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Deforestation is clearing Earth’s forest on a massive scale, often resulting in damage to the quality of the


The world’s rain forests could completely vanish in a hundred years at the current rate of deforestation.

Forests are cut down for many reasons, but most of them are related to money or to people’s need to
provide for their families.

Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment.

Deforestation also drives climate change. Forest soils are moist, but without protection from sun-
blocking tree cover they quickly dry out. Trees also help perpetuate the water cycle by returning water
vapor back into atmosphere. Without trees to fill these roles, many former forest lands can quickly
become barren deserts.

Trees also play a critical role in absorbing the green house gases that fuel global warming. Fewer forests
means larger amounts of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere- and increased speed and severity
of global warming.

The quickest solution to deforestation would be to simply stop cutting down trees.

A more workable solution is to carefully manage forest resources by eliminating clear- cutting to make
sure that forest environments remain intact.
In cities, drinking water is supplied from water works. In water works, the methods like sedimentation,
decantation, loading, filtration and chlorination, etc. are used to remove undesirable materials from

The water from a river (or lake) is pumped by the pumping station into a large reservoir called
sedimentation tank. This water is allowed to stand in the sedimentation tank for some time.

From the sedimentation tank, water is sent to a loading tank. In the loading tank, some alum is added to
water. The heavy particles of dissolved alum deposit on the suspended clay particles in water.

The water is then passed through a filtration tank. The filtration tank has three layers: fine sand layer at
the top, coarse sand layer in the middle and gravel act as filters.

The clear water is passed into a chlorination tank. A little chlorine gas is added to water in this tank.
Chlorine is added to water to kill the germs present in it.

The clean and disinfected water is then pumped by a pumping station into high storage tanks.

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