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Tips on How to Perform a Proper Lower Ab Workout

Looking good is the key to feeling good. It is no wonder why almost everybody want to look good and
have a well-proportioned body and well-defined abs. Yes, people who dream of looking hot wish to have
six-pack abs. But how does one actually achieve a tone abs? Ideally, what is the right lower ab workout a
body-conscious aficionado should consider? Crunches, leg lifts, or sit ups are perhaps the most common
forms of abdominal workouts. But is this enough? Here are some practical ideas on how you can
exercise your lower ab area efficiently.

Target the Right Spot

When doing your ab exercises, make sure you lower abs are actually working. Along the course of your
exercise and you feel your other muscles are working instead of your lower abs, then you are not doing
it properly. Take time rest, go over your routine and listen to your body. After all, what’s the point of
sweating out and not targeting the right muscles correctly?

Be Careful with Back Pains

Most people oftentimes have this misconception that pain is normal when doing exercises. In this case,
when you are doing lower ab routines and you start to notice recurring pains on your back, it simply
means your body does not have enough ability to withstand your ab workouts. The moment you feel
some back pains after doing abs routines, then by all means, stop.

Take Control

In doing lower ab workouts, it is important that you take control of your routines. For some, they believe
that by doing the routines quickly, they’d be able to achieve quicker results. However though, the more
you increase the momentum of your routines, the lesser control you achieve over your muscles, thus
reducing your workout’s actual effectiveness. Additionally, when abruptly doing exercises, there is that
risk of incorporating into your workout some muscles of your body that should not be included in the
first place.

Quality Matters

It doesn’t matter that you do a thousand repetitions for a specific routine or spend hours at the gym and
doing the same workout all over again. The quantity of your workout does not matter at all. The quality
does. It is very crucial that you understand the right muscles to work on, and focus doing it performing.
Remember that slow and controlled exercises are the key to a successful workout.

Proper Breathing

Experts say that properly breathing can greatly help in any forms of abdominal workouts. Because ab
routines require you to contract your abs at some point during the exercise, it typical that you hold your
breath at times. However, breathing properly through your exercise can help you go a long way. Exhale
when you do contracts or crunches, and inhale when relaxed.
The Right Diet

Of course, in any forms of exercise, having the right and proper diet is just as important. Avoid sugary
foods, carbonated drinks, fried foods, and the likes. Also, replenish your body by regularly drinking
glasses of water daily.

Now that you have some ideas on how to have the proper lower ab workout, make sure you put your
heart into doing the routines correctly. That way, you can easily achieve a leaner and toner lower ab in
no time.

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