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CIS Nemo

July 2010

Hello Parents!! Reading: As I said before, the reading is

Wow!! We’re already halfway through going great! These books are very
the year! I was so happy to meet all of beneficial to enhance the children’s
you at the parent-teacher conferences! vocabulary along with improving their
It was truly a pleasure. Your children reading skills.
are absolutely beautiful and super
smart! They make me proud every day! Science: Science is definitely the most-
liked among the student’s subjects.
Phonics: The 3rd JY Phonics Book is Every Monday they get super excited
spectacular. At first I was a little because they know we will be doing a
worried because of the difficulty level, Science experiment in the afternoon.
but once again, the students are The science kits are a lot of fun. The
mastering it! We are getting into vocabulary cards are also very useful for
reading three-letter sight words now learning new words!
that they have finished learning all the
letter sounds. We will soon be in the 4th
series of JY! They are doing terrific!

Monthly Themes: This month’s themes

are space and time. We have lots of fun
and exciting activities planned for these

If you have any comments or questions,

please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Warmest Regards,
Mona Teacher

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