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Dear dad,

I know you’ll never see this,

I know you’ll never think that I am good enough,

I know you think I can’t accomplish easy tasks,

But please, hear me out.

I hate when you tell us not to cry, or not to swear,

Though by setting such an example of cussing,

What are we do think?

I know I am not your favourite,

Alasdair can not be beat.

My grades are not perfect,

The laundry is not always complete,

I am not made of infinate money to spend on myself.

I fear I shall never live up to this image of flawlessness and purity,

My dreams are of becoming respected in your eyes,

Possibly even gaining your trust and respect.

Though I know these things are virtually impossible,

I wish they come true, once a day.

I wish you could be content with my achievements,

Push me when I need it,

Apriciate me and how far I have come.

I know that wishes will not fulfill this emptiness I find in myself,

All I want is for me to make you proud.

I apologize I cannot be your one and only impecable, idyllic daughter who has all the time in
the world.

I do not plan on you ever viewing this,

In fear of a family feud starting.

I beg you for just one emotion towards me.

For just once in our lifetimes,

Someday, when I achieve everything,

Can you tell me you are proud?

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