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Are we really Independent?

Last week we have celebrated our 63rd year of Independence and as usual there was a thick
cloud of patriotic excitement in the air… which passed as quickly as the day went by.

 In revernce of the day my thoughts settled on the question... Are we really Independent?

Thinking about it...we are captives of our own restlessness and chained by our self-centered
attitude intricately bound by our ambitious nature. 

Restlessness: We have so many options now available to us that we landed in a state of

confusion. The results of what is wanted?

We no longer take accountability for our actions; we are restless. We always want to do
something, sometimes not even concentrating on what we are doing. We try to lay hands on
whatever we get and in the process forget that there are others too in the game! 

Self-centered: We no longer have time for anyone else. We no longer have time for ourselves.
We are constantly busy. But are we really so busy that we do not have time for others? The love
for ourselves have become such an obsessions that others wellbeing is not considered. We have
become a self centered people. We live in a fictitious world. We take everything for granted!

Ambitious: Being ambitious is a positive attribute, but is it always positive? We have become so
ambitious that we will choose to find betterment even if it is at the expense of others? We no
longer hold respecting others.

Life is now just about getting what we want and condemn others for all the ills in our lives for
they are the ones at fault.

Well... how does one explain this paradigm shift in our nature?

Who is to be blamed? Are we not prisoners of our own behavior?

 Are we really independent?

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