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(18:21:24) Willie: Kinkyclawz logs into the Chat.

(18:23:04) Kinkyclawz: Hi Willie! Howsya? I see you had a lil foray onto the forum, love. How did
you like it? Oh dear, had to correct several typos just in this one paragraph. Doesn't bode well for
tonight's chat. *busies her peeling popped bubblewrap from the walls and reapplying new stuff*
(18:28:18) Willie: abi enters the channel.
(18:28:26) abi: hello!
(18:28:27) Kinkyclawz: ABI!
(18:28:32) Kinkyclawz: Hello there!
(18:28:36) abi: hi!
(18:28:38) abi: hows you?
(18:28:40) Kinkyclawz: Ulp, brb, pitstop (not you, I promise!)
(18:28:51) Kinkyclawz: I'm not bad thanks, (still BR
(18:29:09) abi:
(18:30:12) Kinkyclawz: Phew! Back!
(18:30:20) Kinkyclawz: Got my brew too, Dad lef tit on the stairs.
(18:30:20) abi:
(18:30:33) Kinkyclawz: left it even! *eyes get wide~*
(18:30:46) abi: hehe!
(18:30:50) Kinkyclawz: I'm doing ok thanks, but busy as heck.
(18:31:01) abi: know that feeling!
(18:31:02) Kinkyclawz: oh oh!
(18:31:06) abi: hiws the web course coming along?
(18:31:06) Kinkyclawz: Nearly forgot...
(18:31:36) Kinkyclawz: I'm planning at some point in the future on writing a story loosley based
ont he evnts here in the chatroom - do you fancy ebing among the characters?
(18:31:37) abi: ?
(18:31:45) abi: ooo go for it!
(18:31:50) abi: although im barelyhere these days
(18:32:23) Kinkyclawz: YAY! We have seven volunteers! Can you imagine our madcap
adventures in print? Heaven help the sanity of the reader.
Its not great at the min, the web course.
(18:32:39) Kinkyclawz: Abie,m I can use your earlier attendances, sweetie. #
(18:32:45) Kinkyclawz: Or make stuff up.
(18:32:56) abi: 7? wowza its got busy in here!
(18:32:59) Kinkyclawz: and its not gonna be for a while so you'll be able to give more silliness if
you like?
(18:33:01) abi: mind you it was always manic in here
(18:33:04) abi:
(18:33:11) Kinkyclawz: And 7 seems to be a slow night these days.
(18:33:13) abi: i shall try, life has a habit of getting in the way
(18:33:17) Kinkyclawz: LOL manic is a good thing.
(18:33:43) Kinkyclawz: Sadly, we need Sharon or Ranger (or laterly a chap called Space Waltzer,
aka SW) to keep us on topic
(18:33:45) abi: 7 is slow?
(18:33:49) abi: i remember when it was about 4!
(18:33:55) abi: hehe
(18:34:01) Kinkyclawz: bleugh, life does do that, doesn't it? this is my respite from the world.
(18:34:04) abi: keeping on topic was never a strong point i remember!
(18:34:15) Kinkyclawz: Well, i say 7 but a lot fo folks lurk, not posting much.
(18:34:20) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Well... yeah.
(18:34:32) Kinkyclawz: We have a window in here now and the plot regularly hops out of it.
(18:34:39) Kinkyclawz: Leaves us to our own devices.
(18:34:40) abi: haha!
(18:34:45) abi: sounds good!
(18:34:57) Kinkyclawz: lmao It is.
(18:35:07) Kinkyclawz: This is my lil respite from the world. Always make time for chat if I can.
(18:35:37) abi: i just never seem to manage it which is a shame, i need to try more
(18:35:39) Kinkyclawz: The only time I miss (and thats only been, what abotu 4 times in a year
and a bit) is when I'm staying away 'cause I can;'t guarantee internet coverage.
(18:35:58) Kinkyclawz: *writes on Abi's character sheet, "must try harder, teacher"* LOL
(18:36:20) Kinkyclawz: Aww, but in all seriousness, you've had a heckuva lot going on lately.
(18:36:34) Kinkyclawz: And teachers tend ot be catching up at the end of a weekend for the
following week's sork.
(18:36:40) Kinkyclawz: work even.
(18:36:41) Kinkyclawz: ahem
(18:36:48) abi: sork is prob a better term!
(18:37:01) abi: its sadly true, and the timetable theyve given me this year is less than ideal to say
the last
(18:37:12) Kinkyclawz: So, Miss Amazing, what shall we discuss in the absence of the rest of the
Ooh, heck, that bad eh?
(18:37:32) abi: yup that bad!
(18:37:39) abi: but hey, im sure itll get better
(18:37:39) Kinkyclawz: More subjects/classes than you expected?
(18:37:42) abi: it has to right?!
(18:37:46) Kinkyclawz: Thats the spirit!
(18:37:48) Kinkyclawz: Yup!
(18:37:53) abi: nope, my 5th years (16yr olds) are just tough
(18:37:56) Kinkyclawz: optimism is rewarded!
(18:38:18) Kinkyclawz: oh dear, I suppose they are a handful at that age. What size of class aree
you taking now?
(18:38:39) abi: 20 of them, 30 3rd years, and around 20-25 of every other
(18:38:53) Kinkyclawz: Yikes!
(18:39:05) abi: yup
(18:39:06) Kinkyclawz: no wonder they're difficult to tame!
(18:39:19) abi: some of them have admitted theyre nly at school to get their ema
(18:39:22) Kinkyclawz: hormones and attitude, not a great mix.
(18:39:27) Kinkyclawz: ema?
(18:39:36) Kinkyclawz: aha, typos are catching!
(18:39:38) Kinkyclawz: woohoo!
(18:39:51) abi: educational money alloweance
(18:40:00) Kinkyclawz: ohhh, I see.
(18:40:01) abi: they get paid £30 to come to school each week by the gov
(18:40:08) Kinkyclawz: Is that a Scottish plan?
(18:40:27) Kinkyclawz: Wow, I'd go to school for £30 per week.
(18:40:28) abi: nope UK wide
(18:40:39) Kinkyclawz: Might even get more studying done than I presently do.
(18:40:39) abi: they brought it in just after i left college
(18:40:52) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, never heard of it before, then again tis beena long time since i was
at aschool.
(18:41:16) abi: not that much longer than me!
(18:41:38) Willie: Charmanderx33 enters the channel.
(18:41:43) Kinkyclawz: 14 years?
(18:41:49) Charmanderx33: HAI
(18:41:50) Kinkyclawz: Charm! Hi hun, howsya?
(18:41:57) Charmanderx33: sorry i wasn't on last week
(18:41:58) Charmanderx33: D;
(18:42:00) abi: hmm i left college nearly 10
(18:42:03) Charmanderx33: i'm good thanks
(18:42:03) Charmanderx33:
(18:42:04) Kinkyclawz: Charm, this is Abi, one of the first generation of Chatter!
(18:42:08) Charmanderx33: you?
(18:42:14) Charmanderx33: HAI ABI;
(18:42:14) Charmanderx33: D
(18:42:19) abi: hi char!
(18:42:20) Kinkyclawz: Abi: Oh, so not that much difference really then.
(18:42:24) abi: nice to meet you
(18:42:27) abi: nah not really
(18:42:33) Charmanderx33: how are you both
(18:42:39) Kinkyclawz: Not bad thanks.
(18:42:47) Kinkyclawz: *****
(18:42:49) Charmanderx33: goodgood
(18:43:08) Charmanderx33: i didn't get back from london till late on sunday last week
(18:43:13) Charmanderx33: so i couldn't come on
(18:43:32) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, wondered where you were, hun. no worries. Life tends to take
over.... we were just discussing that.
(18:43:39) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:43:41) Kinkyclawz: You were missed m'dear!¬
(18:43:45) abi: yup, it certainly does
(18:43:48) Charmanderx33: yay!
(18:43:59) Kinkyclawz: Char, have you seen any more episodes, sweetie?
(18:44:18) Charmanderx33: not yet no, been busy this last few weeks
(18:44:23) Charmanderx33: getting ready for back to school
(18:44:24) Charmanderx33: ;l
(18:44:25) Kinkyclawz: *opens the window so the plot won;t hurt itself flying out*
(18:44:30) abi: haha!
(18:44:33) abi: back to school?
(18:44:39) Charmanderx33: yeah
(18:44:42) Charmanderx33: i'm 14.
(18:44:43) Charmanderx33: lol.
(18:44:50) abi: ah gotcha
(18:44:53) abi: god i feel old
(18:44:54) abi:
(18:44:56) Charmanderx33: aha
(18:44:58) Charmanderx33: don't
(18:45:00) Kinkyclawz: Oh heck, aye, forgot about that. Yeah, its gonna take a while to get sorted
and ahve enough free time toe watch methinks. We;ll try to not spoil anything for you.
(18:45:04) Charmanderx33: i feel like an infant
(18:45:14) Charmanderx33: aha spoil away
(18:45:14) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Abi. Thisnk how i feel.
(18:45:16) abi: nah, youre fine haha!
(18:45:18) Charmanderx33: suspense kills me
(18:45:18) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:45:24) Kinkyclawz: *pats "infant" Cahr on the head*
(18:45:29) abi: clearly im just an old fart!
(18:45:34) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(18:45:37) Charmanderx33: ;D *PURRS*
(18:45:46) Kinkyclawz: no no, a newer fart then me, Ani! lmao
(18:46:00) Kinkyclawz: or Abi if I get your name right.
(18:46:02) Charmanderx33: ;o neither of you are old so shhhh
(18:46:04) Kinkyclawz: Hehe,
(18:46:04) abi:
(18:46:15) Kinkyclawz: See, we're not old. so there1 *pokes her tongue out*
(18:46:20) abi: nope, sadly i am. youre back at school to study, im back at school to teach
(18:46:21) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:46:22) Kinkyclawz: LOL
(18:46:34) Charmanderx33: ooh you're a teacher
(18:46:38) Charmanderx33: what do you teach?
(18:46:46) Kinkyclawz: Psst, we'll have to work on her, Char!
(18:46:51) abi: english
(18:46:51) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:46:54) Charmanderx33: OOH
(18:46:57) Charmanderx33: I LOVE YOU ALREADY.
(18:47:00) Charmanderx33: <3
(18:47:02) abi: haha why???
(18:47:03) Kinkyclawz: LOL
(18:47:04) abi:
(18:47:11) Charmanderx33: english is my favourite subject
(18:47:15) Charmanderx33: I'm a writer
(18:47:15) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:47:15) abi: ah yey!!!
(18:47:19) Kinkyclawz:
(18:47:22) abi: someone somewhere loves it
(18:47:22) Charmanderx33: and plus
(18:47:27) Charmanderx33: my old english teacher was fit.
(18:47:27) Charmanderx33:
(18:47:33) abi: haha!
(18:47:34) Kinkyclawz: You're surrounded by writers, Abi, no trying to escape now, ok?
(18:47:39) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:47:42) abi: ok
(18:47:45) Kinkyclawz: Char!
(18:47:49) Charmanderx33: Yes
(18:48:05) abi: you at schoo, in UK char?
(18:48:12) Kinkyclawz: i'm gonna be writing a story based on the adventures that go on in this
chatroom, would you like to have acharacter based on you hun?
(18:48:20) Charmanderx33: yes
(18:48:21) Charmanderx33:
(18:48:28) Charmanderx33: sorry pressed a weird button
(18:48:30) Kinkyclawz: LOL an English teacher with KC's typos. *laughs hysterically*
(18:48:31) Charmanderx33:
(18:48:31) abi: oops cant spell
(18:48:56) Charmanderx33: lol neither can i dw
(18:49:00) Charmanderx33: i can't see the keys.
(18:49:01) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:49:19) abi: eeeek!
(18:49:20) Kinkyclawz: *picks herself up off the floor*
Oh dear, why can;'t you see the key?s
(18:49:27) Charmanderx33: dark
(18:49:30) Charmanderx33: lmao xD
(18:49:53) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, yeah, darkness doesn't make it easy to see the keys.
(18:50:03) Charmanderx33: no it doesn't xD
(18:50:09) Kinkyclawz: Can you put the light on?
(18:50:16) Charmanderx33: especially in particularly dark hallways ¬¬
(18:50:21) abi: oh not good
(18:50:25) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:50:26) abi: strain your eyes
(18:50:30) abi: and with that i sound like my mother
(18:50:38) Charmanderx33: my eyes are weird any way xD
(18:50:39) Kinkyclawz: *blinks* Hallways... why are you Chatting in the Hallways?
(18:50:51) Kinkyclawz: LOL Abi, we all turn into our motehrs eventually.
(18:50:52) Charmanderx33: aha eating while sat on the stairs...
(18:50:56) Kinkyclawz: Scary, that.
(18:51:05) Charmanderx33: i would hate to be my mum ¬¬
(18:51:08) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, now tings become clear, Char.
(18:51:13) abi: my mums awesome but its still scary
(18:51:22) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:51:49) Kinkyclawz: Char, maybe now but later it becoems a gift in some ways. mine is too,
(18:51:52) Charmanderx33: my mum always gets me things that she likes and i make her cry
when i don't like it
(18:51:53) Charmanderx33: D;
(18:52:17) Charmanderx33: lol i'd hate to become my mum at 14 >.>
(18:52:20) abi: uh oh
(18:52:23) abi:
(18:52:27) abi: worse things to be chuck
(18:52:27) Charmanderx33:
(18:52:28) Kinkyclawz: Aww, but at least she's trying and getting you things. many people don;t
have that. Gotta count your blessings these days.
(18:52:41) Charmanderx33: guess so yah.
(18:52:43) Kinkyclawz: LOL it usually takes a bit longer to start getting like your mum, so don;t
worry too much, hun.
(18:52:51) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:52:57) Kinkyclawz:
(18:53:06) Charmanderx33: where is everyone else or are they coming on laters.
(18:53:31) Kinkyclawz: they'll be on later methinks. not sure if JD (keepmakingtea) will be on
tonight. Hope he will though.
(18:53:43) Charmanderx33: aww i liked him too;o
(18:53:48) Kinkyclawz: Forgot the count! I now have 8 folks willing to be characetrs! WHEE!
(18:53:59) abi: yey
(18:54:00) Charmanderx33: LOL
(18:54:01) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, its nto a permanent missing, don;t cry! *hugz*
(18:54:15) Charmanderx33: i just got chinese curry on my jumper
(18:54:16) Charmanderx33: woops
(18:54:20) Kinkyclawz: In fact, group hug!!!! *drags Abi in too*
(18:54:26) Charmanderx33: *hugs*
(18:54:27) Charmanderx33:
(18:54:29) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear! Can you get it off quickly?
(18:54:36) abi: haha!
(18:54:38) abi: eeek
(18:54:40) abi: wash quick
(18:54:41) Charmanderx33: lol yah i just wiped it
(18:54:54) Kinkyclawz: Dab with cold water? not sure if thats useful for curry though.
(18:55:03) Kinkyclawz: yay! is it saved?
(18:55:10) Charmanderx33: yes
(18:55:15) abi:
(18:55:25) Kinkyclawz: Woohoo! *dnaces, not easy while part of a group hug*
(18:55:32) abi: haha!
(18:55:39) Charmanderx33: LOL *dances too* ;O
(18:55:54) Kinkyclawz: You dancing too, Abi./
(18:55:55) Kinkyclawz: ?
(18:56:06) Charmanderx33: she has too
(18:56:09) Charmanderx33: group hug
(18:56:11) Charmanderx33: remember
(18:56:11) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:56:21) Kinkyclawz: fair comment!
(18:56:23) abi: yup i certainly am!
(18:56:26) Kinkyclawz: Dance, Abi, Dance!
(18:56:28) abi: *dances*
(18:56:28) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(18:56:39) Kinkyclawz: *****
(18:56:43) abi: :
(18:56:46) abi: oops
(18:56:47) abi:
(18:56:55) Charmanderx33: it feels strange calling a teacher by her first name;o
(18:57:28) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bet it does.
(18:57:33) abi: haha!!!
(18:57:33) Charmanderx33:
(18:57:39) abi: nope not a teacher at mo
(18:57:45) abi: not til 830 tomorrow morning
(18:57:46) Charmanderx33: touche.
(18:57:48) abi: nuhp-uh
(18:57:50) abi:
(18:57:53) Kinkyclawz: And Miss Amazing sounds like a comic book hero! Hey, yeah! You can be
a comic book hero Abi!
(18:58:02) abi: yey!!!
(18:58:02) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:58:15) Charmanderx33: the theme song
(18:58:15) Kinkyclawz: What colour is your cape?
(18:58:17) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(18:58:18) Charmanderx33: has to involve
(18:58:24) Charmanderx33: english teacher to the rescue
(18:58:25) Charmanderx33: in it.
(18:58:27) Charmanderx33: mmkays?
(18:58:28) abi: purple?
(18:58:31) abi: green?
(18:58:38) abi: haha! love it char
(18:58:41) Charmanderx33: rainbow cape is love.
(18:58:42) Charmanderx33:
(18:58:57) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, we have you get you a theme song with those exact lyrics, Char!
(18:59:06) abi: hehe!
(18:59:10) Charmanderx33: *victory dance*
(18:59:10) abi: like the raibow cape
(18:59:15) Charmanderx33: ;D
(18:59:22) Kinkyclawz: *hums the Spiderman theme then realises that one's already been done*
(18:59:31) Charmanderx33: bad KC
(18:59:40) Charmanderx33: plagiarism is very bad
(18:59:40) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, mean Abi needs the theme song. lmao Oh dear!
(18:59:40) Charmanderx33: xD
(18:59:44) Kinkyclawz: It is.
(18:59:49) Charmanderx33: brb xD
(18:59:51) Kinkyclawz: and kudos on being able to spell it! lmao
(18:59:54) Kinkyclawz: HB Char.
(19:00:07) abi:
(19:00:22) Kinkyclawz: LOL
(19:01:03) Charmanderx33: back
(19:01:06) Charmanderx33: and thanking you KC
(19:01:11) Kinkyclawz: WB!
