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CT r dei, S=;! Ph SS Sieh tt faa] : a aia Architect aMule The architect's name was Ineni. As to the manner born, symmetry itself had a lock on both his name and his artistic endeavours. Stemming from an aristocratic family, destiny paved his way easily, and his parents pulled a few strings to set the stage for a scenery which was to bridge time. Once of suitable age, he started working for the holder of the great house. Ineni was a man of strict principles. He rose with the first shafts of sunlight which Ra sent like glistening blades of fluorescent Tee eC ee ec Oe ee ee ee workmen's sight, Ineni, unaware of the trouble his underlings went though, compared his plans with the altered scenery which Unfolded in front of his eyes. Being exposed to the permanent strain of impossible building periods allowed, he could never be content with any progress made. The pillars he had designed strung their close-banded ranks around the pylon. Sculptures he had drawn emerged from gargantuan marble blocks while their divine heads rose from vile stone. They pointed to the temple's decuman gate, but the architect was not granted rest, nor could he revel in the splendour of his achievements. The architect knew that dusk would settle soon, and when daylight started to fade across the land, it brought with it a foreboding sense of ee ee ee eo cea Coe ee Be cake eC Ce en ee ea reached like a mummy's bandage around his wildly beating heart. He had to deliver to stay alive, the pharaoh's hounds were Rance ‘As the architect grew older and his reputation had interleaved the frontiers of the land, he eased into the thought of immortal- Dee cane cane eee re ucarSecr) CoD ee Rn ee Re A ceo Hatshepsut, the foremost of noble ladies was smitten by a young mortal, Senenmut. The latter did not have a drop of royal blood in his veins, but was eventually promoted to her steward and chief builder. The aging architect's days were numbered. Soon Senenmut's projects were beginning to take shape, and to Ineni it seemed that CU eae ne eet ee eee seem NEE oe ee eee i Oe ee CU mS DEO a ee ‘The architect's days did not change. He woke up with the first rays of light and looked at symmetrical objects becoming one with the red land, only now he did not have to compare them with his plans anymore. And at night, after dusk settled across the land, he went to sleep with tight bandages around his heart. Cee Cea

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