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Elizabeth Foran

Student Survey

I asked 3 students, one in 7th grade, one in 8th grade, and one in 9th grade.

1) How old were you when you got a cell phone?

a. 7th grader: doesn’t have one yet
b. 8th grader: 7th grade
c. 9th grader: 7th grade

2) How important is it to be considered popular on a scale of 1-10

a. 7th grader: 8
b. 8th grader: 8
c. 9th grader: 10

3) If you had to choose 3 words to describe yourself, what would they be?
a. 7th grader: cool, friendly, fun
b. 8th grader: popular, funny, awesome
c. 9th grader: smart, fun, popular

4) How often do you fight with your parents?

a. 7th grader: a lot
b. 8th grader: a few times a week
c. 9th grader: depends on the day

5) Are you closer to your family or friends?

a. 7th grader: “my friends for sure”
b. 8th grader: “seriously?”
c. 9th grader: “I’m trying to find a balance, but more so my friends.”

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