(19:01:21) Charmanderx33: ty ^^
(19:01:27) Kinkyclawz: You're welcome (what'm I being thanked for?)
(19:01:36) abi:
(19:01:39) Kinkyclawz: lol
(19:01:39) Charmanderx33: 'wb' and the kudos ;o
(19:01:40) abi: just for being you i think
(19:01:49) Charmanderx33: and that
(19:01:52) Charmanderx33: of course (:
(19:02:10) Charmanderx33: i never knew a teacher could be cool
(19:02:13) abi: aww, emma just finished on bbc 2
(19:02:17) abi:
(19:02:22) abi: yeh we can
(19:02:48) Charmanderx33: my dad is watching a lame movie
(19:02:50) Charmanderx33: D;
(19:02:58) Kinkyclawz: Oh Abi, fair warning, don;t touch that massive tree you see growing in the
middle fo teh chatroom there, the one right by my gutter (wonders if there are any other massive
trees...), thats called the Insanity Tree. Touch it and it makes you emporarily insane. LOL
(19:03:11) abi: oh dear oh dear
(19:03:17) abi: i was wondering why it was there
(19:03:26) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bless ya! thanks for thanking me Char! and Thanks for thinking the
nicest things, Abi.
(19:03:27) Charmanderx33: yeah i've touched it...
(19:03:29) abi: i shall do my bes, i can do a good enough job without tougching it!
(19:03:30) Kinkyclawz: LOL Now you know.
(19:03:53) Charmanderx33: everyone thinks i'm very insane
(19:03:56) Charmanderx33: it's like i know
(19:04:02) Charmanderx33: Blame KC's tree
(19:04:03) Charmanderx33: D;
(19:04:14) abi: being insane is the best way to be i think
(19:04:23) Kinkyclawz: Oh and over there in Eileen's corner - you remember Eileen, the cool
German lady, slightly mad like me - behind that invisible chair of hers is a bush. thats a vampire
bush, it likes drinks blood.
(19:04:26) Charmanderx33: agreed
(19:04:29) Kinkyclawz: LOL Its not my tree, honest!
(19:04:37) Charmanderx33: liar;o
(19:04:49) Charmanderx33: and yeah eileen in her little cheerleading outfit or something
(19:04:56) abi: i remember the vampire bush! and eileen
(19:04:57) Charmanderx33: and wasn't it tiffany who was santa?
(19:05:01) Kinkyclawz: Damn, you heard about me planting it and giving it quick grow powder?
(19:05:08) Charmanderx33: yes i saw you
(19:05:16) Charmanderx33: nothing gets past me;D
(19:05:22) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, she seemt o ahve retired from cheerleading at the minute, but we
still have all her pompoms still there.
(19:05:38) abi: h the pompoms
(19:05:43) Charmanderx33: just in case she relapses.
(19:05:46) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, Tiff (AnniesBFF) dressed as Santa.
(19:05:54) Kinkyclawz: Indeed.
(19:06:06) Kinkyclawz: plus they make good Christmas decorations, those pompoms.
(19:06:11) Charmanderx33: kso how is life with everyone theses days?
(19:06:17) Kinkyclawz: Big fluffy ones. lmao
(19:06:19) Charmanderx33: and yes they looked lovely on the tree ;D
(19:06:24) abi:
(19:06:43) Kinkyclawz: We had a mini-christmas moment a couple of weeks back. Your first
week right, Char?
(19:06:50) Kinkyclawz: Life... is busy
(19:06:52) Charmanderx33: yes i do think so
(19:07:00) abi: def busy here
(19:07:15) Charmanderx33: and lol mine has been marginally uneventful these last few weeks to
say the least.
(19:07:21) Kinkyclawz: exciting in some ways (off to London on Tues to the Bafta him And Her
promo thingy) but otherwise just busy.
(19:07:36) Kinkyclawz: Oh, uneventful is good.
(19:07:37) Charmanderx33: ooh i went to london last week ;o
(19:07:37) abi: ooo eciting!
(19:07:42) Kinkyclawz: Events can mess things up a bit sometimes.
(19:07:43) abi: how you get to go to that
(19:07:54) Kinkyclawz: You can buy tickets online.
(19:08:06) Kinkyclawz: The promo starts at 6.30pm.
(19:08:09) abi: ah right
(19:08:09) Charmanderx33: i don't know what it is lol xD
(19:08:25) abi: im back at yorkshire this week and next, and then again in 2 weeks time
(19:08:27) abi: busy bunny
(19:08:44) Charmanderx33: ooh where's yorkshire;o
(19:08:50) Charmanderx33: my geography is rusty.
(19:08:59) Kinkyclawz: WE'll get as talk from Russell Tovey. Sarah solemani, the writer and the
director, and see the 2nd and 3rd eps back to back either before or after. YAY! I'm excited!
(19:09:07) abi: yorkshire is below newcastle
(19:09:08) Kinkyclawz: LOL North East england, hun.
(19:09:14) abi: and you should be, sounds fab!
(19:09:20) Kinkyclawz: i'm in the North West, Lancashire.
(19:09:22) Charmanderx33: ahh i see.
(19:09:35) Charmanderx33: i'm from wales, so i'm welsh not really familiar with england xD
(19:09:40) Kinkyclawz: Abi's in Scotland at the min.
(19:09:44) abi: ooo my friend lives in wales
(19:09:51) abi: yup been here 9 years
(19:09:52) Kinkyclawz: Wow, we have most of the UK covers between us! Awesome!
(19:09:52) Charmanderx33: aha what part
(19:09:55) abi:
(19:10:04) Kinkyclawz: covered also not covers.
(19:10:16) abi: cardiff
(19:10:28) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, where Being Human is being filmed!
(19:10:33) Kinkyclawz: Sweeeet!
(19:10:35) abi: yup!
(19:10:40) abi: i keep trying to visit
(19:10:51) Charmanderx33: i live like fifteen minutes away from cardiff ^^
(19:10:52) Kinkyclawz: LMAO I bet you do!
(19:10:57) Charmanderx33: or ish idk how much exactly..
(19:11:00) abi: but my money keeps vanishing on bloody trains to hull!
(19:11:01) Kinkyclawz: BRB gals, pitstop and brewtime!
(19:11:06) abi: what school you go to?
(19:11:09) Charmanderx33: lol ok
(19:11:12) Charmanderx33: HB
(19:11:28) Charmanderx33: i go to risca community comprehensive school
(19:11:33) Charmanderx33: you might not know it
(19:11:35) Willie: keepmakingtea logs into the Chat.
(19:11:39) Charmanderx33: i didn't before i moved here
(19:11:45) abi: nope, and its not the one that he works at either!
(19:11:47) Charmanderx33: JD
(19:11:49) Charmanderx33: <3
(19:11:51) abi:
(19:11:54) keepmakingtea: Oh, we know everything...
(19:12:08) Charmanderx33: hai JD
(19:12:27) Charmanderx33: which one does your friend work are Ab?.../Miss ;D
(19:12:38) Charmanderx33: KC's on brb btw JD.
(19:12:50) abi: cant remember, begins with a c i think
(19:12:58) Charmanderx33: aha xD
(19:13:02) abi: but def not that onem it doesnt ring any bells in this old brain
(19:13:15) abi: hello JD
(19:13:20) abi: long time no see
(19:13:28) Charmanderx33: aha XD
(19:13:59) keepmakingtea: Hi, abi!
(19:14:04) abi:
(19:14:35) Charmanderx33: do you remember me JD
(19:14:38) Charmanderx33: probably not..
(19:14:57) keepmakingtea: You were here last week. Or was it the week before
(19:15:00) keepmakingtea: ?
(19:15:10) Charmanderx33: week before.
(19:15:17) Charmanderx33: couldn't make it last week sadly.
(19:15:19) keepmakingtea: Ah.
(19:15:25) keepmakingtea: But you were here before.
(19:15:31) Charmanderx33: yes :
(19:15:33) Charmanderx33: )
(19:15:58) Charmanderx33: ;o noo he's hurting bumblebee;O
(19:16:19) abi: ah transformers
(19:16:28) Charmanderx33: yes
(19:16:56) keepmakingtea: Umm.... OK...
(19:17:08) Charmanderx33: you seem scared (:
(19:17:14) abi: not watching transformers JD?
(19:17:23) keepmakingtea: Nope.
(19:17:30) Charmanderx33: ;o
(19:17:38) abi:
(19:17:40) Charmanderx33: transformers is on tv rait now;o
(19:18:21) Charmanderx33: i've eaten too much chinese food.
(19:18:22) Charmanderx33: xD
(19:18:30) abi: oh if only, that sounds fab
(19:18:37) Charmanderx33: aha xD
(19:18:50) Charmanderx33: my mum made it, so technically it's welsh chinese food.
(19:18:55) Charmanderx33: if that makes sense ¬¬
(19:19:19) abi: nice
(19:19:33) Charmanderx33:
(19:19:53) Charmanderx33: everyone is quiet;o
(19:20:01) Willie: Cieria enters the channel.
(19:20:02) Kinkyclawz: BAck!
(19:20:06) Kinkyclawz: What have I missed?
(19:20:09) abi: nope im here, but im gonna have to go tho
(19:20:15) Kinkyclawz: Hi Cieria! How goes it?
(19:20:15) abi: im gonna have to vanish KC
(19:20:19) abi: sorry chuck
(19:20:20) Charmanderx33: not much. just the occasional welsh chinese food.
(19:20:25) abi: hey cieria
(19:20:28) abi: and sadly bye
(19:20:29) keepmakingtea: I'm coming off as antisocial, KC, that's all.
(19:20:32) Cieria: KC, it's going okay. How are things with you?
(19:20:36) Kinkyclawz: Aww, such a shame. *hugz Abi* Goodnight sweetie. hope you enjoyed
yourself, sweetie.
(19:20:37) Charmanderx33: yeah he is.
(19:20:45) Charmanderx33: goodnight abi
(19:20:47) Kinkyclawz: Not bad thanks, mega busy though.
(19:20:51) Cieria: Hey Abi, bye Abi lol
(19:20:54) abi: had a fab time, really cheered me up thanks for suggesting it hun
(19:20:58) Kinkyclawz: ooh two sweeties in one sentence.
(19:20:59) abi: and dont worry ill be ok
(19:21:06) abi: *big hugs*
(19:21:14) Kinkyclawz: Glad its helped. have sweet, insanity-tree induced dreams hun.
(19:21:23) abi: will do!
(19:21:30) Kinkyclawz: *big hugz* And leeme know if you need me ok?
(19:21:33) abi: bye everyone, hopefully catch you next week xx
(19:21:35) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight!
(19:21:38) abi: will do
(19:21:40) abi: bye xx
(19:21:44) Charmanderx33: bye abi! xxx
(19:21:46) Kinkyclawz: C, its ntohing personal, honest.
(19:21:47) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(19:21:49) keepmakingtea: I got the podcast I recorded last weekend published.
(19:22:00) Cieria curls up on KC's head
(19:22:03) Kinkyclawz: YAY! Hoya JD! Hows things my Teusband?
(19:22:03) keepmakingtea: Not entirely done, as now I have to transcribe it, too.
(19:22:08) Kinkyclawz: Twusband, even
(19:22:18) Kinkyclawz: Oh heck, how quick are you at that?
(19:22:19) keepmakingtea: Things are good.
(19:22:26) Kinkyclawz: *pets C who is surled on her head*
(19:22:31) Kinkyclawz: curls also.
(19:22:39) Kinkyclawz: YAY!
(19:22:50) keepmakingtea: Depends. There's two interviews in one podcast this time. I've never
done tandems before.
(19:23:02) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, sounds like hard work.
(19:23:13) Kinkyclawz: I like transcribing when I've no distractions though.
(19:23:21) keepmakingtea: There's another guy who has done them, but he has low audio quality
and splits them into parts.
(19:23:37) keepmakingtea: Well, it'd be hard to transcribe now, so...
(19:23:44) Charmanderx33: you can pwn him JD.
(19:23:47) keepmakingtea: Back to PDF making for a bit.
(19:23:50) Charmanderx33:
(19:23:58) keepmakingtea: I have totally pwned that guy.
(19:24:04) Charmanderx33: yep
(19:24:11) keepmakingtea: Recording Skype calls vs. recording from speakerphone.
(19:24:21) keepmakingtea: Plus... a variety of topics?
(19:24:22) Kinkyclawz: *****
(19:24:38) Kinkyclawz: Yikes, sounds difficult, actually.
(19:24:53) Kinkyclawz: What happened with PDF guy?
(19:24:57) keepmakingtea: The most difficult part is editing, which isn't bad. Just takes a bit.
(19:25:03) Charmanderx33: be right back
(19:25:04) Charmanderx33:
(19:25:09) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, meandering interviews.
(19:25:12) keepmakingtea: Took a break to work on the podcast.
(19:25:12) Kinkyclawz: HB Char!
(19:25:22) keepmakingtea: SO...
(19:25:28) Kinkyclawz: Breaks are needed or your head could explode.
(19:25:38) keepmakingtea: Did anyone see mybrightidea's set photos?
(19:25:43) Kinkyclawz: not literally... I hope not anyway.
(19:25:52) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, saw all of them. Great news huh?
(19:25:58) Kinkyclawz: Great pics too.
(19:26:01) keepmakingtea: Oh, it looks nice.
(19:26:16) keepmakingtea: It's looking likely Annie will be back fairly early on in the series.
(19:26:27) Kinkyclawz: Doesn't it just?
(19:26:44) Willie: abi has been logged out (Timeout).
(19:26:46) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, and Herrick looks to be hanging around until midway thru the series
at least, if not all the way... YAY!
(19:27:03) keepmakingtea: I'm thinking it's just how they'll explain how she can be in Wales,
breaking her ties to Bristol.
(19:27:06) Kinkyclawz: C, you okay up there? Seen the pics?
(19:27:25) Charmanderx33: back
(19:27:27) keepmakingtea: Mwrow!
(19:27:39) Cieria: What pics?
(19:27:48) Kinkyclawz: Her ties are to the boys now, i guess. maybe thats how she could rescue
the gang?
(19:28:06) Kinkyclawz: C: mybrightidea's pics from Barry/Cardiff/Wales
(19:28:10) Kinkyclawz: WB Char!
(19:28:18) Charmanderx33: thankingyou;D
(19:28:36) Cieria: KC: Ooh no I haven't. Are they on her twitpic? Can you give me the link?
(19:28:36) Charmanderx33:
(19:28:47) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, just getting the link now folks.
(19:28:56) Charmanderx33: that's just south wales by the way
(19:28:58) Charmanderx33:
(19:29:00) Kinkyclawz: Char, wanna see some pics from the filming of new Being human series?
(19:29:04) keepmakingtea:
(19:29:08) Charmanderx33: sure
(19:29:19) Kinkyclawz: Beat me to the link, JD! LOL
(19:29:25) keepmakingtea:
(19:29:35) Charmanderx33: he's got super man speed, see.
(19:29:44) Kinkyclawz: He has
(19:29:48) Kinkyclawz: or maybe got them bookmarked?
(19:29:49) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(19:30:09) Charmanderx33: superman theory is more realistic.
(19:30:10) Charmanderx33:
(19:30:18) Kinkyclawz: mybrightidea on Twitter went down toe Wales, found them fliming and
even got herslef filmed as an extra in the show.
(19:30:34) Charmanderx33: yay wales<3
(19:30:38) Kinkyclawz: *hangs head in shame* you're so right, Char. What was I thinking?
(19:30:38) keepmakingtea: Not bookmarked, just remembered how Twitpic works.
(19:30:39) Kinkyclawz: LOL
(19:30:52) Charmanderx33: nooo jd
(19:30:58) Kinkyclawz: lmao I was typing her username in to gfind ehr posts, tehres loads of them
(19:30:58) Charmanderx33: superman speed
(19:30:59) Charmanderx33: D;
(19:31:14) Kinkyclawz: superman speed at remembereing then, hows that for a superpower?
(19:31:25) Kinkyclawz: *eats teh extra E in remembering*
(19:31:30) Charmanderx33: ok works for me
(19:31:33) Kinkyclawz: YAY1
(19:31:35) keepmakingtea: KC is on E!
(19:31:39) Charmanderx33:
(19:31:43) Charmanderx33: LOL
(19:31:54) Kinkyclawz: *ricohets off the bubblewrap-clad walls happily*
(19:32:23) keepmakingtea: So MyBrightIdea got to do the Ultimate BH fan dream!
(19:32:32) Kinkyclawz: *****
(19:32:41) Charmanderx33: if i went to cardiff or whatever
(19:32:46) Charmanderx33: i could probably see them all;o
(19:32:49) Kinkyclawz: Indeed she did!
(19:33:07) Charmanderx33: omg my first bath in aaaaaaaaaaaaages
(19:33:08) Kinkyclawz: You could indeed.
(19:33:09) Kinkyclawz:
(19:33:11) Charmanderx33: and no i'm not dirty
(19:33:14) Charmanderx33: i use the shower
(19:33:15) Charmanderx33: xD
(19:33:20) Kinkyclawz: *sniffs the air* Just checking.
(19:33:24) Charmanderx33: xD
(19:33:33) Charmanderx33: sorry i aint showered for 14 years :/.
(19:33:34) Charmanderx33: xD
(19:33:38) Kinkyclawz: *****
(19:34:17) Kinkyclawz: I wondered what the smell was. Thoguht the Vampire Bush had farted.
lmao I was being too polite to sya though. lmao
(19:34:31) Charmanderx33: ksorry
(19:34:36) Kinkyclawz: When did you ahve/are you having your bath hun?
(19:34:36) Charmanderx33: i'ma bath and smell betterer
(19:34:38) Kinkyclawz: lol
(19:34:45) Kinkyclawz: S'awl good!
(19:34:51) Charmanderx33: yup
(19:35:22) Kinkyclawz: only betterer, not betteretteretterer? Gee, some people huh? LOL
(19:35:37) Kinkyclawz: *****
(19:35:37) Charmanderx33: is anyone a parent here
(19:35:43) Charmanderx33: sorry KC
(19:35:49) Charmanderx33: i'll do better next time
(19:35:50) keepmakingtea: That must be some powerful E, KC.
