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“ one who yawns “

In the hot desert, plains and rocks, in New Mexico

In the skies hot air streams, with buzzards, flies the spirit of Geronimo
The locals, with visions of the past and historical treasures found
Relive through sacred tribal rituals, chanting, haunting,g ghostly sound

1860 through 1870, Geronimo, was feared by all white men

Geronimo was protected by the Gods and flourished with the power they sent
He was fearless and his followers believed they couldn't lose
The Apache indians, through Geronimo's guidance, delivered their abuse

With the tenacity of the Apaches and the unforgiving land

The white man found it difficult, to get the upper hand
Only after refusing to give up their quest
The tied began to turn and the white man in great numbers gave their best

After a long and valiant effort Geronimo surrendered

On September fourth, 1886, was the date and long remembered
In honor, during World War II, American paratroopers, in planes, set to go
Would howler when they jumped out of the plane, GERONIMO

Author: Timothy B. Thayer


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