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Elizabeth Foran

Talking Points
Taylor & Delacruz

Taylor Reading:

“Artists create works of art to understand, explain, provoke, examine, expolore, and
expand the meaning of what it is to be human.” (90)

- the ability of being expressive, showing what you think and creating a
meaning out of an artistic outlet
- having that outlet so that you can be expressive and demonstrate, not keeping
it in, but rather sharing it with those around you
- how can this be incorporated into a curriculum so that students feel free and
natural in doing their own work?

“The keystone of service-learning pedagogy is reflection. Through reflective

discourse, writing, exhibition, and critique, service-learning students,
teachers, and community participants must be actively involved in
constant production and re-production of the service project.

- being active and involved in the community around you

- having the ability to set goals and have mutual ones with the people
surrounding you
- constant communication with the two parties, allows ideas to be talked about
and ideas to be born
- reflection allows for the thought to process and become and idea that can be
worked with.

- having people that you work with and are comfortable with
- Constant bouncing off of ideas and new thoughts

Delacruz Reading:

Communal Identity:
- having connections with other people, students, colleguges
- the classroom = SPECIAL PLACE
o how can one achieve this?
o What does this require?
- making the classroom a place for ideas, creativeness, etc without the outer
realm of societal influences coming in

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