(19:35:58) Willie: Eileen enters the channel.
(19:35:59) Charmanderx33: ^agreed
(19:36:03) Charmanderx33: OMFG
(19:36:06) Kinkyclawz: Hee, gives me the strength of ten fieldmice, it does!
(19:36:08) Eileen: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(19:36:12) Charmanderx33: YOUR VAMPIRE BUSH SHE LIVES.
(19:36:16) Kinkyclawz: Eileen! Hallo liebe!
(19:36:25) Charmanderx33: Ooh
(19:36:29) Kinkyclawz: ARGH!! *hides behidn the Insanity Tree*
(19:36:29) Charmanderx33: pUrPLeS
(19:36:37) Kinkyclawz: ****
(19:36:39) Eileen: *startles*
(19:36:45) Eileen: Hey there!
(19:36:53) Cieria: Eileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
(19:37:14) Charmanderx33: Eileen is your surname Dover>
(19:37:15) Eileen: Cieriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia!
(19:37:19) Charmanderx33: if it is that'd be epic.
(19:37:29) Eileen: nope
(19:37:30) Eileen: lol
(19:37:37) Eileen: sorry to disappoint
(19:37:41) Kinkyclawz: *peeps around the Insanity Tree, sees eileen and runs over*
(19:37:54) Eileen: *holds her ears*
(19:37:59) Eileen: How are you all?
(19:38:01) keepmakingtea: HI, EILEEN!
(19:38:06) Kinkyclawz: *hugz*
(19:38:12) Kinkyclawz: Not bad thanks.
(19:38:13) Eileen: HI, JD!
(19:38:18) Kinkyclawz: I'm crazy.
(19:38:35) Charmanderx33: she's on E
(19:38:35) Eileen: lol we know that KC
(19:39:00) Eileen: *pets KC's head*
(19:39:03) Eileen: aha
(19:39:06) Charmanderx33: probably not the best idea to have a laptop in the bathroom
(19:39:06) Charmanderx33: >.>
(19:39:14) Eileen: nope
(19:39:19) Eileen: be careful!!!
(19:39:21) Charmanderx33: i'm clever like that see.
(19:39:22) Charmanderx33:
(19:39:26) keepmakingtea: Don't want to know what's going on in the bathroom...
(19:39:31) Charmanderx33: LOL
(19:39:34) Charmanderx33: bath.
(19:39:35) Kinkyclawz: *purrs*
(19:39:43) Charmanderx33: *pets KC*
(19:39:47) Kinkyclawz: *peeps into the bathroom* Ohhhh...
(19:39:49) Eileen: *gives KC a cookie*
(19:39:52) Kinkyclawz: *purrs louder*
(19:39:55) Charmanderx33:
(19:39:59) Charmanderx33: bad KC
(19:40:00) Charmanderx33: ;o
(19:40:02) Kinkyclawz: *purrs even louder for a cookie* Thankyou!
(19:40:08) Eileen: close your eyes, KC!!!
(19:40:15) Charmanderx33: yes;o
(19:40:19) Eileen: no peeping in the bathroom
(19:40:19) Kinkyclawz: Jd, you won;t liek whats going on in the bahtroom.
(19:40:24) Kinkyclawz: *closes her eyes*
(19:40:25) Charmanderx33: LOL
(19:40:31) Kinkyclawz: Yes Eileen.
(19:40:34) Eileen: I really dont want to know
(19:40:38) Eileen: *shakes head*
(19:40:41) Charmanderx33: LOL^
(19:40:56) Kinkyclawz: So you don;t want me to tell you that there's a... what is that thing in
(19:40:56) Charmanderx33: omg my new school uniform is terrible
(19:40:58) Eileen: who's head im shaking?
(19:41:03) Eileen: no idea
(19:41:10) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, think its mine eileen.
(19:41:16) Kinkyclawz: Don;t shake it off willya?
(19:41:18) Charmanderx33: it's called an alien.
(19:41:24) Kinkyclawz: Char: What's it like?
(19:41:29) Eileen: i'll try to be gentle
(19:41:36) Charmanderx33: it's like cheese;o
(19:41:38) Kinkyclawz: Uniform not alien.
(19:41:39) Eileen: *gently shakes KC's head*
(19:41:43) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear!
(19:41:44) Charmanderx33: oh right.
(19:41:46) Charmanderx33: LOL
(19:41:54) Eileen: yellow with holes?
(19:41:56) Eileen: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
(19:41:57) Charmanderx33: it's a tie, v neck jumper ugly shirt
(19:42:03) Kinkyclawz: *grinz, likes her head being shaken. she can hear her brain cell rattling
gently from side to side*
(19:42:06) Charmanderx33: TUCKED IN SHIRT
(19:42:07) Charmanderx33: D;
(19:42:21) Kinkyclawz: oh dear. Doesn;t sound good.
(19:42:26) Charmanderx33: xD
(19:42:31) Kinkyclawz: have you got a picture?
(19:42:40) Kinkyclawz: of the uniform , ot of yourself, I mean
(19:42:43) Eileen: so your cheese is like that?
(19:42:43) Charmanderx33: nahh not yet
(19:42:49) Eileen: so its a very formal cheese
(19:42:50) Eileen: wow
(19:42:51) Charmanderx33: :/.
(19:42:55) Charmanderx33: kind of moldy cheese
(19:42:58) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, dressed cheese.
(19:43:01) Charmanderx33: but it's talented
(19:43:05) Kinkyclawz: an off gree colour?
(19:43:09) Kinkyclawz: green also.
(19:43:13) keepmakingtea: I want cheese...
(19:43:19) keepmakingtea: Maybe I can buy some today...
(19:43:21) Charmanderx33: have my alien.
(19:43:22) Kinkyclawz: *blinks at JD*
(19:43:23) keepmakingtea: Mmm...
(19:43:29) keepmakingtea: Sharp cheddar...
(19:43:30) Eileen: glad we dont have school uniforms in Germany
(19:43:37) Kinkyclawz: Cheddar! love Cheddar!
(19:43:40) Charmanderx33: i hate cheese D;
(19:43:44) Charmanderx33: brb now
(19:43:44) Eileen: lol
(19:43:47) Charmanderx33: BATH TIME;O
(19:43:47) Kinkyclawz: Its always your own clothes in Germany, hun?
(19:43:49) Eileen: i like cheese
(19:43:52) Charmanderx33: history has been made.
(19:43:54) Eileen: Blauschimmel
(19:43:56) Kinkyclawz: HB Char! enjoy your bath!
(19:43:56) Eileen: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
(19:44:06) Eileen: hb!
(19:44:06) Kinkyclawz: *notes down the date for historical reference*
(19:44:07) Charmanderx33: will do
(19:44:19) Kinkyclawz: Blauschimmel... blue cheesE?
(19:44:20) Eileen: and dont tell us whats going on in the bathroom!!!!!!!!!!!
(19:44:24) Eileen: lol
(19:44:34) Eileen: i try to find the word for it
(19:44:36) Kinkyclawz: *opes eyes. Oh dearie me! *closes them again*
(19:45:13) Eileen: blue mould cheese
(19:45:19) Eileen: the best!
(19:45:39) Eileen: opes eyes?
(19:45:49) Eileen: how does one do that?
(19:45:49) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, we just call it Blue Cheese. Its the stuff thats coated in mould, just
as you say. Disgusting to look at and very strongby all accounts. is that the stuff, eileen?
(19:46:00) Eileen: is it similar as if one opens the eyes?
(19:46:10) Kinkyclawz: I have no idea, suesse. Maybe I should open them instead?
(19:46:17) Eileen: yes it is
(19:46:30) Kinkyclawz: similar... its when you open ;em just a crack then close them again. lol
(19:46:31) Eileen: lol
(19:46:39) Eileen: i guess that will work as well
(19:46:46) Kinkyclawz: thats opes-ing them.
(19:46:48) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(19:47:10) Eileen: aaaaaaaaaah i see
(19:47:20) Eileen: the stuff that i learn
(19:47:21) Eileen: tsk
(19:47:43) Eileen: but then, isnt that blinking?
(19:47:52) Kinkyclawz: That only seems to allpy in the chatroom though, very strange.
(19:48:02) Kinkyclawz: Damn, i knew there was another name for it.
(19:48:14) Eileen: *blinks*
(19:48:57) Kinkyclawz: Thats it, opes your eyes.
(19:48:59) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(19:49:11) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, everyones ratehr quiet tonight.
(19:49:16) Kinkyclawz: rather quiet too.
(19:49:38) keepmakingtea: I was helping my editor with his short story that I inspired him to write.
(19:49:52) Kinkyclawz: Aww, cool! what is he writing about? Oz too?
(19:49:58) keepmakingtea: Yep.
(19:50:12) keepmakingtea: And we're going to get this published!
(19:50:27) Kinkyclawz: Wonderful!
(19:50:37) Kinkyclawz: Lemme know when and where and I'll buy a copy!
(19:50:46) keepmakingtea: That is, if Marcus gets Oziana, which it looks like he will.
(19:51:16) Eileen: *opes again*
(19:51:27) Kinkyclawz: Oziana? Is taht like an Oz encyclopaedia?
(19:51:40) keepmakingtea: And Marcus has asked me for a submission,too.
(19:51:46) Kinkyclawz: Its addictive, isn;t it suesse, this opes-ing. LOL
(19:51:55) keepmakingtea: It's whatis supposed to be an annual magazine of Oz stories.
(19:52:21) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, but hasn;t been annual for a while?
(19:52:27) keepmakingtea: Exactly!
(19:52:36) keepmakingtea: The previous editor has been a slacker.
(19:52:44) keepmakingtea: The last issue was done by Marcus.
(19:52:50) Willie: Fang enters the channel.
(19:52:57) keepmakingtea: (Marcus Mebes, not Whitney.)
(19:52:57) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, I see
(19:52:59) Fang: Hi everyone
(19:53:01) keepmakingtea: Hi, DOctor!
(19:53:02) Kinkyclawz: Doctor! Hello there!
(19:53:14) keepmakingtea: I was just watching Romana regenerate on YouTube!
(19:53:31) Cieria: Hey Doctor
(19:53:41) Cieria: Hee Romana's regeneration is funny
(19:53:55) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thats brilliantmighty's fave Doctor Who character.
(19:53:59) Kinkyclawz: not seen is.
(19:54:05) Kinkyclawz: What ahppens thats funny?
(19:54:36) Eileen: Doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(19:54:41) Eileen: Hey! Save me!
(19:55:06) Eileen: I cannot stop opesing!
(19:55:13) Fang: save you already, but I haven't warmed up yet, what do you need saving from
*does stretches*
(19:55:16) Eileen: *opes again*
(19:55:46) Fang: ??????? What? What's an ope?
(19:55:47) Kinkyclawz: *****
(19:55:50) keepmakingtea:
(19:56:16) Kinkyclawz: Its like a blink, only not. Eileen can;t stop doing it!
(19:56:25) Kinkyclawz: Hee, thanks JD!
(19:56:54) Eileen: lol
(19:57:05) Eileen: its KC's fault!
(19:57:06) Kinkyclawz: It stemmed from one of someones typos, not me 'caus eI never typo as
you well know, and its infected her!
(19:57:11) Eileen: *opes another time*
(19:57:13) Kinkyclawz: Damn.
(19:57:31) Eileen: *opes*
(19:57:32) Kinkyclawz: Damn again.
(19:58:08) Kinkyclawz: JD/Cieria: Hee, Tom Baker, love the man!
(19:58:11) Kinkyclawz: He's a legend!
(19:58:20) Cieria: Tom Baker is awesome
(19:58:40) Fang: Aww I said those typos were dangerous
(19:58:48) Kinkyclawz: His talk at SFX in Jan was brilliant!
(19:58:54) Kinkyclawz: Sorry Doctor...
(19:58:57) Eileen: YAY! *doesnt know Tom Baker but cheers anyway opesing*
(19:59:01) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, in Feb not Jan.
(19:59:14) keepmakingtea: Who da man? Tom Baker!
(19:59:30) keepmakingtea: Who da man? Fang!
(19:59:34) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, if you can stop opes-ing long enough, try ti link Jd gave. The guy
in the bron mac and scarf is a younger tom Baker playing doctor Who. :d
(19:59:36) Fang: he (I?) had a nice scarf and who doesn't like Jelly Babies? *wonders which sicko
here bites their heads of first)
(20:00:07) Kinkyclawz: *grinz * Fang, a jelly baby body stuck betwen her teeth* What?
(20:01:01) Eileen: I guessed it was him
(20:01:02) Eileen: lol
(20:01:05) Eileen: *opes*
(20:01:21) Fang: don't blink, don't even ope
(20:01:23) Kinkyclawz: Heehee.
(20:01:24) Eileen: candy?
(20:01:57) Kinkyclawz: I'd offer you all a jelly Baby but I don;t have any with heads on now gang.
(20:02:20) keepmakingtea: I should have ordered a bag of jelly babies from WhoNA.
(20:02:25) Kinkyclawz: Jelly babies are made of soft, erm... jelly. in the shale of little... babies.
(20:02:26) Eileen: I don't eat babies
(20:02:32) Kinkyclawz: shape not shale. oops.
(20:02:48) Kinkyclawz: In fairness, I only bite off their heads.
(20:02:58) Cieria: hi
(20:02:59) Eileen: ewwwwwww thats mean
(20:03:04) Cieria: Whoops sorry didn't mean to send that
(20:03:05) Kinkyclawz: Heehee.
(20:03:10) Kinkyclawz: Hi C!
(20:03:12) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:03:14) Eileen: hi C!
(20:03:18) Fang: I bet Eileen never thought that she'd be typing "I don't eat babies" today, usually
people just assume you don't
(20:03:19) Eileen: Hows ya?
(20:03:22) Fang: hi c
(20:03:32) Eileen: lol yup
(20:03:37) Eileen: just wanted to make that clear
(20:03:42) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, assumptions don't work in here, Doctor. you know that.
(20:04:05) Eileen: I cannot even kill a piggy bank
(20:04:06) Eileen: lol
(20:04:24) Kinkyclawz: Why... why would you want to kill a piggy bank? *sniffles*
(20:04:36) Cieria: I was trying to set my keyboard up to talk in a different alphebet and I just
needed to type something to see if it had worked. It hadn't. I had no intention of sending it >_<
(20:05:23) Kinkyclawz: lol but its nice to say hello all the same.
(20:05:30) Kinkyclawz: why are you changing the language?
(20:05:36) Kinkyclawz: sorry the alphabet?
(20:05:48) Kinkyclawz: Is it so you can understand my typos bettererererer?
(20:05:53) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:05:55) Fang: jelly babies:
(20:06:07) Cieria: I'm not changing it for good. It's just I'm learning japanese so I wanted to set it
up so I can switch the keyboard when I want to
(20:06:19) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, awesome!
(20:06:21) Fang: talking of saying hello, or not, is Char here?
(20:06:26) keepmakingtea: "Jelly babies!"
(20:06:26) Kinkyclawz: Konnichiwa then!
(20:06:41) Kinkyclawz: ~Char had to go for a bath, her first in AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGES as
she told us. LL
(20:06:55) Cieria: Konnichiwa ogenke desuka?
(20:06:57) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:07:19) Fang: shouldn't it say Konnichiwa?
(20:07:29) Fang: damn sorry didn't see that
(20:07:32) keepmakingtea: I just cracked myself up.
(20:07:37) Fang: my PC went slow
(20:07:47) Cieria: Fang, well I typed "hi" which is one of the letters.
(20:07:58) Kinkyclawz: *is lost now, Japanese is limited for her*
lmao what have you doen JD!
(20:08:04) Kinkyclawz: Cracking up, not good.
(20:08:10) Eileen: ah japanese!
(20:08:12) Cieria: KC, I said how are you
(20:08:15) Eileen: lol
(20:08:22) keepmakingtea: It is good for eggs.
(20:08:26) Kinkyclawz: I thoguht you did but can;t remember the response. lmao
(20:08:27) Fang: Are you coing to Japan Cieria? Weren;t you learning it too Eileen?
(20:08:32) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ JD!
(20:08:40) Eileen: hai genki desu
(20:08:47) Cieria: No I'm not fang. Just learning it because I want to learn a language
(20:08:58) Kinkyclawz: good reason, learning for learning's sake.
(20:09:03) Fang: Luckily I don't have to worry too much about learning languages as the tardis
translates most of them for me
(20:09:04) Kinkyclawz: Very History Boys!
(20:09:10) Cieria: Yay Eileen!!! I'd reply to you but I'm not sure what to say xD
(20:09:17) Kinkyclawz: Good job too, you';ve ahve to know billions of them, Doctor.
(20:09:20) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:09:26) Eileen: yes
(20:09:31) Kinkyclawz: Eillen, you are having tandem lessons still right?
(20:09:37) Fang: cool, I'm terrble at learning languages
(20:09:40) Eileen: lol the jellie babies look like ginger bread men
(20:09:45) Kinkyclawz: Eileen even
(20:09:49) Eileen: we have gummi bears
(20:10:02) Fang: do they bounce here there and everywhere?
(20:10:05) Kinkyclawz: LOL Jelly Babies! Bite their ehads of! MWAHAHAH!
(20:10:20) Kinkyclawz: lmao like the Gummi Bears we used to see on TV, Fang?
(20:10:55) keepmakingtea: "MOMBI'S NOT A DUCK!" Trot shouted, waving her arms animatedly
in the air. "She's a MOMBI! She's probably plotting to make evil potions out of MUSHROOM
(20:11:03) Fang: exactly, I wouldn't say would be high up on my list of talking animals that I want
to eat
(20:11:12) Eileen:
(20:11:15) Eileen: oops
(20:11:17) Eileen: lol
(20:11:22) Eileen: sorry!!!
(20:11:32) keepmakingtea: Ah, gummi bears!
(20:11:35) Fang: an essay in url form
(20:11:35) Eileen:
(20:11:45) Eileen: lol yep the new trend
(20:11:45) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, we have those over ehre too!
