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// Interesting Topics for Project

******************* VB.NET************************
1)Voice/ Speech based Browser
2)Secured Software & Authentication
3)Securing TCP/IP communication using cryptography
4)File protector with password protection and cryptography security
5)Bluetooth Messenger
6)Intranet application for multiclient chatting
7)Wireless Data transfer to mobile
8)Network problem notification via SMS (SQL)
9)Home Automation System with Speech Recognition (H/W)
******************* JAVA************************
1)Speech comparison using neural networks
2)Home Automation System with Speech Recognition (h/w)
3)Voice/ Speech based Browser
4)Smart Encryption (Image/ audio / video)
5)Distributed mobility management for target tracking in mobile sensor networks
6)Java Media Player
7)TTS (text to speech ) Application
8)Packet reordering in transmission control protocol
9)Face recognition using laplacian faces
10)handwritten script recognition
11)Messaging service over TCP/ IP in local area network
12)On-line mobile voting
13)Mobile to PC communication
14)Character Recognition System
15)Intrusion Detection System / Firewall
16)Implementation of Digital image processing techniques

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