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NOV, 13


By definition. the S matrix, is what tells you the probability amplitude that a state that looks a given state in the far past will look like another given state in the far future,

< /3 J f" I 5 I .(, 1+'" ) ~ OiJ+ < f3 J F., ( 0/1) f,. )~

~t;,.. ~. ~ u; (D(1/~-It~"))flf"l(t'l)111t.{h)II('/i )/.)

(; ., ... ,. "3 .. 10 .£ 7- .. -44 6,"·" I

Note that in the limits, this is time ordered and thus we have succeeded in writing 5 matrix elements in terms of the renormalized Green's functions. 50 we could quit now, aut we are going to massage this expression. In doing so, we'll extend the idea of an S matrix element. Physically there is no way to create plane wave states.

Thus there is no way to measure or define S matrix elements of

plane wave states. However, after we get done massaging the RHS

of the above equation, we will get an expression that you can put plane wave states into without getting nonsense. We'll make this

the definition of S matrix elements of plane wave states, (k~//(.,I(s.')lk It) The utility of this object is that you can integrate it, smear it I) z. a little, to recover physically measurable 5 matrix elements. Now

I'll tell you the answer, that is, what we will soon show is a

sensible definition for

(k'i k" I (S ./) I A, ) /.t Z ;)

:. r d¢ t-,'" J~t" e: iil'X) +ik",xlj-iJ(x,-'J'kz 'Y,,&-(i)" 7J/ t1r0f..) (o!r!?/(r,) '" ~/(lv))/P)

That looks unfamiliar and messy, but it actually isn't. Recall that

<" IT (1'(",) . "fS/i: K "Jjd) ,; c, '( ;1"o',X 1)"' {f4"" .. d'lf c i1, o~"o"lif, OK, G/fl,1oo'/.),

(17T) f ttTi)'"

If you substitute this in the expression for (KJ r"(sef)!Ic,/i:'/t collapses to

~j3Jk",/(5-/)11c1J1c'Z)~ 7f I<i-e~~/(~I) kZ,-kJ(#k.;}

This says that an 5-1 matrix element is equal to a Green's function with the external propogators removed. This is almost exactly the result that came out of our low budget scattering thec»ry, with

the only difference being that the Green's function is of renormalized fields. The result we will first obtain won't be an expression for

<'k"".,(ls.r1I ~"k1.')' We get that by abstracting the expression for (f,!<f((S.I)!-A'<7 which Lo o k s just like the expression for(Ij~.,I(S-"I.Ic''/~I> stated @oft the .. c:t"~~~ jlFe.i.o~~ pag-!! except~-li/iJis replaced by fl(~),e"4~{by f2(x}.ellt.jJJby f3Cx.)

and Cu•· .. 4'by f4(x4). That is what we will show is

</3/ /" ((s./) (1;1z ) -= (JtfX, ._. It(f r I;-'(Xi )/[(YI/) I, &,)-h_(Yz.)

(£ 14/ 1I(Cl ,-+f" t.) ('u//( ~/ (l(,), .. 1/(1 yfl/r.)


· ,

NOV. 13 3

Let's get on with the proof, beginning with a lemma.

Given any function, f(x), satisfying (O+,t)f(x)=O, and £40 aslx/4 ... and a general field A, +~.,

ifct4x f(CJ+}'2)A=ifd4x[f~~A + A(_y2+.r2)f] .ird4x(f~~ A-Ad~f)

-fdt'#O!d3x i(.fiOA~A~Of) .

.. ~

this is something that appears often enough that it it is worth giving it a name. It is a function of

time only, call it _Af(t).

--fdt)OAf(t)- (lim - lim) Af(t)

~ .~ A ~~t->~ ~.~~~~ ~

J -I' J ~~ ~ l ~ ~~

i jd4x.II-(x) (CJ"';JAl.),4 =r - ~ ),A-I ~ /-c)

~~ .. i .... --

"11...,.; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1?IIS yffi ~ ~ ~;4.~

r~ k ffi"j( .i".d;,,~ nd~

I -- -7~-- - I ~ r'

.f ,k, -~)Jd~ dJf'X3d4x4{ fz.(XL)~~3)t/J!(~)

( c/..:". - eo it .... ItJ

(;)37T (LJrfJ'-l)(O(T(¢/f;(tJ)<p1~ q;r.,;~)pri1))IO)


W~~d:~~~<t~-~~~~ ~-t.. ~. ~ ~ 01' ~ ~ ~ "'" ~. ~~ ~z~

(-t1;jO-1;,,)/b .. -f;;JPI;K3"it~'h3)1/(~.)