(20:11:45) Fang: I wish my tardis translated random references
(20:11:52) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Fang!
(20:12:00) Eileen: write about your life... in form of a url
(20:12:14) keepmakingtea: That's from my editor's story.
(20:12:14) Kinkyclawz: That'd be mine.
(20:12:24) Eileen: konnichiwa
(20:12:32) Eileen: no that doesnt work in this chat
(20:12:36) Fang:
(20:12:54) Kinkyclawz: Thats yours Fang? Awesome1
(20:12:56) Fang: wait a minute that's an email adress not a url?
(20:13:11) Kinkyclawz: Well, thats how they talk to you via your url, hun.
(20:13:16) Fang: question mark what are you doing here, you're meant to be an explanation
(20:13:35) Eileen: lol
(20:13:43) Fang: those gummi bears look slightly evil
(20:13:44) Kinkyclawz: *pets the runaway question mark and hides him in a box of Gummi Bears*
(20:13:59) Eileen: *grins as she watches question mark blush*
(20:13:59) Kinkyclawz: Can I bite therie heads off then, if they're evil, decotor?
(20:14:02) Kinkyclawz: doctor also.
(20:14:15) Cieria: ooh done it! Look: 子に痴話  
(20:14:17) Kinkyclawz: Fang, isn;t it an Exclamation mark?
(20:14:22) Kinkyclawz: YAY!
(20:14:26) Charmanderx33: guess whos baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack;D
(20:14:29) Kinkyclawz: *scratches heae* So what does that say?
(20:14:39) Fang: well they're only slightly evil so maybe just a leg
(20:14:42) Eileen: evil question marks? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
(20:14:44) Kinkyclawz: WB char! *sniffs the air* ahh, thats betteretteretterer.
(20:14:53) Charmanderx33: ikr.
(20:14:54) Cieria: wb char!
(20:14:55) Eileen: hmmmmmmmmm Char?
(20:14:59) Eileen: oh who?
(20:15:02) Fang: it's a whatever mark I want it to be, Mark should be a first name anyway
(20:15:06) Kinkyclawz: evil Gummi Bears Eileen, its okay.
(20:15:07) Charmanderx33: ty
(20:15:08) Fang: Hi Char
(20:15:13) Eileen: lol
(20:15:14) Charmanderx33: hai fang
(20:15:19) Eileen: noooooooooooooooo gummi bears are not evil
(20:15:25) Kinkyclawz: No?
(20:15:28) Eileen: lol
(20:15:29) Charmanderx33: ooh they bite though D;
(20:15:37) Fang: do you have proof of that Eileen?
(20:15:40) Kinkyclawz: *has nearly bitten through a Gummi Bear;'s leg...*
(20:15:47) Charmanderx33: ;o
(20:15:53) Charmanderx33: GUMMI
(20:15:56) Charmanderx33: BEARRRRRRRRRRRRR
(20:15:58) Kinkyclawz: *waits for the decision whether they're evil or not*
(20:16:07) Charmanderx33: yeah they are
(20:16:08) Charmanderx33: eat it.
(20:16:10) Kinkyclawz: Oh der, your'e typing a raqinbow tonight Char!
(20:16:14) Kinkyclawz: rainbow also.
(20:16:19) Kinkyclawz: lol
(20:16:23) Eileen: the pic above is not showing evil gummi bears!!!
(20:16:26) Charmanderx33: ikr!;D
(20:16:27) Eileen: i swear
(20:16:28) keepmakingtea: Cream cheese gummy bear in my head!
(20:16:32) Fang: ah rainbows that reminds me...
(20:16:32) Kinkyclawz: Its showing good ones?
(20:16:42) keepmakingtea: If you touch it, I'll shoot you, and you will be dead!
(20:16:42) Kinkyclawz: *opes at JD*
(20:16:53) Kinkyclawz: opes again*
(20:17:00) Eileen: yes!!!
(20:17:04) keepmakingtea: Then I'll leave you gummy bears on your tombstone!
(20:17:08) Charmanderx33: can i randomly dance?
(20:17:10) Fang: here's an artice on Mr Tovey talking about bh, him being gay, stripping and
porn, pretty much our usual topics
(20:17:11) Fang:
(20:17:19) keepmakingtea: Even though you won't like them, cause they're creamy!
(20:17:32) Kinkyclawz: Feel free, Char!
LOL @ Eileen.
Opes at JD
(20:17:33) Eileen: ok then I rather not read
(20:17:45) Charmanderx33: *randomly dances*
(20:17:51) Kinkyclawz: Oh Fang, that iss a brillaint interview1 Learend so much about Russell
from that.
(20:18:09) Fang: damn you're a fast reader! (or?)
(20:18:21) Kinkyclawz: Had a tough time, poor lad. He deserves happiness now.
(20:18:33) keepmakingtea:
(20:18:36) Kinkyclawz: Yep, read it so fast, Fang, I was slurring my typos.
(20:19:03) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, this is where your "random" quotes came from/
(20:19:13) Charmanderx33: BRB again getting dressed
(20:19:14) Charmanderx33: ;D
(20:19:21) Eileen: Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:
(20:19:29) Eileen: they are nice
(20:19:31) Fang: well now we have an explanation (mark) it's more reference than random
(20:19:56) Eileen: *does not want to imagine Char dancing randomly naked*
(20:20:04) Kinkyclawz: Sounds cool! That must be from the future, eh doctor?
(20:20:04) Charmanderx33: OH YOU IMAGINED IT
(20:20:07) Fang: getting dressed? did she get out the bath and just start typing naked and wet,
that could ruin her keyboard
(20:20:07) Kinkyclawz: HB Char!
(20:20:24) Charmanderx33: lol TOWEL SILLY
(20:20:30) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:21:01) Fang: wow you meant BRB, you got dressed faster than KC reads
(20:21:02) Kinkyclawz: Aww, those Gummi Bears are in love, eileen! wunderbar!
(20:21:05) Charmanderx33: eileen imagines me naked (H)
(20:21:25) Eileen: and pasta love!
(20:21:33) Kinkyclawz: *peeps into the bathroom* Oh, ntohing there now.
(20:21:35) Eileen: lol nooooooooooooooooooooooooo
(20:21:41) Kinkyclawz: LOL
(20:21:52) Eileen: im not really really reallylylylylylylylyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
(20:22:02) Kinkyclawz: Want some of THAT pasta! Its coooooool!
(20:22:07) Fang: er, have you been taking pictures of heart shaped food Eileen?
(20:22:25) Kinkyclawz: *hugz eileen* There there, calm down.
(20:23:10) keepmakingtea: OH, KC!
(20:23:11) keepmakingtea: KC!
(20:23:22) Eileen: nope
(20:23:23) keepmakingtea: Does H&H start today or tomorrow?
(20:23:52) Kinkyclawz: Tomorrow, 10.30pm
(20:23:58) Kinkyclawz: BBC Three.
(20:24:04) Eileen: com oooooooon how can they be evil?
(20:24:06) Kinkyclawz: Repeated at about 2.15am is that helps.
(20:24:06) Eileen:
(20:24:37) Eileen: *adds a tiny e*
(20:24:39) Fang: OK the defence for Gummi bears can rest, they're not evil
(20:24:44) Kinkyclawz: *has a Gummi Bear's leg half stuck between her teeth, not quite sure what
to do with it now*
(20:24:48) Eileen: h&h?
(20:24:54) Eileen: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
(20:24:56) Fang: hot&heavy
(20:25:00) Kinkyclawz: anyone got a gummi Bear sized bandage?
(20:25:10) Kinkyclawz: Him And Her, Russell tovey's new 6 part series.
(20:25:21) Kinkyclawz: Ignore the Doctor, he's being rude. lmao
(20:25:21) Eileen: *hands KC a bandage*
(20:25:28) Kinkyclawz: though might be spot on, given the revies.
(20:25:36) Eileen: as always
(20:25:39) keepmakingtea: Hey, maybe some hot & heavy happens in it.
(20:25:51) keepmakingtea: Like George and Nina, S1E3!
(20:26:19) Kinkyclawz: *releases the injured Gummi Bear from her teeeth and bandages his leg*
Poor fella. *hands him over to Eileen for a little TLC*
(20:26:28) Kinkyclawz: JD: I expect it does.
(20:26:38) Kinkyclawz: C? still with us hunny?
(20:26:49) Eileen: thanks KC!
(20:27:09) Eileen: *eats gummi bear peeling out the bandage*
(20:27:18) Kinkyclawz: *eats the extra E from teeth and starts bouncing off the bubblewrapped
walls agian*
(20:27:27) Kinkyclawz: opes her eyes!
(20:27:37) keepmakingtea: KC, just popping that E...
(20:27:52) Fang: it's explains a lot hey JD
(20:27:56) Cieria: Yeah I'm still here. Got distracted playing with my japanese letters ^_^
(20:28:04) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:28:11) Kinkyclawz: Good good, so long as you're still here hun.
(20:28:19) Charmanderx33: BACK
(20:28:23) Charmanderx33: AND FULLY DRESSED.
(20:28:40) Kinkyclawz: YAY! WB char!
(20:28:57) Kinkyclawz: BRB folks, pitstop and brewtime again.
(20:29:08) Kinkyclawz: but first...
(20:29:09) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:29:15) Fang: give me a う
(20:29:36) Charmanderx33: HAI
(20:29:37) Charmanderx33: ;D
(20:29:47) Fang: sorry I found Eileen's Japanese pom poms and couldn't
(20:29:48) Eileen: こんにちわ
(20:30:17) Eileen: lol
(20:30:22) Eileen: wrong spelling though
(20:30:27) Eileen: *facepalm*
(20:30:54) Cieria: こんにちわおげんきです?
(20:31:03) Eileen: *gives Fang a う*
(20:31:42) Fang: that's all I got, most of those charachters don't show
on my PC
(20:31:45) Eileen: こんにちは。お元気ですか。
(20:32:07) Fang: just those numbers in a square
(20:32:12) Eileen: ok enough!
(20:32:22) Charmanderx33: japanese;o
(20:32:27) Charmanderx33: hentai
(20:32:28) Charmanderx33: LOL
(20:32:34) Eileen: yes that happens when the language is not installed
(20:32:43) Cieria: What was the last thing you said Eileen? I'm not so
good on katakana or kenji
(20:32:59) keepmakingtea: Волшебнык Изумрудного Города
(20:33:05) Eileen: まんが、あにめ
(20:33:14) Fang: that's right Eileen go all strict, that's enough! so
did we ever have a topic?
(20:33:18) Eileen: lol
(20:33:25) Eileen: nope
(20:33:38) Eileen: come on! im german, I get to be strict!
(20:33:40) Charmanderx33: ;o stop talking different languages
(20:33:43) Charmanderx33: it's confoosig
(20:33:46) Charmanderx33: ng*
(20:33:51) Eileen: the kanji are for genki, C
(20:34:02) Fang: you can be strict if you want Eileen
(20:34:05) Cieria: Ah cool thanks eileen
(20:34:07) Eileen: lol
(20:34:11) Eileen: nooooooooo i dont want to
(20:34:22) Eileen: but i have to its like I have to opes
(20:34:24) Eileen: *opes*
(20:34:39) Fang: that's wizard of Oz related by JD, he can do random
references in any language, except French
(20:34:53) keepmakingtea: Большая жирная лягушка на регистрации
(20:35:02) Eileen: what did you say in russian JD?
(20:35:17) keepmakingtea: No, that's "The Wizard of the City of
Emeralds," the Russian re-write of Oz.
(20:35:41) Fang: sorry JD my Russian is a little rusty
(20:35:43) Eileen: aaaaaaahhh
(20:35:55) Eileen: mine is a little russty too
(20:36:03) Eileen: *dies from embarassment*
(20:36:14) keepmakingtea: Elli Smith lives in Kansas with her dog
Totoshka. A hurrican carries her to Magic Land.
(20:36:42) keepmakingtea: Heheh...
(20:36:43) Kinkyclawz: back
(20:36:50) keepmakingtea: But figure out the second one...
(20:36:50) keepmakingtea: Большая жирная лягушка на регистрации
(20:37:36) Kinkyclawz: thankyou Eileeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
(20:37:44) Fang: Eileen has regenerated, not knowing Russian, making
typos, having a weird obsession with good gummi bears and being strict
is no reason to die anyway
(20:37:51) Charmanderx33: OMFG COWS MOO AND MONKEYS RUB YOUR
(20:37:54) Charmanderx33: i'm tired.
(20:37:57) Charmanderx33: and hyper.
(20:38:03) Kinkyclawz: really? lol
(20:38:08) Charmanderx33: ;3
(20:38:29) keepmakingtea: Большая жирная лягушка на регистрации means
"Greater frog on registration."
(20:38:39) Kinkyclawz: not a good mix. And oh dear, Eileen is becoming
me then?
(20:38:50) Fang: ah of course JD, stupid Tardis, missing the Japanese
and Russian pack
(20:38:54) keepmakingtea: I type in "Big fat frog on log."
(20:39:08) Kinkyclawz: JD: Of cours,e how silly of me not to know that
one, JD... ?!?!?
(20:39:19) Eileen: lol
(20:39:37) Charmanderx33: *runs down the street nekked*
(20:39:40) keepmakingtea: Hehheh...
(20:39:43) Charmanderx33: hyper.
(20:39:44) Charmanderx33: D;
(20:39:46) Fang: did you realise how strict Eileen is KC?
(20:39:50) keepmakingtea: DON'T LOOK, LADIES!!!
(20:39:58) Charmanderx33: what about men;o
(20:40:01) Fang: damn it Char you just got dressed!
(20:40:06) Eileen: *does not ope her eyes*
(20:40:08) Charmanderx33: i know
(20:40:09) Charmanderx33:
(20:40:11) Kinkyclawz: C, see what you started?!
(20:40:18) keepmakingtea: Here's a better one: Большая жирная лягушка
на мертвом дереве
(20:40:22) Cieria: Sorry KC
(20:40:25) Kinkyclawz: Nope, not sure what she's strict about fang.
(20:40:29) Charmanderx33: and that means pies are cooler than cake.
(20:40:33) keepmakingtea: "Greater fat frog on dead tree!"
(20:40:44) Charmanderx33: D;
(20:40:48) Charmanderx33: pies are cooler than cake
(20:40:49) Kinkyclawz: @ Cieria.
(20:40:50) Charmanderx33: D;D;
(20:40:51) Eileen: ahaaaaa
(20:41:00) Eileen: hey!
(20:41:12) Charmanderx33: she's german?
(20:41:15) Eileen: not truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue
(20:41:16) Charmanderx33: oooh salut
(20:41:17) Charmanderx33: wait
(20:41:18) Kinkyclawz: Some pies are, but some cakes take the biscuit.
and some biscuits just rule! Oh crumbs.
(20:41:20) Charmanderx33: is that french
(20:41:21) Fang: all those letters just to say that JD
(20:41:24) Eileen: that is true
(20:41:25) Charmanderx33: ¬¬
(20:41:43) Eileen: *falls over from laughing*
(20:41:44) keepmakingtea: Eileen! Teach us German so we can get out of
these gravel quarries Tom Baker brought us into!
(20:41:47) Charmanderx33: crumbsssssssssssssssss
(20:41:48) Charmanderx33: LOOLOLOL
(20:41:51) Charmanderx33: kso
(20:41:56) Charmanderx33: eaten too much sugar
(20:41:56) Kinkyclawz: Thats French, yep.
(20:41:58) Charmanderx33: teeheee;3
(20:42:09) Eileen: huh?
(20:42:19) Charmanderx33: Salut
(20:42:22) Charmanderx33: it's french
(20:42:25) Charmanderx33: i said it to you..
(20:42:28) Charmanderx33: ¬¬
(20:42:29) Kinkyclawz: no idea on that myself Eileen. LOL
(20:42:33) Eileen: ca va?
(20:42:39) Charmanderx33: ca va bien merci
(20:42:41) Charmanderx33: et toi?
(20:42:42) Kinkyclawz: Oh to me? then Salut, mon chere.
(20:42:48) Fang: Eileen tell everyone to calm down and to talk English
(20:42:53) Charmanderx33: ;o i'm not a guy;o
(20:42:57) Eileen: lol
(20:42:58) Kinkyclawz: bien, merci.
(20:43:03) Charmanderx33: ma cherié*
(20:43:04) Charmanderx33: ;D
(20:43:05) Eileen: ma chére!!!
(20:43:19) Charmanderx33: i suck at french
(20:43:23) Charmanderx33: and i'm taking it
(20:43:24) Kinkyclawz: ohhh, see, thats what 14 years out of edumcation
can do to you, Char.
(20:43:25) Charmanderx33: as an option
(20:43:26) Charmanderx33: ¬¬
(20:43:33) Kinkyclawz: You and Eileen, far better then me then.
(20:43:36) Charmanderx33: xD
(20:43:36) keepmakingtea: Ah, but Russian, Japanese, Spanish, French,
and German are more fun!
(20:43:43) Eileen: ah no
(20:43:47) Eileen: ma chère
(20:43:52) Charmanderx33: MUCHO GUSTO
(20:43:53) Charmanderx33: or something.
(20:43:54) Kinkyclawz: I took German! *laughs hysterically at her
inability to sring a sentence together now in German*
(20:44:05) Charmanderx33: xD
(20:44:17) Kinkyclawz: string also. I struggle with English! lmao
(20:44:19) Charmanderx33: i'm bite'choo fang
(20:44:20) Charmanderx33: >.>
(20:44:21) Fang: oh did you know Ivan is in new tricks this week KC?
(and Char if you're interested)
(20:44:23) Charmanderx33: idk why....
(20:44:25) Charmanderx33: but oh well ;D
(20:44:26) Eileen: come on KC!!! Sring sring sring!!!!!!!!!
(20:44:43) Charmanderx33: who is ivan;o
(20:44:45) Kinkyclawz: sringing away! Sring Sring Sring!
(20:44:56) Kinkyclawz: Ivan is a vampire you'll meet in S2 of Being
huamn Char.
(20:45:01) Eileen: ivan?
(20:45:03) Charmanderx33: ooer.
