned with
the Council's expenditures in connection with exempt activities such as Hebrew education
and culture but requests that the Council submit a statement detailing its other expenditures
and particularly those under the category of the Department of Information and Public
02/12/1964 AZC counsel Rothenberg acknowledgement "I acknowledge receipt of your letter..."
03/16/1964 AZC counsel Rothenberg letter to Lenvin - "You are familiar, I know, with the agreement
reached between Judge Rifkind and Mr. Katzenbach, in the presence of Mr. Yeagley, with
regard to additional information to be furnished your Section.  Such agreement was reached,
as I understand it, in the realization by Mr. Katzenbach that with the present size of the staff
of the Council it would be indeed burdensome to furnish your department with itemization
of expenses of the past two years.  A sample itemization was therefore forwarded to you for
a period of approximately three months."
03/16/1964 James Weldon FARA letter to Rothenberg "it is requested you advise of your progress in
this matter".
04/28/1964 AZC counsel Rothenberg letter to Weldon  "Reference is made to my letter of March 16
addressed to Mr. Nathan B. Lenvin."
04/30/1964 Assistant AG Yeagley note to Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach "This is the most
blatant stall we have encountered.  Do you mind suggesting what we do next because all of
us here would call their records before a grand jury."
05/4/1964 Assistant AG Yeagley note to Katzenbach forwarding 3/16/1964 Rothenberg inquiry "Here
is tickler from Rothenberg about his March 16 letter on the American Zionist Council.  Do
you want me to do something on this?"
Lyndon B. Johnson President, Nicholas Katzenbach acting Attorney General

10/07/1964 Acting AG Katzenbach letter to AZC counsel Rothenberg "While we have endeavored to
make our requests as reasonable as possible, we cannot accept your suggestion since the
information offered is not in compliance with the Act or what we thought our understanding
was with Judge Rifkind."
10/20/1964 Irene Bowman FARA section review of AZC filing for 1962 and 1962 - "sample itemization
deemed deficient."
10/30/1964 Nathan Lenvin notes October 22, 1964 DOJ-AZC meeting - "Mr. Katzenbach had to excuse
himself shortly after the meeting commenced because of urgent business elsewhere, but
before he left he made clear to Mr. Rothenberg that, in response to the latter's assertion that
to submit all of the financial information we had previously requested for a two- to two-and-
a-half year period would be a great burden on the subject, we would accept a statement as to
a typical three month expenditure projected for the entire period concerned."  Assistant AG
Yeagley notes "They are to include the names for confid[ential] info of the Dept.—not for
public file."
11/04/1964 AZC counsel Rothenberg letter "Pursuant to understanding reached at our meeting...I write
to give you an outline of the information to be submitted." 
11/09/1964 Nathan Lenvin FARA section cover memo to Bowman "looks okay to me, please prepare a
11/18/1964 J. Walter Yeagley letter to AZC counsel Rothenberg "Your proposed outline of the
information to be contained in the report appears to be in accordance with our
11/23/1964 AZC counsel Rothenberg letter to Nathan Lenvin, FARA section - "In accordance with our
understanding I have asked the American Zionist Council to proceed with the preparation of
the report."
01/19/1965 Irene Bowman FARA section memo to Nathan Lenvin - "To date to my knowledge no such
report has been submitted."

Lyndon B. Johnson President, Nicholas Katzenbach Attorney General

02/25/1965 Nathan Lenvin FARA memo to files - "The delay, according to Mr. Rothenberg, was caused
by the inability of the subject to collect all of the information we wanted in the detail it was
03/02/1965 Harry A. Steinberg, Executive Director AZC cover letter and filing to FARA section "There
is also enclosed herewith, in duplicate, a listing of persons who have received funds as
shown in the record of disbursements.  Mr. Rothenberg has requested of you that this listing
be kept separate and apart from the record of disbursements in any public files in your
03/02/1965 AZC FARA section filing  for April 1, 1962 to June 30, 1962 (public)
03/02/1965 AZC FARA section filing  for April 1, 1962 to June 30, 1962 (non-public)
03/23/1965 Irene Bowman, FARA memo that AZC filing is in "substantial compliance"  Irene Bowman
handwritten note "I agree with the conclusion that the material be accepted and put into form
for public examination."
03/24/1965 Irene Bowman, FARA retraction and list of AZC filing inadequacies "While it appears
possible to make up a registration statement from documents furnished by a prospective
registrant, these documents should furnish all of the information required by the Act to be
stated in a registration statement.  The above material, none of which is executed under oath,
fails to provide the following information which is material for the purpose of the Act...:"
03/31/1965 Nathan Lenvin file transfer to J. Walter Yeagley - "Attached hereto is the entire file relating
to the American Zionist Council and our efforts to obtain is registration under the terms of
the Foreign Agents Registration Act...In her memorandum to Files, Mrs. Bowman points out
certain lacunae, which fail to establish all of this material as meeting all of the requirements
for registration...we were well aware that no full  and complete registration statement in the
ordinary sense would ever be received...only alternative to a refusal to accept what has been
submitted as compliance with the Act would be to institute prosecutive proceedings, which
would be useful purpose would be served by including these names in the
material which would be made available for public inspection."
4/08/1965 Nathan Lenvin instruction memo to Ulda Eldred, FARA section "The material filed by the
American Zionist Council (AZC) was filed in accordance with an understanding between the
Department and the AZC...If you should receive inquiries as to whether the AZC is
registered under the Act, you should respond in the negative.  You should advise, however,
that the AZC has filed information with this Section which is available for public
05/17/1965 Nathan Lenvin / J. Walter Yeagley notice to files - "...material of the AZC was placed in an
expandable portfolio to distinguish it in appearance from the registration statements which
are filed in manila folders.  In the event Mrs. Eldred receives inquiries as to whether the
AZC is registered under the Act, she has been instructed to respond in the negative."
05/14/1965 J. Walter Yeagley Yeagley requests closure of AZC case at the FBI "the material does not
comprise a registration statement but does supply basic information regarding the activities
of the AZC financed in part by the Jewish Agency..."
05/20/1965 Nathan Lenvin to J. Walter Yeagley on special handling/case closure - Yeagley handwritten
note "OK.  This seems to be what attorney Gen[eral] Kennedy and the then Dep[uty] AG
Katzenbach had in mind."
06/22/1965 05/17/1965 New York Times article: AZC convenes a major meeting at Jewish Agency New
York headquarters "revising its program to strengthen every phase of Jewish religious and
cultural life in this country....there should be no appeasement at the expense of Israel."
FARA section file copy, reviewed by DOJ officials.
11/27/1967 The American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC applies for a federal tax exemption. 
Archive The US Treasury Department grants it—backdated to 1953.

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