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6AR’s Weekly Timetable, 2010 -2011 Room 1308

Click here to view the 2010-2011 calendar

Period 1 Break Period 2 Period 3A Lunch Period 3B Period 4


7:30 7:40-8.20 8.20-09.05 9.25-10.05 10.05-10.45 10.45-11.35 12.25-1.05 1.05-1.50 1.50-2.30

Day A Miss A is on
World Languages Homework Checking
O.T P.E and Reading, Inquiry and Teamwork
Teacher Meeting at 8am Preparation duty at
Day B
Language Arts Mathematics Music Mathematics Reading, `Inquiry and Teamwork

Day C
Reading and
Language Arts Mathematics Art
Day D
Reading and World Languages
O.T Swimming & P.E Mathematics Assembly?
Inquiry Teacher Meeting
Day E
Language Arts Mathematics Inquiry and Teamwork Music

Day F
Homework Checking 6AR Ms Ashley might
and Language Arts Library Book Mathematics Reading, Inquiry and Teamwork visit.
Day G World Languages
Teacher Meeting at 9:45 Mathematics
Language Arts Math Goals!
Reading, Inquiry and Teamwork

Day H
Miss A is on World Languages
Mathematics Reading and
Language Arts Swimming & P.E Field Duty at
Math Goals!
11:35am Inquiry Coordinator Meeting?
Day I
Language Arts Mathematics Assembly? Music Inquiry and Teamwork

Day J Reading,
Language Arts Reading, Inquiry
Art Mathematics Music Inquiry and
Communication Goals… and Teamwork

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