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One of the possible objections to the idea of
global consensus on international welfare policies;
is that; this could jeopardize the regional
peculiarities and regional honor; especially in
creative and artistic fields.

But this fear or apprehension is uncalled for; as

the consensus is meant for; clear cut universal
issues and not anything that would come in the
way or suppress regional or even individual
characteristics and pride (if they do not harm the

Further, the NAMASMARAN and the associated

universal perspective can not be “wished away”!
The days have come; when NAMASMARAN i.e.
remembering the name of God i.e. true self;
would be joyously practiced in every house of
every religion or ideology and the consensus of
global welfare is bound to materialize further and
worldwide; from here onwards. There is no other
way of Total Stress Management i.e. individual
and global blossoming.
It has been the practice to talk more, write more,
profess more and practice less with respect to
NAMASMARAN, self realization and its
expression in different walks of life, especially
politics! But, it is necessary to talk, write and
profess also; the NAMAMSARAN and its
implications on global welfare, because of the
worldwide glamorization, glorification and hype
of antisocial ideas and passive support to it by the
confused (oblivious) elements.

The talking, writing, preaching and promoting

NAMSMARAN is urgent because we are
otherwise intoxicated by the talks, writing and
professing on glamour, glitter, manipulating,
maneuvering, conspiring etc as is in films and
showbiz and party politics (falsity)!

We the common people are dominated by every

kind of acting; whether on podium, stage or
We must practice and promote NAMASMARAN
much more, so that acting of the stars can not
delude us, acting of the models can not stupefy us,
acting of the politicians can not cheat us and our
own (common people’s) acting (adopted feelings
and behavior) can not distract us away from the
process of individual and global blossoming!

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