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Effect of smoking for human


Nowadays, smoking has been norm in Malaysia. This can be seen when there are many people had
smoke without counting their ages. There are many effects of smoking such as it can harm their
health, it will waste the smoker’s money and it will also affects the people in their surrounding.

1. Harm their health

A. There are a lot of chemical substances in the cigarettes.

i. It contains tar, nicotine and benzene that can harm their health.
B. Cigarettes can effect the lungs, brain and osteoporosis.
i. Cigarette smoking is associated with a reduced bone mass and an increased risk of

2. Waste the smoker’s money.

A. The price of cigarettes have been increased.

i. Increase in duty and tax.
ii. Global economy crisis.
B. The need to buy other smoking stuff
i. It is a must for smokers to buy lighter in order to smoke.

3. Affecting people surrounding them.

A. Spreading various types of diseases.

i. Gives rise to second hand smoke multiple diseases such as cough , nausea,
and headache.
ii. Long term involuntary smoking increases the risk of smoking-related disease.

B.Causing air pollution.

i. Disrupting civilians in public places to have fresh air such as at park.

ii. Without notice, smoker increases the air pollution index .


Smoking is a bad habit that generates many problems for generations. It will not
only affect the smokers itself, but it also acts like a virus that easily spread. Hence, the government
and civilians by NGO should take serious actions to stop smoking among Malaysians for the early
steps. Hence, such steps are necessary in order to build a healthier lifestyle and to save the planet.

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