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Media Contact: Amalia Martino / (425) 361-2754

Fashion Network-Seattle’s Cynarah Ellawala Featured as Latino Entrepreneur on KUNS-

TV Univision News

Seattle, WA / August 26, 2010 - Cynarah Ellawala, Co-Owner and COO of Fashion Network-Seattle, an
organization dedicated to exposing Seattle’s blossoming fashion industry and supporting local designers
and boutiques, sat down with KUNS-TV Univision Seattle for an interview, which will air this week during
the 6:00 pm and 11:00 pm news.

The business spotlight segment features local Latino entrepreneurs, highlight alternative ways to make
money and offers guidance for how to deal with family-work life balance.

“Being able to promote Fashion Network-Seattle and speak about working as a successful
businesswoman in the Northwest is wonderful. As I understand it, the segment is meant to encourage
other Latinos, especially the younger generation, to discover different career options and I’m thrilled to be
part of it,” says Cynarah.
About Fashion Network-Seattle

Fashion Network-Seattle is not only a source for fashion-related content in the Seattle Metro Area, their
goal is to promote local designers, photographers, models and other industry professionals as well as
local boutiques. Fashion Network-Seattle also covers local fashion events, produce/host events, and
create content around fashion and beauty that includes video, articles, editorials and blog entries.


Media Contact:

Amalia Martino
BlueShoes Media
(425) 361-2754 office

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