, • It' J ~ J /;f' Z J( L1.? >}<o! r(rI //, (i,)i /1,/6.) 14)1 (.X~l, ~

~~ • 1\0+& -+l,e.cI;~ ... ce'

a: - ~ )I:L .:: i.: ;') I/~_ J.,:. / t:. - L. )

~," -.. ',..... (-:; ...... -" "i"" t;;.. .(j .. - .. )(;t~,. f f-+ - If

CO/I (f /-1; MJ ¢'/ ,{(/~) r;f /1 7ti) I" r; ~f-; )X~)

-7 w-e- ~ ~::::U..e ~ A ~ ~L1 ~/ ~ ./

c-e ~ ~ c.- ~ ~ 7 ~ ~/~_e. cc/..! ¥: :r2~r.1- ~ ,-6 ~N_ ~ ~ h.o~ . ~ ~ ~ ~:::av r-L.'..

~~~d. "

NOV. 13



(I) The mathematical expression we started with makes sense even for

fI, f2, f3' and f4 plane waves. We'll make that expression the definition of an 5-1 matrix element of plane waves. Of course you only get something physically measurable when you integrate.

~~ V(x-y)

smear, the expression. The .situation is very analogou~ to

. (3 3 .... ~ ~

in the expression U.}d x d y V(x-y) p (x) plY). No one can build

a point charge, and thus no one can make a charge distribution that ~ ..

directly measures V(x-y), that is, one for which the interaction

~ .l\ energy is V(x-y).

All you can do is measure U for various charge .J~ distributions. Then you can abstract to the notion of V(x-y),

"the potential energy of between two point charges." You only

recover something physically measurable when you integrate, smear,

';.r $-1 ...... +r~ to .&l~ ......... " ... ,Ia"e .... _as. (3 3 ~ oJ

the expressionA The formula analogous to U=)d x d Y V(x-y) rex) r(y) is

I l \ (13k d 3k ..... ~ ~ .Jo.

<f3,f4 (S-I) fI,f2>= ( 1 ···(~1 4 F3(k3)F!(k4)Fl(kl)F2(k2)

1rt)"ll,ll;, 111 r 2wt

I ~ ~(k3,k41(S-I)lkl,k2>

(2) The proof only required that the field you begin with have a nonzero vacuum to one particle matrix element. Then you shift that field by some constant, and multiply it by another constant to get the renormalized field. whose Green's functions are what actually entered the proof. There is thus a many to one correspondence between fields and particles. From the pOint of view of the

,._,. I 2... .

reduction formula, l' ~ cp+!~~ is just as good a field (at least

except for one exceptional value of~ that makes the vacuum to one particle matrix element of iP vanish). You do not have to begin

with one of the fields that seemed to be fundamental in the Lagrangian.

(3) There is no problem in principle of obtaining scattering matrix elements of composite particles and bound states. In the QeD theory of the strong interactions, the mesons are bound states of a quark and an antiquark. If q(x) is a quark field, you would expect qq(x) to have

a nonvanishing vacuum to one meson matrix element. to calculate 2-->2 meson scattering then would be

(~) I

Gt(xl,X2tX3.x4)~ <OlTCQQ(xI)qq(x2)Qq(x3)QQ(x4» 0>

I1All1t you need

~here ~~'(X) is the renormalized field.

Of course noone has got:e~

.. §

NOV. /1.


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, •• c • ~ ._ ~_ •• "",.,.


x:~ f~ ~ A z"A (?tr)4S("'~k)

(~~~I' iAr(?7T}4[M/Ic)

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NOV. fB 7


* r 4'1\\ ,6ft'\. 1::; -ld(J\x_l) bec~ <:p, ~ c~ be c ..... "'7J to ~i" n. -v

b' ... C ,,.,:. ".\ +,-...- 5.


I't)O V.(~


?1s;,v A~ ~ r , ~h> ;r/(}t; ~ ~ ~ ~~:!

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,- /V- dk ~~:?L

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-1"7T/(k") = ---@r-:: -0-- +

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WAvu- -C"7(,«; 2) ~ --0-

-;-A.rz_ ~ ~ ~

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NOV. 20 5"


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(; ; q .. J .'. .. ,l. I".j F". ~ \ ~ Ii ':!

. ' I I ..) I ..

10ov.20 B

Physics 2S3a

NOV. 20 10

Integral Table

The Minkowski-space integral,

with n integer and 1m a > 0, is given by

1:., (0..):: ~ l He> "TI't('I\-I) (",-'2. ') 0.. Y\-1. T~

for n ~ 3. For n = I, 2,


"""'I.. \ '= \~ it'!. a. k (-o...) + ••• )



'T _ - t. riC \

...\. ::I.JY\ - 0. J t • •• )

,_- \~\ll

where the triple dots indicate terms that cancel in a sum of such terms such that the total integrand vanishes for high q more rapidly than q-4

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