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UNITED STATES GO -RNMENT 1 = Mr, DoLoach Memorandum 12 url Suitiven 2 = Mr. C.D, Brennan Mr, W. C, Suldi : DATE: September 11, 1969 1 - Miss Butier pas 1 - Ur, Shackel tor : . D, Brennai I Migs Mes s « jo 1 I Migs mess Ay eS CGN E bs, BOOK REVIEW / BN foe “AN ESSAY ON LIBERATION" hy t BY HERBERT “MAR CUSE ( iy INTERNAL SECURITY - NEW LEFT MATTER (Ae? This memorandum présents a Fé¥fc#7O2 c: which is being retained in the Communist infil Left Groups Unit, Internal Security Section, 5 Division, tioned book, sted ané New estic Intel, SYNOPSIS; Marcise, a professor in the Philososhy Departne ‘ihe University of California at San Diego, nas beer descr as the philosopher of the New Left, Captioned inc Mareuse's oft repeated advocacy of the necd for i the United States, Recognizing that the vor! done so well under the free enterprise systan part of any Marxian revolution, Marcuse t: “mainly among the young, middle-class ix: ghetto population, to carry the revolution, by the intellectuals, ‘The goal of a jereation of a "society in which the aboiitioa ‘termiaates in a universe where the sensuous, the calm and the beautiful become forms of existence, eliminating poverty and work but offers no foru this goal except to say this will involve the e private property and the institution of economic ce: |i states that a procondition of his revecutson < ;the moral fiber and undermining faith in ccceptec vaiues, is.a powerful. force in the New Left movement toi that the majority of the young radicals x-ciiy philosophy, but So long as he advocates overt! system by, in their terminology, simply "coing ¢h remain oblivious to the fact that he is using the: attenpt to gain an intellectual dictatorsiin. mentioned in the book. REC-; A L thing, tects —- if ACTION: None, For sntorantion. x 27 ~ EN/1m (8) 100~448771 : . 1 - 62-46855 (Gook Review siibb iP Le + 9B 6 SERS R69 seme fete ‘ecteaeneesschptten Tha pu oEs em nm Ow 5 | State Department Zvom 1945 to 1956, Memorandum for Mr, W, C, Sullivan “": BOOK REVIEW “AN ESSAY ON LIBERATION" BY HERBERT MARCUSE 100-445771, DETAILS: ‘The Author H Herbert Marcuse (pronounced Narxooz! the New Left, as well as “the idol of th¢ He was born in 1898 in Berlin, Germany, iu country in i934, and was naturalized ih 124 affiliated with Harvard and Colun as Professor of Politics and Philosophy at @ from 1954 to 1965, He is presently 9 provesso:' 1 Department at the University of California az San Eaego, lave has been influenced by the writings of priiostphox Gor > psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, and oy Kari Yr is a Marxist but feels Marxisa must be Groat FBI_Not Mentioned There are no references to the Book Review Captioned book, dedicated by militants," was published in 1969 and re repeated advocacy of the need for a reve States. Marcuse expresses a hatred of ail isbex and their economic systems based on free enterpri. their success in improving the standard o. iivi have made one of Marcuse's heroes, Karl ha Marx predicted that the capitalist system wo nisery for the workers and that this would eve: collapse, Marcuse finds himself in the positic: ‘to reject Marx's cherished working class £3 t ixevolutionary change because he recognizes t! (gone so well under the free enterprise syste jpart of any Marxian revolution, le says ibix

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