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Orkut is most reputed brand in social networking sites.

There is spreading misconception

like orkut has more demerits than merits. Either it is orkut or any social networking site the
usefulness of relies on how people make useful of it. Many can argue that people will get
enormous benefits through orkut. In orkut the people can create any numbers of communities
through those communities we can use for our target customers through those communities. By
this social networking like orkut millions of people will use in daily purpose for their time
spending with their friends in chatting. Business persons should make sure that they post their
messages (through genuine business profiles) only to those people who are interested in the
offered services. Marketing messages should not be irritating to those who are not interested in
the specific products. Orkut promotion is specially designed to help their product.

We can send message through one by one to all going like chain message. For everybody
the orkut is useful like business purpose or just for chatting with friends. Here on orkut we will
get more publicity of any type of product or any message. This is the reason why people are
more number or people using orkut then any other social networking.

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