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Changing the name of your SQL Server

Have you ever had to change the name of a server that has SQL Server installed on it? If you
anwered yes, did you know that you also have to change the name in SQL Server? Here are the
steps to perform the change.

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and

click New Query.

2. Type Select @@ServerName to verify that

the server name is correct or incorrect. In this
example, I changed the Windows 2003 from
WIN2K3R2EE to SQL Server. I did not change the
name in SQL Server 2005. It will still return the
old name. Let’s fix it.

3. Next, type sp_dropserver ‘WIN2K3R2EE’

4. You are now ready to add the correct name by

typing sp_addserver ‘SQLSERVER’. local
5. Restart sql server and the sql server agent by opening a command prompt and typing net stop
mssqlserver and net start msssqlserver. To stop and start the sql server agent, type net stop or
start sqlserveragent.

6. Click New Query in SQL Server Management

Studio and type select @@servername to verify
everything is correct and you have successfully
changed the sql server name.

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