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 My business is taking a quantum leap in the 4th quarter of this year!

 Prospecting is for ME. It’s my time to grow my business. To connect. To serve.

 I wake up excited about who I will meet when I prospect today. The perfect client is
waiting for me to find them. We enter escrow always in the first 30 days.
 I love people. I love connecting with people. My words flow easily & any objections
melt away when I speak. I say the right thing at the right time. My clients love me.
 I am a money magnet. Everywhere I go, money is attracted to me. I attract
opportunities to better my life at every turn.
 People are naturally attracted to me. I laugh easily. I am gracious and kind. I am
dynamic and knowledgeable. People I meet are immediately comfortable in my
presence. Buyers and sellers are attracted to all forms of my advertising & call me.
 I acknowledge my blessings daily. I remember to voice my gratitude and notice the little
things people do for me. I notice what my friends need from me. I give it freely.
 I cherish my family. My wealth grows to allow me the freedom to enjoy more time with
the people who matter…and whom I love.
 I love easily. I forget wrongs easily. I remember the great moments as well as the small
tender ones. I am naturally happy. People are attracted to my attitude.
 I am focused. I stay on a schedule and love the freedom it allows in my life. My work is
completed easily and efficiently daily. I leave the office AT the office. I separate my
private life and my work life to enjoy each without guilt & am fully present in all
 People are naturally attracted to me as their Realtor. They are compelled to select me
as their agent. My clients are loyal and refer me several times a year.
 My escrows flow easily without issue. They close on time without incident.
 I attract the perfect client: my buyers are pre-approved, motivated, understand the
market, are a joy to work with & we easily enter escrow within 30 days of meeting
them. My sellers are motivated, a joy to work with, they understand the market, are
anxious to price the home to sell within the first 30 days of listing & we easily enter
escrow in the first 30 days of listing the home.

I am grateful!

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