(20:45:05) Eileen: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(20:45:11) Charmanderx33: is he hot;3
(20:45:14) Eileen: yes I remember
(20:45:15) Kinkyclawz: Fang: I noticed that yes! I know a few someones
who'll be interested in that! lol
(20:45:26) Fang: which someones?
(20:45:30) Eileen: in what?
(20:45:32) Kinkyclawz: I don;t find him so but his character in Bh is
delightfully sarcastic.
(20:45:40) Eileen: who in which about what?
(20:45:42) Charmanderx33: ooh yay
(20:45:44) Eileen: when and where?
(20:45:44) Charmanderx33: SARCASM
(20:45:46) Charmanderx33: YAAAAAAAAAAY
(20:45:47) Eileen: why also?
(20:45:56) Kinkyclawz: A few of the fans on Twitter have ivan-love,
gotta sya.
(20:45:57) Charmanderx33: *bites fang*
(20:46:01) Charmanderx33: nomnomnom.
(20:46:08) Fang: poor why, he's always forgotten
(20:46:09) Eileen: sya!!!!!!!!!!!
(20:46:22) Kinkyclawz: Aww, eileen remembered Why, He's a freind of mr
What, yes?
(20:46:29) Willie: Fang leaves the channel.
(20:46:30) Eileen: 1yes
(20:46:33) Eileen: yes!
(20:46:34) Kinkyclawz: sya, yes! Woo, love me love my typos!
(20:46:35) Willie: Fang enters the channel.
(20:46:38) keepmakingtea: VWORP!
(20:46:39) Kinkyclawz: Oh no! Fang! come baaaaaack
(20:46:40) Charmanderx33: he does like being nommed.
(20:46:43) Charmanderx33: OHAI.
(20:46:43) Kinkyclawz: Oh, there you are.
(20:46:44) Eileen: the second cousin of who
(20:46:51) Kinkyclawz: Nope, he doesn;t apparently.
(20:46:59) Eileen: wb Fanggy!!!!!!!!
(20:46:59) Fang: sorry I had to nip out in the Tardis to buy milk
(20:47:05) Kinkyclawz: Second cousin twice removed, Eileen?
(20:47:05) keepmakingtea: Oh, my! The Doctor comes and goes so quickly
(20:47:08) Charmanderx33: fang you have to like being nommedD;
(20:47:13) Kinkyclawz: Brilliant! what kind of milk?
(20:47:22) Charmanderx33: low fat
(20:47:23) Charmanderx33:
(20:47:25) Kinkyclawz: Thats what all his companions say too.
(20:47:28) Eileen: exactly KC
(20:47:35) Kinkyclawz: yay!
(20:47:51) Fang: space goat milk (I won't give the actual name as it's
a bit ling)
(20:47:54) Charmanderx33: i'ma be chastised if i don't go to bed soon
(20:47:57) Fang: and long too
(20:47:59) Kinkyclawz: ling or long?
(20:48:00) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:48:02) Eileen: 1.5 or 3.5?
(20:48:08) Kinkyclawz: Aww, don;t get told off then Cahr hunny.
(20:48:15) Charmanderx33: fang didn't even notice he got nommed.
(20:48:17) Eileen: lang, KC!
(20:48:21) Eileen: you should know that!
(20:48:21) Fang: so is that time to say goodnight?
(20:48:23) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou for staying as long as you have. Don;t
want you to be tired for school tomorrow, hun.
(20:48:25) Charmanderx33: no
(20:48:28) Charmanderx33: and risk it
(20:48:29) Charmanderx33: xD
(20:48:39) Kinkyclawz: Char-he rarely does. doesn;t notice when I pick
his pockets (in fun) either.
(20:48:54) Kinkyclawz: I know that one well, Eileen!
(20:48:58) Eileen: He is like that
(20:48:58) Charmanderx33: *UBERNOMS FANG*
(20:49:00) Charmanderx33: MOOOHAHAHAHA
(20:49:15) Fang: *ignores noms*
(20:49:20) Charmanderx33: grr.
(20:49:25) Kinkyclawz: Fang, thought you ought to know, Char is
"nomming" on you, she's hungry.
(20:49:32) Charmanderx33: yup.
(20:49:41) Charmanderx33: hungry for some fang meat;D
(20:49:45) Charmanderx33: that
(20:49:49) Charmanderx33: sounds dogdy ¬¬
(20:49:52) Fang: here's some space goat cheese, you can gnaw on that
(20:49:57) Charmanderx33: ew
(20:49:58) Charmanderx33: cheese
(20:49:59) Kinkyclawz: oh dear, hungry is not good. i just ate a stock
cube. now I need to giggle., it must ahve been a a lughing stock. LMAO
(20:50:10) Kinkyclawz: reminds you of that uniform of yours, hun?
(20:50:14) Charmanderx33: bad jokes KC bad jokes.
(20:50:15) Charmanderx33:
(20:50:20) Charmanderx33: and yah.
(20:50:21) Charmanderx33: ew
(20:50:22) Charmanderx33: uniform
(20:50:25) Kinkyclawz: lmao *bows* a-thankyou!
(20:50:35) keepmakingtea: Nom
(20:50:40) Cieria: I'm gonna head out for the night. Night night
(20:50:41) Charmanderx33: *uberlyuberlyUBERLY noms fang?*
(20:50:43) Eileen: stock cube?
(20:50:44) keepmakingtea: Fingernail nomming.
(20:50:50) Charmanderx33: *noms jd*
(20:50:51) Fang: oh dear KC, was that from the big book of jokes 1927?
(20:50:52) Charmanderx33: teehee.
(20:50:56) Fang: Goodnight C
(20:50:56) keepmakingtea: Ow!
(20:50:59) Charmanderx33: LOL@FANG.
(20:51:07) Fang: unless that was you testing Japanses again
(20:51:22) Charmanderx33: i'm listening to rubbish music
(20:51:23) Charmanderx33: YAY ME;D
(20:51:39) Kinkyclawz: *hugz C* Goodngiht sweetie. Enjoy your Japanese
learning hun.
(20:51:42) Eileen: おやすみなさい、C ちゃん!!!
(20:51:43) Fang: hey don't knock it as it's a fine book, I get most of
my jokes from it
(20:51:50) keepmakingtea:
(20:51:58) Kinkyclawz: Fang: It was. the best I could find...
(20:52:11) Eileen: Good night, C chan!
(20:52:16) Fang: although I find the 1929 book to be better
(20:52:21) keepmakingtea: Peace, folks!
(20:52:31) Eileen: and harmony JD!
(20:52:34) Eileen:
(20:52:46) Charmanderx33: i find the 2010 to be ever better.
(20:52:48) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, who;s leaving now? goodnight JD!
(20:52:49) Charmanderx33: if you know that year
(20:52:51) Charmanderx33: ¬¬
(20:52:54) Charmanderx33:
(20:53:04) Kinkyclawz: not sure what the year is right now,. lmao
(20:53:06) Charmanderx33: ;o
(20:53:07) Fang: yeah not one of the best years though
(20:53:09) Charmanderx33: is jd going?
(20:53:16) Charmanderx33: and cieria?
(20:53:19) Eileen: zweitausendzehn, kC!
(20:53:34) Charmanderx33: brb brushing my teeth etc
(20:53:37) Fang: give peace a chance
(20:53:37) Eileen: yes C is leaving
(20:53:48) Charmanderx33: bye C
(20:53:54) Kinkyclawz: eileen: A stock cube is what's used to make
gravy and flavour meats soemtimes.
(20:53:58) Charmanderx33:
(20:54:03) Kinkyclawz: Okies, happy brushing Char.
(20:54:07) Eileen: aha
(20:54:11) Eileen: sounds strange
(20:54:15) Kinkyclawz: Brush that Fang right out of your teeth.
(20:54:22) Eileen: lol
(20:54:25) Kinkyclawz: Its useful.
(20:54:31) Fang: you're learning all the English foods tonight Eileen
(20:54:31) Eileen: ctwothousandten K
(20:54:35) Eileen: KC
(20:54:43) Eileen: lol
(20:54:48) Eileen: obviously KC
(20:55:04) Kinkyclawz: ohhhh... thought it was 1927. Damn, only a
couple of years out then.
(20:55:09) Kinkyclawz: obviously!
(20:55:39) Eileen: yup
(20:55:43) Eileen: just a few KC
(20:55:46) Kinkyclawz: I've discovered I'm as terrible at pool as I am
every other game ever invented1 YAY!
(20:55:47) Eileen: dont fret
(20:55:56) Kinkyclawz: Eileen: Do i get points for trying?
(20:56:00) Fang: even croquet?
(20:56:06) Eileen: yes of course!
(20:56:08) Willie: Cieria has been logged out (Timeout).
(20:56:11) keepmakingtea: Must run... to...
(20:56:13) keepmakingtea: Dryer!
(20:56:16) Eileen: awwwwwwwww
(20:56:19) Kinkyclawz: Not tried that yet but I hope I'm as bad as I am
at all toehr things.
(20:56:23) Eileen: ok JD!
(20:56:23) keepmakingtea: Backwards!
(20:56:26) Kinkyclawz: ohh, HB JD!
(20:56:30) Eileen: Pies and harmony
(20:56:40) Eileen: or something like that to you JD!!!
(20:56:43) Eileen: Bye!
(20:56:45) Fang: steak and kidney pies?
(20:56:51) Kinkyclawz: oh, in that case !JD HB, OK.
(20:56:56) Kinkyclawz: You said backwards, right?
(20:57:04) Eileen: hb!!!
(20:57:20) Fang: Maybe you're not strict Eileen, if you were you'd have
told JD not to run backwards
(20:57:26) keepmakingtea: Back.
(20:57:40) Kinkyclawz: WB
(20:57:44) Kinkyclawz: WB JD even
(20:57:45) Fang: wow that was quicker than KC reads articles and the
other thing I forgot
(20:57:46) keepmakingtea: I only ran into a chair.
(20:57:56) Fang: wb
(20:58:01) Kinkyclawz: Char getting dressed, Doctor.
(20:58:05) Kinkyclawz: Ouch!
(20:58:11) Kinkyclawz: Is the chair ok JD?
(20:58:19) keepmakingtea: Yes.
(20:58:30) Kinkyclawz: Phew, was worried for a moment.
(20:58:44) Eileen: *hands JD a pie uh a bandaid*
(20:58:57) Fang: did a cushion cushion the blow? I'm glad everyone
concerned is alright
(20:59:01) Eileen: KC!!!!!!!!!
(20:59:19) Kinkyclawz: Yes? *looks innocent, wonders what she's done
(20:59:22) Eileen: the cushion is alright?
(20:59:39) Eileen: brb coffee!!!
(20:59:46) Fang: uh-oh she might be strict with you afterall KC,
although she never told JD off at all
(20:59:48) Kinkyclawz: hb Eileen!
(20:59:54) keepmakingtea: No cushion. We're hardcore.
(21:00:00) Kinkyclawz: LOL She's only strict because she cares... #
(21:00:21) keepmakingtea:
(21:00:24) Fang: oh she's going to leave you hanging KC, wondering
about what you've done, it's an effective interrogation technique
(21:00:44) Kinkyclawz: *gets worried*
(21:01:36) keepmakingtea: That Al, our twinister, KC. In 3D!
(21:01:48) Eileen: back
(21:02:03) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, 3D al! Thought it was John Lennon for a
monute there!
(21:02:07) Kinkyclawz: WB Eileen.
(21:02:14) Fang: I'm glad that's 3d, I was getting worried about my
eyes, not as worried as KC waiting for Eileen though
(21:02:18) Kinkyclawz: *crawls over to beg forgiveness for whatever
she's being told off for*
(21:02:22) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:02:30) Fang: she's broken you already?
(21:02:40) Eileen: lol
(21:02:49) Eileen: *pets KC*
(21:02:56) Kinkyclawz: *grinz @ Fang & points to the Vampire Bush she has in tow*
(21:03:00) Kinkyclawz: *purrs*
(21:03:20) Fang: y'know I quite like strick Eileen...
(21:03:28) Fang: strict Eileen too
(21:03:35) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:03:43) Eileen: strick??????????
(21:03:53) Eileen: i dont use stricks to interrogate!
(21:03:58) Eileen: strick =rope
(21:04:18) Fang: oh no she's a woman with stricks and rope!
(21:04:36) Eileen: *grins*
(21:04:38) Kinkyclawz: ohh. *hides the Vampire Bush when she realises what Eileen is* Shes one
fo the Men with Sticks and Rope... oh wait... woman...
(21:04:50) Kinkyclawz: Oh, you must be their boss then Eileen.
(21:04:57) Fang: well they can't all be men, well probably not anyway
(21:05:03) Kinkyclawz: Keeping those men in check must be so tiring. Here, sit down.
(21:05:18) Fang: she's so strict that she rules the afterlife?
(21:05:26) Kinkyclawz: *slides the Vampire Bush under eileen's invisible chair and scampers off*
(21:05:29) Kinkyclawz: YEah!
(21:05:37) Eileen: you have no idea
(21:05:41) Kinkyclawz: I think she does!
(21:06:00) Fang: does that mean she's been controlling Willie?
(21:06:07) Fang: using him as her plaything?
(21:06:10) Eileen: *sits down but misses the chair as it is invisible*
(21:06:16) Eileen: *landing on her butt*
(21:06:17) Eileen: owwwwwwwwww
(21:06:25) Kinkyclawz: Ouch! Are you hurt?
(21:06:30) keepmakingtea gets drunk and randomly hugs everyone before realizing he's not
really drunk. In fact, there's nothing here to drink except tea...
(21:06:36) Fang: uh-oh Eileen won't be happy with you KC, that was a bit of a design flaw
(21:06:44) Eileen: yes it did
(21:06:45) Kinkyclawz: Fang: Well, she always gets her way when she shouts at him, right?
(21:06:51) Fang: rubs Eileen's butt better
(21:06:56) Eileen: where is the bubblewrap when you need it?
(21:07:01) Eileen: gahhhhhhhhhh!!!
(21:07:13) keepmakingtea: KC popped it all when she was on E.
(21:07:15) Kinkyclawz: Tea with an E might have the same effect, JD. I'm sure I have a spare one
(21:07:24) Kinkyclawz: Oops, its all on the walls Eileen, sorry.
(21:07:39) Eileen: *looks suspiciously at Fang*
(21:07:43) Kinkyclawz: Fang, you're enjoying your new job as but-rubber in chief, aren;t you?
(21:07:52) Fang: oh no we've both angered her!
(21:07:53) Kinkyclawz: butt0rubber in chief also.
(21:07:59) keepmakingtea: That's it. Next time, we're spraying this down with foam rubber.
(21:08:09) Kinkyclawz: I'm not the one rubbing her butt, Fang.
(21:08:22) Eileen: lol
(21:08:27) Fang: I'm just trying to help KC!
(21:08:29) Eileen: foam rubber is a better butt rubber
(21:08:39) Eileen: if its on the floor before I fall on it
(21:08:47) Fang: if there was foam on the floor it wouldn't have hurt as much
(21:09:04) Charmanderx33: back with clean teeth, dried fringe and buffed faceee
(21:09:06) Charmanderx33: update me.
(21:09:13) Charmanderx33:
(21:09:15) Eileen: *still looks at Fang with suspicion* My wallet it not in my back pocket Fang
(21:09:18) Kinkyclawz: Erm, where to begin.
(21:09:34) Fang: Eileen I'm not KC, I have no interest in your wallet
(21:09:38) Charmanderx33: all i see up top
(21:09:45) Charmanderx33: is fang rubbing eileens butt.
(21:09:52) Eileen: *does not darre to mention that Fang still did not remove his hand from her
(21:10:03) Charmanderx33: o;
(21:10:07) Charmanderx33: fang you dirty boy
(21:10:12) Eileen: says You, Fang!
(21:10:12) Fang: well is your but better?
(21:10:28) Eileen: my but is better but my butt still hurts
(21:10:36) Kinkyclawz: Eaileen is now in charge of the men With sticks and rope (they rule the
afterlife in BH-you'll see them later) She fell off her invisible chair and bumped her butt on the
floor, Fang is rubbing her behind better. I was the one in trouble and I still don;t know why and JD
is... what are you doing JD?
(21:10:38) Fang: I can't beleive it's not better
(21:10:48) Kinkyclawz: with butter?
(21:10:59) Charmanderx33: ;o
(21:11:05) Kinkyclawz: lol
(21:11:05) Charmanderx33: fang is rubbing her butt;o
(21:11:07) Eileen: nope
(21:11:09) Fang: Eileens but with butter? you're just trying to get me in trouble now KC
(21:11:11) Charmanderx33: ;o;o;o;o;o
(21:11:18) Charmanderx33: eileen i'd run if i were you.
(21:11:29) Eileen: no better but with butter, but what is Jd doing`?
(21:11:32) Kinkyclawz: Moi? Oh, Fang, I'm innocent and sweet me. See?
(21:11:39) keepmakingtea: JD is looking around the corner.
(21:11:42) Fang: so is you but good enough to stop rubbing Eleen?
(21:11:48) Kinkyclawz: Into the bathroom?
(21:11:53) keepmakingtea: Nope.
(21:12:00) Eileen: it is Fang
(21:12:01) Kinkyclawz: ooh, even Fang is catching typos now.
(21:12:03) Eileen: thank you though
(21:12:11) keepmakingtea wonders who left that window open...
(21:12:12) Eileen: *checks her back pocket for her wallet*
(21:12:14) Charmanderx33: ooh i'd better go now
(21:12:14) Kinkyclawz: Ahem, anyone for tea?
(21:12:17) Charmanderx33: before i get eaten alive.
(21:12:19) Eileen: ah there it is!
(21:12:23) Charmanderx33: xD
(21:12:25) Fang: then I suppose I'll have stop the rubbing *leaves wallet alone*
(21:12:29) Kinkyclawz: Eep, eaten alive is not good.
(21:12:33) Eileen: not me JD
(21:12:36) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight, hunny. Sleep tight.
(21:12:48) Kinkyclawz: you may have weird dreams after the shenanigans tongiht mind you.
(21:12:50) Fang: see no ulterior motive, just trying to help
(21:12:52) Charmanderx33: you too xxxxxxx
(21:12:54) keepmakingtea: Well, we got plot street pizza down there. Again.
(21:13:03) Eileen: good night charm!
(21:13:09) Fang: damn Char, do you want us to report your parents to the social services?
(21:13:10) Eileen: Char!!!
(21:13:12) Charmanderx33: bye jd, kc, eileen, and fang
(21:13:18) keepmakingtea: Bai!
(21:13:19) Fang: eating you alive is a bit harsh
(21:13:20) Kinkyclawz: *sidles in beside her Twusband to look* Oh yeah!
(21:13:23) Fang: Goodnight
(21:13:25) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight hun!
(21:13:38) Charmanderx33:
(21:13:45) Eileen: bei bei bebi
(21:13:57) Charmanderx33: jop
(21:14:00) Charmanderx33: that's german right.
(21:14:01) Charmanderx33: xD
(21:14:04) Kinkyclawz: What language is that in eileen? *gets out a notepad and pencil*
(21:14:05) Eileen: yep
(21:14:06) Eileen: lol
(21:14:14) Eileen: okay no
(21:14:14) Kinkyclawz: oh.
(21:14:16) Charmanderx33: byeeee x
(21:14:17) Eileen: but i made it german
(21:14:19) Eileen: heheeeeeeeeeeeeee
(21:14:20) Willie: Degnne logs into the Chat.
(21:14:22) Kinkyclawz: yay!
(21:14:25) Eileen: Gute Nacht!
(21:14:27) Kinkyclawz: DEG!
(21:14:29) Fang: Deg!
(21:14:29) Kinkyclawz: hi hun1
(21:14:29) Eileen: Hey Deg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(21:14:33) Charmanderx33: ji degnne
(21:14:35) Eileen: *runs her over*
(21:14:36) Degnne: Hello everyone
(21:14:38) Kinkyclawz: Great comic today, sweetie1 Well doen. Howsya?
(21:14:39) Eileen: him over
(21:14:41) keepmakingtea: DEGNNE!!!
(21:14:59) Degnne: I'm good
(21:15:04) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, Deg, you got a sex change courtesy of Eileen the ALdy-Maker.
(21:15:07) Eileen: How are You!!!
(21:15:09) Kinkyclawz: Lady maker also.
(21:15:16) Fang: I'm glad you weren't here to study the last part of this chat
(21:15:20) Eileen: aldy maker?
(21:15:24) Eileen: hoi!!!
(21:15:44) Fang: huh, she said him! see it's KC casuing trouble not innocent me
(21:16:07) Eileen: i corrected it
(21:16:11) Eileen: KC was right
(21:16:14) Eileen: *blushes*
(21:02:30) Fang: she's broken you already?
(21:02:40) Eileen: lol
(21:02:49) Eileen: *pets KC*
(21:02:56) Kinkyclawz: *grinz @ Fang & points to the Vampire Bush she has in tow*
(21:03:00) Kinkyclawz: *purrs*
(21:03:20) Fang: y'know I quite like strick Eileen...
(21:03:28) Fang: strict Eileen too
(21:03:35) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:03:43) Eileen: strick??????????
(21:03:53) Eileen: i dont use stricks to interrogate!
(21:03:58) Eileen: strick =rope
(21:04:18) Fang: oh no she's a woman with stricks and rope!
(21:04:36) Eileen: *grins*
(21:04:38) Kinkyclawz: ohh. *hides the Vampire Bush when she realises what Eileen is* Shes one
fo the Men with Sticks and Rope... oh wait... woman...
(21:04:50) Kinkyclawz: Oh, you must be their boss then Eileen.
(21:04:57) Fang: well they can't all be men, well probably not anyway
(21:05:03) Kinkyclawz: Keeping those men in check must be so tiring. Here, sit down.
(21:05:18) Fang: she's so strict that she rules the afterlife?
(21:05:26) Kinkyclawz: *slides the Vampire Bush under eileen's invisible chair and scampers off*
(21:05:29) Kinkyclawz: YEah!
(21:05:37) Eileen: you have no idea
(21:05:41) Kinkyclawz: I think she does!
(21:06:00) Fang: does that mean she's been controlling Willie?
(21:06:07) Fang: using him as her plaything?
(21:06:10) Eileen: *sits down but misses the chair as it is invisible*
(21:06:16) Eileen: *landing on her butt*
(21:06:17) Eileen: owwwwwwwwww
(21:06:25) Kinkyclawz: Ouch! Are you hurt?
(21:06:30) keepmakingtea gets drunk and randomly hugs everyone before realizing he's not
really drunk. In fact, there's nothing here to drink except tea...
(21:06:36) Fang: uh-oh Eileen won't be happy with you KC, that was a bit of a design flaw
(21:06:44) Eileen: yes it did
(21:06:45) Kinkyclawz: Fang: Well, she always gets her way when she shouts at him, right?
(21:06:51) Fang: rubs Eileen's butt better
(21:06:56) Eileen: where is the bubblewrap when you need it?
(21:07:01) Eileen: gahhhhhhhhhh!!!
(21:07:13) keepmakingtea: KC popped it all when she was on E.
(21:07:15) Kinkyclawz: Tea with an E might have the same effect, JD. I'm sure I have a spare one
(21:07:24) Kinkyclawz: Oops, its all on the walls Eileen, sorry.
(21:07:39) Eileen: *looks suspiciously at Fang*
(21:07:43) Kinkyclawz: Fang, you're enjoying your new job as but-rubber in chief, aren;t you?
(21:07:52) Fang: oh no we've both angered her!
(21:07:53) Kinkyclawz: butt0rubber in chief also.
(21:07:59) keepmakingtea: That's it. Next time, we're spraying this down with foam rubber.
(21:08:09) Kinkyclawz: I'm not the one rubbing her butt, Fang.
(21:08:22) Eileen: lol
(21:08:27) Fang: I'm just trying to help KC!
(21:08:29) Eileen: foam rubber is a better butt rubber
(21:08:39) Eileen: if its on the floor before I fall on it
(21:08:47) Fang: if there was foam on the floor it wouldn't have hurt as much
(21:09:04) Charmanderx33: back with clean teeth, dried fringe and buffed faceee
(21:09:06) Charmanderx33: update me.
(21:09:13) Charmanderx33:
(21:09:15) Eileen: *still looks at Fang with suspicion* My wallet it not in my back pocket Fang
(21:09:18) Kinkyclawz: Erm, where to begin.
(21:09:34) Fang: Eileen I'm not KC, I have no interest in your wallet
(21:09:38) Charmanderx33: all i see up top
(21:09:45) Charmanderx33: is fang rubbing eileens butt.
(21:09:52) Eileen: *does not darre to mention that Fang still did not remove his hand from her
(21:10:03) Charmanderx33: o;
(21:10:07) Charmanderx33: fang you dirty boy
(21:10:12) Eileen: says You, Fang!
(21:10:12) Fang: well is your but better?
(21:10:28) Eileen: my but is better but my butt still hurts
(21:10:36) Kinkyclawz: Eaileen is now in charge of the men With sticks and rope (they rule the
afterlife in BH-you'll see them later) She fell off her invisible chair and bumped her butt on the
floor, Fang is rubbing her behind better. I was the one in trouble and I still don;t know why and JD
is... what are you doing JD?
(21:10:38) Fang: I can't beleive it's not better
(21:10:48) Kinkyclawz: with butter?
(21:10:59) Charmanderx33: ;o
(21:11:05) Kinkyclawz: lol
(21:11:05) Charmanderx33: fang is rubbing her butt;o
(21:11:07) Eileen: nope
(21:11:09) Fang: Eileens but with butter? you're just trying to get me in trouble now KC
(21:11:11) Charmanderx33: ;o;o;o;o;o
(21:11:18) Charmanderx33: eileen i'd run if i were you.
(21:11:29) Eileen: no better but with butter, but what is Jd doing`?
(21:11:32) Kinkyclawz: Moi? Oh, Fang, I'm innocent and sweet me. See?
(21:11:39) keepmakingtea: JD is looking around the corner.
(21:11:42) Fang: so is you but good enough to stop rubbing Eleen?
(21:11:48) Kinkyclawz: Into the bathroom?
(21:11:53) keepmakingtea: Nope.
(21:12:00) Eileen: it is Fang
(21:12:01) Kinkyclawz: ooh, even Fang is catching typos now.
(21:12:03) Eileen: thank you though
(21:12:11) keepmakingtea wonders who left that window open...
(21:12:12) Eileen: *checks her back pocket for her wallet*
(21:12:14) Charmanderx33: ooh i'd better go now
(21:12:14) Kinkyclawz: Ahem, anyone for tea?
(21:12:17) Charmanderx33: before i get eaten alive.
(21:12:19) Eileen: ah there it is!
(21:12:23) Charmanderx33: xD
(21:12:25) Fang: then I suppose I'll have stop the rubbing *leaves wallet alone*
(21:12:29) Kinkyclawz: Eep, eaten alive is not good.
(21:12:33) Eileen: not me JD
(21:12:36) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight, hunny. Sleep tight.
(21:12:48) Kinkyclawz: you may have weird dreams after the shenanigans tongiht mind you.
(21:12:50) Fang: see no ulterior motive, just trying to help
(21:12:52) Charmanderx33: you too xxxxxxx
(21:12:54) keepmakingtea: Well, we got plot street pizza down there. Again.
(21:13:03) Eileen: good night charm!
(21:13:09) Fang: damn Char, do you want us to report your parents to the social services?
(21:13:10) Eileen: Char!!!
(21:13:12) Charmanderx33: bye jd, kc, eileen, and fang
(21:13:18) keepmakingtea: Bai!
(21:13:19) Fang: eating you alive is a bit harsh
(21:13:20) Kinkyclawz: *sidles in beside her Twusband to look* Oh yeah!
(21:13:23) Fang: Goodnight
(21:13:25) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight hun!
(21:13:38) Charmanderx33:
(21:13:45) Eileen: bei bei bebi
(21:13:57) Charmanderx33: jop
(21:14:00) Charmanderx33: that's german right.
(21:14:01) Charmanderx33: xD
(21:14:04) Kinkyclawz: What language is that in eileen? *gets out a notepad and pencil*
(21:14:05) Eileen: yep
(21:14:06) Eileen: lol
(21:14:14) Eileen: okay no
(21:14:14) Kinkyclawz: oh.
(21:14:16) Charmanderx33: byeeee x
(21:14:17) Eileen: but i made it german
(21:14:19) Eileen: heheeeeeeeeeeeeee
(21:14:20) Willie: Degnne logs into the Chat.
(21:14:22) Kinkyclawz: yay!
(21:14:25) Eileen: Gute Nacht!
(21:14:27) Kinkyclawz: DEG!
(21:14:29) Fang: Deg!
(21:14:29) Kinkyclawz: hi hun1
(21:14:29) Eileen: Hey Deg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(21:14:33) Charmanderx33: ji degnne
(21:14:35) Eileen: *runs her over*
(21:14:36) Degnne: Hello everyone
(21:14:38) Kinkyclawz: Great comic today, sweetie1 Well doen. Howsya?
(21:14:39) Eileen: him over
(21:14:41) keepmakingtea: DEGNNE!!!
(21:14:59) Degnne: I'm good
(21:15:04) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, Deg, you got a sex change courtesy of Eileen the ALdy-Maker.
(21:15:07) Eileen: How are You!!!
(21:15:09) Kinkyclawz: Lady maker also.
(21:15:16) Fang: I'm glad you weren't here to study the last part of this chat
(21:15:20) Eileen: aldy maker?
(21:15:24) Eileen: hoi!!!
(21:15:44) Fang: huh, she said him! see it's KC casuing trouble not innocent me
(21:16:07) Eileen: i corrected it
(21:16:11) Eileen: KC was right
(21:16:14) Eileen: *blushes*
(21:16:25) Eileen: sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
(21:16:31) Eileen: gomennasai!!!
(21:16:33) keepmakingtea: It's beeeeeeeeeeeeeen Crazzzzyy...
(21:16:37) Eileen: sumimasen!
(21:16:37) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:16:40) keepmakingtea: I was going Russian!
(21:16:45) Eileen: moshiwakearimasen!!!
(21:17:06) Eileen: idesuka???
(21:17:08) Eileen: yay!!!!!!!!
(21:17:19) Kinkyclawz: Crazy is good... and whats was I right about? Me? Right? Surely there's
some mistake!
(21:17:23) Eileen: typonese in japanese is not easy
(21:17:24) Fang: damn it the Japanese say sorry alot
(21:17:26) Eileen: i tell ya!
(21:17:39) Eileen: lol they do Fang
(21:17:43) Fang: *bows to Eileen Japanse style*
(21:17:58) Kinkyclawz: I knew gomennasai was sorry, didn;t knwo the others, offhand, tho have
heard them,.
(21:18:04) Eileen: *bows back both hitting their heads*
(21:18:07) Eileen: ow!!
(21:18:11) Fang: ow!!
(21:18:24) Kinkyclawz: *hears a hollow crack and turns around* Oh dear, blood!
(21:18:31) Fang: are you up for simultaneous head rubbing?
(21:18:46) Kinkyclawz: *helps Fang and Eileen over to Eileen's corner where the Vampire Bush is
waiting eagerly*
(21:19:05) Eileen: *rubs her head*
(21:19:09) Kinkyclawz: Very respectfully done, you two. *applauds*
(21:19:19) Eileen: i am Fang, i am
(21:19:20) Willie: Charmanderx33 has been logged out (Timeout).
(21:19:34) Kinkyclawz: Fan, what will you do if you can't find a simultaneous head to rub? Rub
your own?
(21:19:36) Fang: *rubs Eileens head*
(21:19:43) Eileen: but the hollow crack was not my fault
(21:19:48) Kinkyclawz: Fang: or eileens...
(21:19:54) Eileen: i try to at least keep some hay in there
(21:20:01) Eileen: thank you fang
(21:20:07) Eileen: *rubs Fang's head*
(21:20:13) Kinkyclawz: *ppers in trhough Eileens ear* oh yeah! so you do!
(21:20:21) Fang: thank you Eileen
(21:20:24) Kinkyclawz: oh dear, typos are taking over!
(21:20:34) Kinkyclawz: Aww, such sweetness between you two.
(21:20:46) Kinkyclawz: *sighs happily*
(21:20:53) Eileen: typos are taking over? TYPOS ARE TAKING
(21:21:10) Kinkyclawz: You cannot hde frome the TYPOS! Mwahahahaha!
(21:21:21) Fang: *whispers so Eileen can't hear* I have to be sweet, she headbutted me for
bowing incorrectly, she's very strict
(21:21:32) Eileen: oh sorry for disturbing the mood, but but... Typos are taking over
(21:21:39) Kinkyclawz: *whispers back* Ohhh....
(21:21:43) Fang: it sounds like a rubbish b movie
(21:21:56) Kinkyclawz: lmao sounds perfect for us though!
(21:22:04) Eileen: it is a rubbish bee movie
(21:22:27) Kinkyclawz: The bees can't speak properly, their lines all sound like buzzing.
(21:22:29) Fang: ? 
(21:22:38) Kinkyclawz: WTF?!
(21:22:41) Fang: agh that's an even bigger url essy
(21:22:47) Eileen: yes!!! exactly Fang!!!!!
(21:22:52) Kinkyclawz: And not a clickable one either.
(21:23:00) Eileen: Exactly what i wanted to tell you all along
(21:23:09) Kinkyclawz: Only got a small comp, the screen suddenly filled up and startled me!
(21:23:14) Fang:
(21:23:18) Eileen: thanks for telling everyone
(21:23:20) Eileen: humph
(21:23:23) Fang: ^^that's better
(21:23:32) Eileen: aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
(21:23:43) Eileen: yep that one
(21:23:48) Eileen: without the bees though
(21:23:52) Kinkyclawz: What did you want to tell us all along Eileen? *smiles Sweetly*
(21:23:54) Eileen: but with alot of typos
(21:23:54) Fang: uh-oh I've upset Eileen AGAIN
(21:24:07) Fang: er.. you wanted to tell us something Eileen?
(21:24:14) Eileen: no that was not an upset aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
(21:24:24) Eileen: it was an aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh of understanding
(21:24:27) Kinkyclawz: Nah, you're okay ~Fang. Its only the concussion talking from your head-
banging incident.
(21:24:33) Eileen: you should be able to separate those two
(21:24:45) Eileen: tsk *shakes Kc's head gently*
(21:25:06) Kinkyclawz: *KC's brain cell rattles happily around as her head is shaken* *grinz
(21:25:12) Eileen: uh no nothing!!!
(21:25:23) Eileen: its all good no new info to share *cough*
(21:25:26) Kinkyclawz: I'm hungry!
(21:25:29) Fang: still waits for Eileen to tell us something/ or what I said instead
(21:25:53) Fang: oh wait no new info, my bad
(21:25:56) Eileen: *hands a second brain cell to KC*
(21:26:11) Eileen: that is my last one Kc, dont lose that one
(21:26:11) Kinkyclawz: YAY! My brain cell won;t be lonely anymore!
(21:26:19) Kinkyclawz: thankyou Eileen! *huggles*
(21:26:27) Fang: I think all of the topics got knocked out of my head when we bumped heads
(21:26:32) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, didn;'t mean to lose the last twenty-seven.
(21:26:37) Kinkyclawz: We had topics?!
(21:26:38) Eileen: *feels the wind blow the hay around in her head*
(21:26:40) Kinkyclawz: when?!
(21:27:11) Eileen: one second before his head hit mine, Kc
(21:27:21) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, I can smell the farm when that happens, eileen. not the nasty smelly
side of it, the sweet smelly side of it.
(21:27:26) Fang: can I stop the head rubbing yet?
(21:27:32) Kinkyclawz: Oooh... trippy!
(21:27:45) Eileen: oh! yes, please do Fang
(21:27:47) Kinkyclawz: *sidles over to see if Fang will rub her hed instead*
(21:27:51) Eileen: you have your own life to live
(21:27:54) Kinkyclawz: head also.
(21:28:01) Eileen: or Kc's head to rub
(21:28:13) Eileen: and dont lose that brain cell KC!
(21:28:29) Eileen: and dont let Fang have it
(21:28:37) Eileen: he has enough
(21:28:37) Fang: thanks EIleen *puts tired arm in sling*
(21:28:38) Kinkyclawz: Eileens already shaking my head for me... please? *gives Fang big,
watery, doe-eyes and a quivery bottom lip*
(21:29:04) keepmakingtea: Y'all are a bunch of crazy, people!
(21:29:10) Kinkyclawz: I won;t lose it I promise. *stuffs a carrot in each ear to prove she won't
lose her brain cells.
(21:29:11) Eileen: may I stop shaking your head Lady KC?
(21:29:23) Kinkyclawz: What? Sorry? Can't hear you all.
(21:29:25) Eileen: good good, KC
(21:29:28) Fang: sorry KC, one hand for typing the others resting, I could maybe use another
body part, one of my feet?
(21:29:32) Eileen: JD, finally you noticed!!!!!!!!!!!!
(21:29:38) Eileen: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
(21:29:38) Kinkyclawz: Pardon?
(21:29:50) Kinkyclawz: *takes carrots from her ears.
(21:30:05) Kinkyclawz: Gawd, you had me worried for a minute there Fang!
(21:30:14) Kinkyclawz: And yep, we're mad, JD. But you love us!
(21:30:15) Eileen: *shouts* MAY I STOP SHAKING YOUR HEAD LADY KC?
(21:30:22) Kinkyclawz: And yes, you can,eillen, thankyou.
(21:30:30) Kinkyclawz: OW! *is deaf now*
(21:30:36) Eileen: *shouts again* THANKS!!!
(21:30:45) Eileen: putting her arms in slings as well
(21:30:50) Kinkyclawz: Wish I had those carrots back in my ears now.
(21:31:03) Eileen: *shouts* OOPS, SORRY!!!
(21:31:09) keepmakingtea: Degnne, are you crazy?
(21:31:42) Fang: *tries to rub KC's head with foot but falls over* ow my butt!
(21:31:46) Kinkyclawz: *flinches and looks at the Insanity Tree for refuge* You okay up there
(21:32:04) Eileen: Jd!!! Where is the foam rubber?
(21:32:08) Fang: what do you mean I had you worried?
(21:32:11) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, sorry Fang. Here, here's an invisible3 chair to rest your sore butt
on. This one had cushions.
(21:32:19) Kinkyclawz: You sid you'd use another body part.
(21:32:23) Eileen: *can just barely keep herself from shaking Kc's head*
(21:32:24) Kinkyclawz: I panicked.
(21:32:31) Degnne: Nope, I'm perfectly uncrazy.
(21:32:41) keepmakingtea: I haven't broken out the foam rubber. The fums are bad.
(21:32:45) keepmakingtea: *fumes
(21:32:48) Fang: oh...
(21:32:49) Kinkyclawz: So that measn, Deg, you were crazy once and have been un-crazied?
(21:32:55) Kinkyclawz: the fums are bad also.
(21:33:11) Fang: i'm uncrazy, I have a certificate to prove it
(21:33:27) Eileen: show us then Fang
(21:33:27) Kinkyclawz: There's a cure for craziness?
(21:33:35) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, we need proof.
(21:33:37) Eileen: if you have any body parts left to do so
(21:33:43) Fang: *sniff* Eileen won't rub my but
(21:33:51) Fang: I thought we were friends
(21:34:00) Eileen: *rolls eyes and goes over to rub Fang's butt*
(21:34:04) Kinkyclawz: She has both arms in slings... want me to?
(21:34:05) Eileen: bettererrerer?
(21:34:16) Fang: show my but? oh the certifite? er hang on
(21:34:27) Eileen: to your butt?
(21:34:31) Eileen: no problem!
(21:34:47) Kinkyclawz: lol certifite? YAY! WE fight to prove you have a certificate?
(21:35:04) Fang: it's OK KC, Nurse Eileen is doing a good job
(21:35:31) Kinkyclawz: *looks disappointed* Oh, okay.
(21:35:48) keepmakingtea: ....
(21:35:50) Fang: thanyyou thogh KC
(21:35:54) Kinkyclawz: *rubs JD's butt*
(21:36:01) Fang: it's good to know you're there if I need you
(21:36:01) Kinkyclawz: *grinz*
(21:36:12) keepmakingtea: *rubs KC's butt*
(21:36:17) Kinkyclawz: Always, especially if you have your wallet in your back pocket*
(21:36:21) Kinkyclawz: *giggles*
(21:36:24) keepmakingtea: Hmm.
(21:36:34) keepmakingtea: Degnne is so alone...
(21:36:40) Kinkyclawz: JD, neither of us fell over did we?
(21:36:50) keepmakingtea: Nope.
(21:36:52) Kinkyclawz: Deg, want to join the group butt-rubbing?
(21:37:03) Fang: I can't find the certificate, however next time you take my wallet you can find my
(21:37:05) Fang:
(21:37:08) keepmakingtea: Let's get him an Amy Manson clone to do it.
(21:37:10) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, this would make an interesting chapter.
(21:37:17) Kinkyclawz: Thats a deal, Fang.
(21:37:36) Degnne: I can rub my own butt, thankyouverymuch.
(21:38:15) Kinkyclawz: Deg, can you make notes and observations while rubbing your own butt
and NOT fall out of the insanity tree?
(21:38:19) Eileen: okay Deg
(21:38:22) Eileen: if you say so
(21:38:35) Fang: thanks Eileen you can stop now, you're heeling hands have healed me,
although you can keep the nurse uniform on
(21:38:42) Eileen: gah!!! I need one of these cards
(21:38:44) Kinkyclawz: the offer's there if you need it, Deg. You can take your piick of the clones.
(21:38:59) Eileen: nurse u... huh?
(21:39:14) Eileen: *looks down* ooh! Where did that come from
(21:39:16) Eileen: *blushes*
(21:39:30) Eileen: *and stops rubbing Fang's butt*
(21:39:45) Fang: that took a while after I said it Eileen
(21:40:13) Fang: not jut anybody can get one of those cards Eileen, there's a test to pass
(21:40:15) Eileen: what did?
(21:40:25) Eileen: oh which test!!!
(21:40:27) Eileen: tell meeeeeeeeeeee
(21:40:41) Fang: it took a long time for you to stop rubbing after I said you'd healed me
(21:40:45) Eileen: *grabs Fang and shakes him*
(21:40:56) Eileen: uh yes it did
(21:41:02) Eileen: *cough*
(21:41:06) Eileen: what test?????
(21:41:18) Kinkyclawz: The nuncrazy test.
(21:41:25) Kinkyclawz: Apparently Deg and Fang have passed it.
(21:41:31) Fang: she's in a nun uniform now?
(21:41:33) Eileen: damn then i wont pass
(21:41:35) Eileen: im not a nun
(21:41:38) Kinkyclawz: sorry, not nuncrazy, UNcrazy. ,
(21:41:40) Fang: a crazy nun?
(21:41:44) Kinkyclawz: lmao apparently so.
(21:41:56) Kinkyclawz: that kind of life can do that to ya.
(21:41:56) Eileen: im not!!!
(21:42:00) Fang: not just anyone can take the test
(21:42:17) Eileen: ok then I will stay crazy
(21:42:24) Eileen: *sobs*
(21:42:35) Kinkyclawz: YAY! Saty with meeeeeeeeee! *stops rubbing JD's butt and hugz Eileen*
(21:42:47) Kinkyclawz: Or stay with me if you prefer. Whichever.
(21:43:39) Fang: OK Eileen you can take it
(21:43:53) Fang: what do you see when you look at this ink blob
(21:44:07) keepmakingtea: Satan
(21:44:23) keepmakingtea: Ganon
(21:44:40) Fang: hmm JD sees Eileen's employees
(21:44:41) Eileen: uhmmmmmm
(21:44:42) Kinkyclawz: *plays along* ~A were-pig!
(21:44:45) Degnne: It's totally Ganon
(21:44:51) Eileen: two pigs with large ears kissing a flower
(21:44:53) Kinkyclawz: Whos Ganon guys?
(21:44:55) Eileen: is that right?
(21:44:59) Fang: damn it you're all clouding Eileen's results
(21:45:06) Kinkyclawz: Sorry
(21:45:33) Fang: wait to the end Eileen *writes in notebook*
(21:45:38) Eileen: *waits for her result*
(21:45:41) Eileen: ah ok
(21:45:44) Eileen: *blushes*
(21:45:47) Fang: ganon is the bad guy in the Zelda games
(21:46:00) Kinkyclawz: And why is the name Ganon making her hungry.
Ohh, thankyou!
(21:46:00) keepmakingtea:
(21:46:29) Kinkyclawz: Oh, image fail JD. *rubs JD's butt to encourage proper linkage again*
(21:46:49) Eileen: *bursts out laughing*
(21:46:56) Fang: are gummi bears a) good bears that bring joy and happiness b) evil, they
probably poison kids, C) just sweets with no thoughts or characteristics whatsoever
(21:47:07) keepmakingtea: Image fail?
(21:47:12) keepmakingtea: I see it just fine...
(21:47:36) Fang: I don't either JD
(21:47:38) Eileen: A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(21:47:48) Fang: qustion 3: can you see the picture Eileen?
(21:47:48) Kinkyclawz: I see the lil broken link doohicky, JD. Can you send the link and I'll insert
it? *keeps on rubbing*
(21:48:02) Eileen: i dont either JD *plays parrot*
(21:48:15) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ eileen.
(21:48:21) Eileen: Noo, I cannot see the picture.
(21:48:22) Fang: *notes down that she may think she's a parrot*
(21:48:29) Kinkyclawz: Deg? Can you see the picture?
(21:48:36) Eileen: hoi!
(21:48:47) Degnne: no
(21:48:53) keepmakingtea: 1 sec
(21:48:59) Kinkyclawz: 1
(21:49:03) Eileen: i see nothing
(21:49:07) Eileen: an empty line
(21:49:15) Eileen: 1
(21:49:15) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, open your eyes suesse.
(21:49:22) Eileen: oh that was 3 already
(21:49:26) Fang: *sees the world as empty*
(21:49:33) keepmakingtea:
(21:49:36) Eileen: gahhhhhhhh!
(21:49:43) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, thats Ganon!
(21:49:47) Eileen: KC, I really couldnt
(21:49:54) Kinkyclawz: *feels hungry again* *eats Ganon*
(21:49:54) Eileen: ah! now I do!
(21:50:16) Fang: If you could be any videogame characther who would you be? (Ganon is not
allowed as an option)
(21:50:32) Eileen: uhmmmmm... *thinks hard*
(21:50:42) Eileen: Cloud!!!
(21:51:18) Fang: *writes that she sometimes wants to be a man with spiky hair and a big sword,
possible amnesia*
(21:51:24) Kinkyclawz: *****
(22:51:53) Fang: last one (unless you want the extended edition)
(22:52:03) Eileen: extended!!!
(22:52:21) Kinkyclawz: Eileen wants you Exptended Fang. Are you happy now? lmao
(22:52:22) keepmakingtea: Link
(22:52:26) Eileen: *hears Dr. Fang sigh*
(22:52:34) Fang: A male friend falls on their butt, do you a)rub it b) get an ice pack c) laugh
(22:52:35) Kinkyclawz: Gribbly!
(22:52:36) Eileen: where?
(22:52:46) Eileen: a!!!!
(22:52:50) Fang: *sigh*
(22:52:54) Eileen: uhm or c?
(22:52:57) Eileen: a!!
(22:52:58) keepmakingtea: Seeing as Doctor Who is getting proper video games, does the Doctor
(22:53:13) Kinkyclawz: Perhaos JD, yeah!
(22:53:29) Kinkyclawz: Spyro!
(22:53:42) Fang: which outfit would you rather wear a) chearleader, b) nurse c) nun
(22:53:48) Fang: yep the Doctor counts
(22:53:49) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(22:54:00) Eileen: tough one
(22:54:16) Eileen: a
(22:54:28) Fang: *notes she's said hard and tough*
(22:54:36) Eileen: i like the a, its so cute and has a belly
(22:54:47) Eileen: huh???
(22:55:03) keepmakingtea: Audrey
(22:55:15) keepmakingtea: Audry is talking baby-ish to Shaun.
(22:55:21) keepmakingtea: ...
(22:55:27) keepmakingtea: Damn typos.
(22:55:27) Eileen: thats hindi!
(22:55:28) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear. not good then?
(22:55:39) Fang: you are having a bacon or sausage sandwhich, do you add a) red sauce
(ketchup) b) brown sauce or mustard C) no sauce I just like sausage
(22:55:46) Fang: ...or bacon on it's own
(22:55:49) Eileen: sorry watched simpsons yesterday ok back to test
(22:55:56) Kinkyclawz: LMAOLMAOLMAO
(22:56:10) Eileen: a!!!
(22:56:24) keepmakingtea: What kind of sausage goes on a sandwich?
(22:56:35) keepmakingtea: Aside from breakfast sandwiches.
(22:56:36) Eileen: Wiener!!!
(22:56:47) Kinkyclawz: Um, hotdog?
(22:56:47) Fang: ah simpsons hey? then bonus question, who is your favourite simpsons
(22:57:01) keepmakingtea: As for bacon, we normally do bacon, lettuce, and tomato. I prefer
mayo then.
(22:57:05) Eileen: uhmmmmm...............
(22:57:06) keepmakingtea: Ralph Wiggum.
(22:57:14) Fang: they're fairly popular snacks over here
(22:57:14) Eileen: Lisa!
(22:57:45) Eileen: JD, simple answers should do
(22:57:48) Eileen: *grins*
(22:58:01) Fang: *notes Ralp = mental, Lisa = huh nobody says Lisa*
(22:58:26) Kinkyclawz: Santas Little Helper
(22:58:34) Fang: Frank Grimes would be my answer which helped me pass
(22:58:38) Eileen: I say Lisa!
(22:58:58) Fang: slh= likes obbidience
(22:59:10) Kinkyclawz: Shyeah! *wanders off*
(22:59:27) Fang: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 5 more questions Eileen?
(22:59:46) Kinkyclawz: *comes abck* did csomeone call me?
(22:59:46) Eileen: uhhhhhhhhhh 5
(23:00:11) Fang: favourite being human characther that's not the main trio?
(23:00:22) keepmakingtea: Gilbery
(23:00:23) Eileen: what? im just ambitious
(23:00:24) keepmakingtea: *Gilbert
(23:00:25) Kinkyclawz: HEEHEE, know this one!
(23:00:32) Kinkyclawz: Gilbery?! lmao
(23:00:36) Kinkyclawz: Tully!!
(23:00:36) Eileen: damn!!!1
(23:00:42) Eileen: ah! Carl!
(23:00:45) Fang: 5! why 55
(23:00:58) Fang: blimey 55 would be worse
(23:01:06) Kinkyclawz: it would!
(23:01:13) Eileen: im ambitious
(23:01:16) Kinkyclawz: Gotta get your thinking cap on Fangy baby.
(23:01:29) Eileen: *winks at KC*
(22:01:37) Fang: interesing, a ghost a vampire and a werewolf
(22:01:42) Eileen: phew at least im not opes-ing anymore
(22:01:51) Kinkyclawz: Bugger!
(22:02:00) Fang: if you could had any super power what would it be
(22:02:27) Kinkyclawz: got logged out. can anyone please provide the chatlog from the last lot of
saving stars please?
(22:02:43) Kinkyclawz: What did you choose Eileenm, missed it.
(22:02:50) Kinkyclawz: *eats the extra m*
(22:02:53) Eileen: exorcizing with my mind
(22:02:56) Fang: Eileen went for Carl
(22:02:58) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(22:02:58) keepmakingtea: Hmmmm...
(22:02:59) Eileen: sorry for the spn answer
(22:03:04) Kinkyclawz: Oh yeah! cheers1
(22:03:21) keepmakingtea: Teleportation.
(22:03:30) Fang: i said "interesting a ghost a vampire and a werewolf"
(22:03:31) Kinkyclawz: Superpower? Shapeshifting.
(22:03:54) Kinkyclawz: DEg, fave non-main character? Or superpower?
(22:03:58) Kinkyclawz:
(22:04:07) Fang: I don't have the last saving stars
(22:04:23) Eileen: ill send it kc
(22:04:27) keepmakingtea:
(22:04:29) Degnne: telepathy and Ivan
(22:04:38) Kinkyclawz: YAY!
(22:04:52) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou eileen! Danke schon, liebe!
(22:05:01) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, poor kitty!
(22:05:06) Eileen: heh curiosity almost killed the cat
(22:05:09) Fang: a woman put a poor cat in a bin, what would you put in a bin (other than litter)
(22:05:24) Kinkyclawz: *****
(22:05:33) Fang: Ivan= most sane answer yet
(22:05:55) Kinkyclawz: YAY! DEg is unsane too you see!
(22:05:55) keepmakingtea: I would put the woman who put a cat in a bin in the bin.
(22:06:01) Degnne: that's why I'm uncrazy
(22:06:02) Kinkyclawz: no, uncrazy I meant!
(22:06:06) keepmakingtea: Also the girl who was throwing puppies into a river.
(22:06:10) Kinkyclawz: oh dear. sorry.
(22:06:13) Fang: aw poor cat
(22:06:30) Kinkyclawz: What is wrong with these people abusing animals. they should ahve the
same donet o them and see how they like it.
(22:06:30) Fang: *JD has revenge issues*
(22:06:44) Kinkyclawz: I'm with my Twusband on that.
(22:06:55) Eileen: sent!!!
(22:06:57) keepmakingtea: Hey, these animals can't fight us back when we do stuff like that to
(22:07:00) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou! MWAH!
(22:07:00) Fang: oops made it heavier that I meatnt too, bonus sanity points for comedy answers
(22:07:18) Fang: I didn't say it was abad answer...
(22:07:20) Kinkyclawz: LOL
(22:07:31) keepmakingtea: That cat at least had a chance, someone could open the bin and it
would hop out.
(22:07:39) Kinkyclawz: Maybe a safer question next time, quizmaster?
(22:07:45) keepmakingtea: Those puppies, though. They died on impact.
(22:07:53) Kinkyclawz: Aww, poor pups.
(22:07:55) Eileen: what was the latest question, Dr. Fang?
(22:08:08) Fang: uh we'll skip it Eileen...
(22:08:25) Eileen: what you put in a bin?
(22:08:39) keepmakingtea: Evil people belong in a bin.
(22:08:57) Eileen: a cat in bin putting woman?
(22:09:12) Fang: you borrow my tardis, where in the whole of space and time do you go?
(22:09:27) keepmakingtea: Oz
(22:09:44) Eileen: in the backseat of the Impala!
(22:09:47) keepmakingtea: And KC's going with me.
(22:10:05) Eileen: with both Winchester boys sitting in the front
(22:10:05) Kinkyclawz: I am... okay my Twusband. *doesn;t do obedience, really...*
(22:10:10) Fang: good answere assuming you mean somewhere over the rainbow not Australia,
that wouldn't be very ambiituous
(22:10:51) Eileen: and my answer?
(22:10:51) Kinkyclawz: Deg, going back to your chosen superpower... would teleaphy be a good
idea around us lot? lmao
(22:10:52) keepmakingtea: No, I mean in the hidden continent somewhere in the South Pacific,
closed off from the world by a barrier of invisibility.
(22:10:56) Eileen: not crazy at all is it?
(22:10:59) Kinkyclawz: or telepahty also.
(22:11:15) Kinkyclawz: *winks at eileen, belated from when she lost the chatlog*
(22:11:25) Fang: KC you still need to answer as if you had a choice
(22:11:30) Eileen: ahhh finally
(22:11:41) keepmakingtea: Yes, KC. We'll go to your place first.
(22:12:03) Kinkyclawz: LOL If nto to Oz with ym Twusband... Mauritius, 1600's, save the DODO!
(22:12:16) Eileen: my answers are never crazy never never neveeeeeeeeeeeer
(22:12:17) Kinkyclawz: Then to Oz after, JD
(22:12:18) keepmakingtea: YES!
(22:12:29) Kinkyclawz: No, I see them as perfectly sane, Eileen!
(22:12:38) keepmakingtea: Yeah, we can take the Dodo to Oz where it will live forever.
(22:12:39) Kinkyclawz: YAY!
(22:12:41) Eileen: yes!
(22:12:54) Kinkyclawz: YEah! sounds like a plan! It worked in Wonderland for Alice.
(22:13:04) keepmakingtea: Better get a male and female.
(22:13:09) Kinkyclawz: Anyone else on board for Dodo savage?
(22:13:16) Kinkyclawz: save-age even
(22:13:16) keepmakingtea: If you know what I mean. *ope*
(22:13:17) Eileen: me!
(22:13:28) Eileen: uh no but ill do it anyway
(22:13:38) Kinkyclawz: I doooo, severl males and females, the Tardis is pretty big...
(22:13:38) Fang: a man runs towards you you on the street, another guy is chasing him and
shouts for you to stop him, the first guy looks at you pleadinly. do you a) stop the guy getting
chased b) help him escape c) panic and start running too
(22:13:42) Kinkyclawz: oh, wait...
(22:13:59) Kinkyclawz: the fact that they all disappeared means... they already WERE saved by
us yes? *hopes*
(22:14:02) Eileen: hmmmmm
(22:14:05) Eileen: c!
(22:14:13) Kinkyclawz: b
(22:14:30) Fang: you'd be like an interglatic noah with and tardis instead of an arc
(22:14:33) Kinkyclawz: Feeling rebellious.
(22:14:38) Kinkyclawz: yeah!
(22:14:41) keepmakingtea: D) Yell "WHAT THE F*** IS GOING ON?"
(22:15:04) Eileen: YES!!!
(22:15:06) Eileen: or that
(22:15:15) Kinkyclawz: e) fake deafness and blindness and ignore everything thats going on?
(22:15:21) Eileen: but i'll run and ask that question
(22:15:49) Eileen: and then call 911 or 110 or whatever
(22:15:54) Kinkyclawz: BRB folks, leaving the castle for the beach.
(22:16:39) Eileen: coops just noticed i sent you the whole chatlog from when i entered, K
(22:16:42) Eileen: KC
(22:17:10) Fang: what is the last non-essential thing you bought?
(22:17:26) Fang: *mine is a football ticket*
(22:18:22) Kinkyclawz: Back
(22:18:42) keepmakingtea: Ummm....
(22:18:52) Kinkyclawz: Eileen: don't sorry, suesse! I'm grateful for it and ahve edited the missing
bit in now. Danke!
(22:19:28) Eileen: ymwmd
(22:19:36) Degnne: birthday card
(22:19:42) Eileen: uhmmmm
(22:19:46) Eileen: latte macchiato
(22:19:49) Fang: hurry up the last qustion is coming and I can't stop it, well maybe I can
(22:19:53) Eileen: or wait that is essential
(22:19:56) Kinkyclawz: mine is... 2 tickets to the Him & Her Bafta promo thing on Tuesday. Only
me goign tho, can;t get any takers to come with me.
(22:20:08) Kinkyclawz: Deg, the birthday card was non-essential.
(22:20:18) Kinkyclawz: ?
(22:20:33) Kinkyclawz: *****
(22:20:35) Eileen: no latte macchiato is my answer, Fang
(22:20:38) Fang: yes, it counts non-essetintial
(22:20:43) Degnne: I can live without a birthday card...
(22:20:45) Eileen: no,... i mean
(22:21:04) Fang: hmmm coffee counts as essential fluids... are you sure, it may impact your score
(22:21:15) Eileen: damn
(22:21:23) Eileen: ok wait! WAIT!!!
(22:21:50) keepmakingtea: *I decline to answer.*
(22:21:51) Eileen: uhhhhhhh
(22:21:56) Fang: times running out....
(22:21:59) Kinkyclawz: *****
(22:22:09) Eileen: god!
(22:22:17) Fang: *countdown music plays*
(22:22:20) Eileen: no idea
(22:22:26) Eileen: everything is essential
(22:22:27) Degnne: How much did God cost?
(22:22:29) Fang: youbought god?
(22:22:36) Eileen: ok i have no answer
(22:22:39) Kinkyclawz: DEeg: Fair comment. Thoguht it might have been essential to the
happiness of others.
(22:22:54) Eileen: none
(22:22:56) Kinkyclawz: Wow, he must ahve been expensive!
(22:23:02) Fang: interesting, I'll take the coffee under consideration
(22:23:04) Eileen: but if god counts then him
(22:23:13) Fang: final qustion coming up...
(22:23:22) Eileen: ok
(22:23:37) Kinkyclawz: lol Nice sideline you ahve going on Eileen!
(22:23:39) Fang: Do you think you have passed the test and why do you think that?
(22:23:55) Eileen: yes, I have passed
(22:24:09) Eileen: I never was crazy is the answer to the second part
(22:24:18) Eileen: *crosses fingers behind her back*
(22:24:23) Degnne: KC, she's 3. She didn't even look at the card, so it must have been pretty
(22:24:30) Kinkyclawz: no, 'cause I like being crazy thanks sweetie!
(22:24:33) keepmakingtea: Yes. There were no wrong answers.
(22:24:50) Kinkyclawz: Aha, fair comment then! Bet she had fun playing with the envelope
though! lmao
(22:25:00) Eileen: yes KC, isnt it`*winks*
(22:25:40) Kinkyclawz: *winks back*
(22:25:44) Fang: do you have an answere Deg?
(22:26:10) Degnne: I don't have to answer because I'm already uncrazy.
(22:26:25) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, was that your answer the first time around too?
(22:26:27) Kinkyclawz:
(22:26:50) Kinkyclawz: *eats Fang's extra E and bounces off the walls for the third time tonight*
(22:27:21) Fang: *results calculating* *drum-roll please*
(22:27:39) Kinkyclawz: *rolss the drums, wonders why they make a less tense noise than she
was expecting*
(22:27:51) Fang: Deg- The most sane man that ever lived!
(22:28:10) Fang: the first ever person to pass with a perfect score
(22:28:41) Kinkyclawz: SQUEE! Pretty card!
(22:28:48) Degnne: Woo.
(22:29:08) Eileen: a man?
(22:29:10) Eileen: oh
(22:29:17) Fang: KC - Insane, a lost cause
(22:29:34) Fang: but you do get a speical card
(22:29:36) Eileen: *cheers for Deg*
(22:29:46) Kinkyclawz: YAY!!! Insanity rules! WOO!
(22:29:47) Eileen: *pets KC* We still love you
(22:29:50) Kinkyclawz: Thanks Fang!
(22:30:05) Kinkyclawz: YAY! *puurs, loving being petted, loving being lovededed*
(22:30:24) Fang: JD - Could be seen as mad for marrying KC and taking her to Oz but just
(22:30:32) Fang:
(22:30:45) Eileen: *bites her fingernails*
(22:30:49) Eileen: YAY
(22:30:55) Eileen: Good job, JD!
(22:31:00) keepmakingtea: See. I mask my sanity with what appears to be insanity.
(22:31:04) Kinkyclawz: Woohoo! Good one JD!
(22:31:05) Fang: however you have authority issues, you made up hidden options and declined to
(22:31:17) Fang: 1 question
(22:31:19) keepmakingtea: I do!
(22:31:22) Eileen: heh!
(22:31:28) Eileen: Go for it JD!
(22:31:47) Eileen: *bites fingers*
(22:32:11) Fang: ... *extra calculation needed for the last one*
(22:32:22) Eileen: *bites finger bones*
(22:32:32) keepmakingtea: Ow, Eileen!
(22:32:41) keepmakingtea: You're biting too hard!
(22:32:49) Eileen: oh! damn
(22:32:55) Kinkyclawz: Ouch! *offers plasters... erm bandaids to Eileen.
(22:32:58) Eileen: *stops biting finger bones*
(22:33:05) Kinkyclawz: might need to tone down the pressure Fang. lol
(22:33:12) Fang: will thinking gummi bears have thoughts hinder her, is but rubbing a good idea,
are chearleaders better than nuns...
(22:33:17) Kinkyclawz: and calculate faster...
(22:33:28) Eileen: thank you Kc *takes bandaids and puts them on the rest of her hands*
(22:33:33) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, nuns don;'t ahve pompoms or short, short skirts. lol
(22:34:17) Eileen: *jumps up and down*
(22:34:32) Kinkyclawz: *oofers Eileen an extra E*
(22:34:40) Kinkyclawz: *offers it also*
(22:35:01) Eileen: *takes teh oofered E and contemplates where to put it*
(22:35:01) Fang: Unfortunately you asked for too many questions, however I declare Eileen sane!
(22:35:08) Fang:
(22:35:31) keepmakingtea: So... Fang...
(22:35:36) Fang: however be careful not to fall into stalker territory with the SPN boys
(22:35:36) keepmakingtea: How sane are you?
(22:35:46) Fang: I ahve a card JD!
(22:35:47) Kinkyclawz: WOOHOo! Well done Eileen! Sane is as sane does!
(22:35:51) Eileen: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down
and hit her head on the ceiling* owwwwwwwwwwwwwww
(22:36:01) Eileen: Thanks!
(22:36:12) Kinkyclawz: Its okay the ceiling was bubblewrapped, Eileen. Are you ok?
(22:36:14) Fang: and chearleaders> nureses> nuns
(22:36:18) Eileen: *puts her sanity certificate beside KC's insanity one*
(22:36:34) Kinkyclawz: Hee, tehy compliment eachother so well! :
(22:36:35) Eileen: im okayeeeeeeeeeeest
(22:36:37) Kinkyclawz:
(22:36:43) Eileen: they do
(22:36:44) keepmakingtea: I sense a mix up in 3... 2... 1...
(22:36:55) Fang: *hopes nobody realises that I stole my card*
(22:36:56) Eileen: and we can exchange if we feel better or worse
(22:37:24) Eileen: *feels her ears prick at Fangs hope*
(22:37:32) Eileen: Hmmmmmmmm
(22:37:41) Eileen: Did you steal your card Fang?
(22:37:42) Kinkyclawz: *sneaks Fang's wallet form his back pocket*
(22:37:53) Kinkyclawz: Who is Lester Copperbottom, Fang?
(22:38:03) Kinkyclawz: And if its not you, why do you have his wallet?
(22:39:02) Fang: what?! baseless accusastions, I did not have sexual relations with that woman, I
mean of coure I never stole the card, it has a hologram on to prove it!
(22:39:03) Kinkyclawz: *sets teh wallet aside, not really bothered, just happy to be insane again* I
was getting worried I was sane. Not a nice feeling gotta say.
(22:39:04) Eileen: hmmmmmmmm
(22:39:52) keepmakingtea: I may have had relations with that woman, but then there was a
divorce, and we didn't consider her family anymore.
(22:39:54) Kinkyclawz: *notices the hologram* *takes the card and sits down, tilting it forward and
back int he light fromt eh open window* Pretty!
(22:39:55) Eileen: *picks up the wallet* oh!
(22:40:11) Fang: *shows everyone physic paper* see it's real!
(22:40:16) keepmakingtea: That
(22:40:27) keepmakingtea: That's a nice wallet...
(22:40:37) Kinkyclawz: *looks up* Oh, thats nice. *returns to the holographic part of the card.
(22:40:49) keepmakingtea: What's up with all these pictures of Billie Piper and Lalla Ward?
(22:40:58) Eileen: *hands Jd the wallet not mentioning the 100 GBP she stole*
(22:41:07) Kinkyclawz: Is there one of Romana in there?
(22:41:18) Kinkyclawz: *winks at Eileen*
(22:41:23) Fang: right time for bed
(22:41:32) Fang: goodnight mostly sane people
(22:41:32) Eileen: heh!
(22:41:40) keepmakingtea: Hey, here's one of Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill!
(22:41:40) Degnne: night Fang
(22:41:42) Eileen: he wants to escape the accusations
(22:41:45) Kinkyclawz: Aww, goodnight Fang. *hands back your stolen sanity card*
(22:42:02) Kinkyclawz: Sleep tight and sweet, non-found-out dreams.
(22:42:08) Eileen: *keeps the money but pets Fang's head*
(22:42:13) Kinkyclawz: Or uncrazy dreams.
(22:42:13) Eileen: good night, Dr. Fang
(22:42:40) Kinkyclawz: *crowds over to JD and peers at the pictures* Is he made of plastic?
(22:42:45) keepmakingtea returns the wallet.
(22:43:02) Eileen: Dr. Fang?
(22:43:06) Fang: oh thanks JD, that would have been anooying
(22:43:08) Eileen: no, never
(22:43:17) keepmakingtea: There's also a really old picture of Carol Ann Ford.
(22:43:26) Eileen: hmmmmm
(22:43:33) Fang: oh btw this is Enlgand 86 is one this week if anyone cares
(22:43:40) Kinkyclawz: BRB gang!
(22:44:04) Fang: anyway goodnight
(22:44:12) Kinkyclawz: Englad 86?
(22:44:16) Kinkyclawz: England also
(22:44:42) Fang: *vanishes wih a typo and an extra e*
(22:44:46) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat.
(22:45:00) Kinkyclawz: Aww, I'll not find out what England 86 is now. goodngiht Fang.
(22:45:02) Eileen: good night!
(22:45:10) Eileen: hb KC
(22:45:31) Degnne: brb
(22:45:33) Kinkyclawz: Yup, brb now. :d
(22:45:40) Kinkyclawz: hb deg
(22:45:53) keepmakingtea: Gotta go myself. Just gonna use this vortex manipulator...
(22:46:12) keepmakingtea: How does this thing work?
(22:46:17) keepmakingtea: Hmm....
(22:46:26) Willie: keepmakingtea logs out of the Chat.
(22:47:55) Eileen: hb
(22:48:02) Eileen: bye JD
(22:48:15) Kinkyclawz: Back!
(22:48:19) Eileen: awwwwwwwwwww
(22:48:25) Eileen: wb KC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(22:48:26) Kinkyclawz: Aww, goodnight JD! Damn, I was too late!
(22:50:19) Kinkyclawz: Are either of you two staying, gang?
(22:52:12) Kinkyclawz: Yay thankyou Eileen!
(22:52:17) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, was slow on the uptake tehre.
(22:53:47) Eileen: no i'll head out too
(22:53:55) Eileen: Good night!
(22:54:06) Eileen: muah!
(22:54:12) Kinkyclawz: Gute nacht, liebe! Muah!
(22:54:56) Eileen: Beibei
(22:55:03) Kinkyclawz: beibei! lmao
(22:55:08) Eileen: *wink and opes*
(22:55:12) Eileen: lol
(22:55:31) Kinkyclawz: ooh, take care of those opes!
(22:55:40) Kinkyclawz: Suesse traueme!
(22:55:59) Degnne: lol everyone's leaving now
(22:56:33) Kinkyclawz: I'll hang about if you want to. Just in case there;re stragglers.
(22:57:12) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Aww, my dad justs tumbled over Quentin Tarantino's name and
called him Quarantino! lmao
(22:57:28) Degnne: lol
(22:58:22) Kinkyclawz: Heehee.
(22:59:36) Kinkyclawz: Soooo, are we set to bail out too or are you happy to hang around.
(22:59:50) Kinkyclawz: ?
(23:00:17) Degnne: yeah, I think I'll head out
(23:00:30) Willie: Eileen has been logged out (Timeout).
(23:01:10) Kinkyclawz: Okie dokie Smokey!
(23:02:31) Degnne: good night KC
(23:03:21) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight and sweet dreams when you go, Deg! And hey, as I said
before, great comic this week!
(23:03:34) Kinkyclawz: Seeya next week?
(23:03:49) Degnne: Thanks.
(23:03:52) Degnne: Yup.
(23:04:02) Kinkyclawz: yay! Seeya then, sane fella! lmao
(23:04:21) Willie: Degnne logs out of the Chat.

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